FOR SALE—1 horse 1100 libs, Notice of Stock Running A t Large weight, ensilage cutter, John Deere manure spreader and gang W HEREAS at the General Primary plow, 12 inch two bottom. Nominating Election held May 21, 1920. T. M. Clester, Eagle Creek. It In BARTON and EAGLE CREEK pre­ cincts, in the County of Clackamas, State o f Oregon, a vote was taken for and against stock running at large in said above named precincts, and said vote resulted in a majority o f votes be­ ing cast against stock running at large in said precincts. THEREFORE, in accordance with the Statute in such cases made and provided, it shall be unlawful, sixty days after the date o f this. notice, for stock to run at large in the above named pre- cints under penalty «of $10.00 for the first offense and $20.00 for each and every subsequent offense, to be recov­ ered from the owner o f the *tock. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, June 1, 1920. FRED A. MILLER, *>-10-17-24 County Clerk. Sale Postponed The sale o f Jersey cows adver­ tised to take place on the Allen ranch, Springwater road on June 26th, has been indefinitley post­ poned, owing to an inspector not being able to come before July 1. Mrs. A. A. Allen. 6-17-24 Mrs. Mary Olson o f'C h ica g o , is paying an extended visit with Mrs. W. W. Christensen of Springwater. Witness my hand and the seal o f said Court|aftixed this 24th day o f May, 1920. W. I). FREEMAN, Portland, Or., Attorney, No. 722 Chamber of Commerce. JOS. W. BEVERIDGE. Clerk o f County Court. By F. O. MrGREW. Deputy. 5 27 6-23 Notice of Annual School Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters o f School District No. 10S, o f Clackamas County. State of Oregon, that the ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING o f said District will he held at High School; to begin at the hour of 8 o'clock M. M., on the third Monday of June, being the 21st dav o f June A D 1920. This meeting is called for the pur- P°8e o f electing One Director for tern o f three years, and One Clerk, and tie transaction of business usual at sin h meeting. ated this 24th day o f May. 1920. Attest: • J. K. ELY„ Chairman Roani o f Directors. SUSIE Ancient Babylon in all its prod­ igal magnificence is ona o f the settings in the big Paramount- Artcraft production, “ Male and Female,” which is coming to the Family Theatre on Saturday and Sunday. It is a screen adaption o f Sir James M. Barrie’s famous play, “ The Admirable Crichton.” In the course o f the story, Crich­ ton, t h e sublimated b u t l e r , dreams o f the days “ when I was a king in Babylon . . . ” , as he sits amid the ruins o f a prehis­ toric court on a desert isle. The dream is shown on the screen, with Gloria Swanson as' the gor­ geously attired slave girl. 5-27_3-10 DR. R. . G R A H A M M c C A L L P h y s ic ia n and S urgeon * Office Adjoining Residence Local and Long Distance Telephone The doctor’s phone can be connected with your home phone at night if requested. One long ring Dr. L. A . W ells Dentist Associated with Dr. R. Graham McCall Dr. R. Morse and S urgeon Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd Residence: Main and 5th Sts. • Telephone Connection Fairbanks M orse Quality— V ery Low Price Mrs. R. Graham McCall This 40 light “ F ” plant comes to you completely mounted on one base. The power plant is the famous “ Z ” Engine which can also be used to furnish power for washing machine, churn, cream separator, etc., independent of the dynamo, either direct or through a line shaft. Low speed engine and ball bearing dynamo assure long life, less attention, andjow est possible maintenance cost. Touch a button to start and another to stop. See this wonderfully efficient plant and let us explain all the details. PIPE ORGAN AND PIANO. Graduate vmicago Musical College. 10 Years Teac t\ ^ Experience. * • E. W . B A R T L E T T Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public 40 LIGHT F P Estacada. -:- * Oregon G E O R G E POINTER (C om oU tm F .O .B . In d ia n a p olis) A d istin ctive de- • ig n in la rg e r p la n ts is offered Painter and Paper Hanger ... TIN TIN G ... Furniture Refinishing and Enameling • s b elow : Leave orders at Davis’ Confectionery ESTACADA, OREGON. •5 Lichts 190 Liebte 200 Lichte 40 Li§ht*F’Plant R E E D 8c S H IB L E Y 2 We Sell and Trade Real Estate Negotiate Loans * Buy Mortgages Rent your Property • Write Insurance In the very best Companies. We CAN GET YOU RESULTS S. E. WOOSTER & SON, Estacada _____________________________ o____________________ “ They’re Talking About It Everywhere” says the Good Judge How m uch more genuine satisfaction you get from a little of the Real T o ­ bacco Chew than you ever got from the old kind. The good, rich, real to ­ bacco taste lasts so long — you don ’ t need a fresh chew nearly as often. T h a t's why it saves you m oney. Any m an who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. . O. D. E B Y Attorney-at-Law General Practice Confidential Adviser Oregon City, -:- Oregon Gresham 517. Brctriway £2 M cG U IR K & SCH NEIDER Attorneys at Law. At Gresham Office— Tuesdays, ihursdavs and Saturdays, First State Bank Building j Portland Office—609-16 Fenton Bldg. Associated with Judge W. D. Fenton. Fire Insurance R IG H T CUT is a short-cut tobacco \V-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Great American Fire Ins. Co. Keep your policy in our fire proof vault free o f charge. W cym an -B ru ton C om p a n y 1107 B roadw ay, N ew YorK City Estacada State Bank Put up in tivo styles SARVER, District Clerk. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Ancient Babylon in Picture P h y s ic ia n In the Circuit Court o f the State of Oregon, for the County o f Multno­ mah. In the matter o f the estate of Eugene H. Wills. Deceased. To Levina K. Poison and Emma Evelyn Wills, being the devisees and heirs o f the* estate of Eugene H. Wills, deceased, and all other persons un­ known. claiming any right, interest"or estate in the real estate described herein . In the name o f the State o f Oregon, you are hereby commanded to appear before the Honorable Circuit Court, o f the State o f Oregon, in and for the County o f Multnomah, at the Const House in the City o f Portland, on the 1st nay o f July, 1920, at the hour of 9:90 o ’ clock A. M., of said day, to show cause, if any exist, why an order should not be granted authorizing and licensing the administrator o f said estate to sell real property belonging to said estate, to-wit: Lot 6, Block “ C ,” Millwaukee Park, sometimes known as Milwaukie Park, Clackamas County, Oregon, ac­ cording to the duly recorded plat there­ of, for cash and for the best price obtainable at MRS Thursday June 17, 1920 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Page Eight Agents