Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, June 17, 1920, Image 1

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Community Cooperation
ton (Elarkamaa
Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume
N umber
Plans tor the community float
in the Rose Festival parade, are
rapidly nearing completion, and
the spirit of cordial cooperation
shown by the whole district
seems to assure success. Chair­
men of the sub-committees for
the various details have been ap­
pointed as follows:
Financial Support- Mrs. H. C.
Stephens, Mrs. F. C. Bartholo­
Truck—E. E. Saline.
Gasoline—Raker & Son.
Driver— Sylvestor Lawrence.
Town Accommodations — Roy
Preparation of Truck—S. P.
Collection of Greens—Miss Bes­
sie Wallace, Mrs. J. F. Lovelace,
Estacada; Miss Edith Trow­
bridge, Gun-ins*iile; Mrs. W. A.
Gmith, Eagle Creek; Mrs. II. B.
Davis. Upper Garfield: Miss
Louvena Crawford, Lower Gar­
field: Mrs. Robert Miller. George;
Miss Elva Shibley, Springwater;
Mrs. W. T. Kaake, Dodge; Mrs.
Wm. Gibbs, Viola.
Securing of Flowers—S. P.
Preparation of Material—Mrs.
C. S. Allen.
Costumes—Mrs. A. K. Mortor..
Decorating Fioat—Mrs. R. G.
Advertising—R. C. Deming.
While the response from the
community has been very en­
couraging, additional help will
be very gladly received. Help
is especially needed in the prep-
eration of material and the final
decorating of the float. Volun­
teers for work or support are
asked to see Miss Ruth Dillon,
chairman general commrittee, or
sub-committee chairman. *
Community Club Meeting
On account of the Rose Festi­
val and Shriners’ week, the Com­
munity Clab meeting has been
adjourned from Friday evening
of next week to Monday eveninr,
June 28th. This meeting will be
a departure from the ordinary in
that it will be held in the Family
Theater through tfe kird e s cf
Manager Linn and after the bus­
iness meeting a number of inter­
esting moving pictures will be
shown. There will be some films
of famous Oregon scenery and
others showing interesting man­
ufacturing and industrial devel­
opment. Full details will be giv­
en next wreek.
E stacada , O regon T hursday J une 17. 1920
$1.50 P er Y ear
The Radcliffe Chatauqua
Birthday Surprise Party
The Chataqua this year is by
On Sunday. June 13th, forty- GOUHir COURT
far the best so far held in Esta­
six of the relatives and friends
cada, both as regards the pro­
of Mrs. W. T. Smith of Spring-
gram and attendance. The lec­
water, gathered at her home to
The third meeting of the
tures have been exceptional vi -
celebrate her (ifith birthday. As ( lackamas
ile replete with inspiration, sug­
a token of love and friendship, League held County
gestion and cheer. The musical
she was presented with a beauti­ day afternoon, was well attend­
features aré high class, while
ful overstaffed leather rocking ed and proved to be of much
Mrs. Melton Cross held the at­
chair. An excellent dinner fol­
The meeting, which
tention of young and old wdth • lowed to which all did justice and interest.
the park, was called
her story telling bringing tears
the remainder of the afternoon to order by the president. Rev.
to the eyes, by her rendition of
was spent in visiting and renew­ Pari J. Renhard of Colton. 0.
“A Msn without a Country.”
ing old acqaintances. Those at­ D. Eby of Oregon City, as sec­
Those who have not attended,
tending were: Mr. and Mrs. W.
read the minutes of tin*
have a last chance this evening,
T, Smith and Frank Smith of retary,
after which re­
which they better not neglect.
Springwater, F. H Whitehead, ports of committees
The use of the Fami'y Theater
wife and son Henry, Mrs. George ed* Chris Sehuebel were
was obtained from manager Linn
Coulter, J. M. Hayden and wife, City, chairman of the of
roads com­
on account of the wet weather,
W. H. Hayden and wife and Roy mittee, led the discussion on the
who also kindly omits his usual
Smith, all of Portland; R. L. roads situation, Mayor E. W.
showr tonight.
Harding of Shelby Co., Mo.; G. Bartlett and others following,
T. Blackburn, wife and son Ev­ ihe county wurl was severely
erett, L. Mattoon and wife, W. criticised on the manner in
Another June Wedding
M. Yonce and wife all of Oregon which it has carried out the
On Monday, June 14, 1920, at
City; Howard Smith and wife wishes of the tax payers. It
the home of the bride’s parents,
of Sherwood; C. A. Carothers was unanimously decided to hold
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hannah of
and wife, Minnie Wood, George an adjourned meeting of the
this place, Miss Jessie May Han­
Hayden, wife and two children league at Oregon City, June 28,
nah was united in marriage to
all of Gresham; C. M. Mattoon, and all tax payers are invited to
Anson L. Straughan, the Rev.
wife and two sorts of Garfield: join in mass with the league
J. F. Dunlop, pastor of the M.
S. E. Wooster, wife and daugh­ and call upon the county court
E. church officiating.
ter Helen of Estacada, H. M. and ask it to explain its policy
Both bride and groom ^re well
Holden and wife of lone; R. M. and its delay in the road pro­
known and social favorites,.the
wife and four children of gram.
former having lived here for
Logan; Albert Smith and Amil
years and taught in the schools
Little Shirley Robbins, child el­
as primary teacher; the latter
ocutionist of Molalla, delighted
has been on the High School fac­
the audience and enlivened the
ulty for two years as instructor
with some recita­
Warren McWillis of the firm of proceedings
in manual training and agricul­
MrWillis &. McWillis, is acting a
ture. Immediately after the
little absent mindedly nowadays
and frequently glances at the
ceremony, dinner was' served
The reason is that last-
and the newly married pair
started off by auto to Portland
The Hon. Chris Sehuebel is a
en route to Seattle, Wash.
Mrs. W. E. McWillis and Mr. and proud man, not for anything he
Shortly after they had gone a
Mrs. Fred Marshall of Bull Run, has done, but for ihe honors his
he went off to Vancouver Wash, dauohter Miss Roberta, has won
heavy rain set in, which must
where he and Miss Bates were at the University of Oregon.
have caught them about Boring
The bridal party left Not on'y was she among those in
hill, but we suppose they were
morning train re­ line for the Phi Beta Kappa soci­
oblivious to rain or shire in the
6:30 p. m. When
blissful condition of the newly
the news had percolaled through ety, but she also received the cup
to his friends, they determined for the highest scholarship. She
married. That the course of
to mark the event with due im­ has been reading law and is in­
their future life may have noth­
pressiveness, so a charivari was tending to take a course in law,
ing worse than rain storms is
and the newly weds following her father’s profession.
the wish of their many friends.
and greeted.
Mr. Straughan has accepted a
They will make their home in the It would be an interesting sight,
Ellsworth house on Upper Broad­ if in after years father and
position on the High School fac­
way which Mr. McWillis has pur­ daughter should be Opposed, to
ulty at Lewiston, Idaho, for the
The best wishes of a
coming school vear.
other. Whatever the out­
host of friends, in which the each
come, we are sure the young la­
N ews heartily joins, go with
Preparations are being made
them, as hand in hand they face dy would have the last word.
for a big time at Estacada July 5.
the future.
Hats off to the coming Portia.