Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, May 27, 1920, Image 1

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fcaHtpnt (ttlarfeamaa N ewb
Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 13,
N umber 36
The concluding ceremonies for
the graduation of the class of
1920 began with a community
picnic in the park on Thursday
noon. This was generally at­
tended, people bringing their
own lunch, while free coffee and
ice cream were furnished by the
grade school and High School
Parent-Teachers a s s o c i a t i o n .
Thomas F. Kyan of Oregon
City, now republican candidate
lor state senator, was present
and addressed the gathering.
The Commencement exercises
took place in the auditorium at
8 p. m. The stage was very
prettily decorated with broom, of
which the yellow flowers and
green foliage represented the
class colors of green and gold.
After the preliminary numbers
by the boys’ quartet, invocation
by Rev. J. F. Dunlop and violin
solo by Theodore Ahlberg, the
speaker was introduced. This
was Dr. John Landsbury of the
U. of Oregon, who spoke in a
happy vein on the subject “Two
Kinds of Folk.” The contrasts
which he drew between the “and
man’’ or the man who is content
simply to drift and the “ because
man’’ or the man with a purpose
in life, were very entertaining
as well as highly inspiring to the
class of young people who were
leaving their school problems for
the higher problems of life.
A musical number followed
which was well rendered by the
girls’ chorus, and a duet by Miss
Helen Wooster and Mr. Henry
D. Cossmann. J. K. Ely, chair­
man of the Board, presented the
diplomas to the class?.
C lass R oll
Francis Reynolds, Ernest Ryn-
ning, Bertha Burns, Ray Drill,
Elmer Hannah, Walter Smith,
Golda Elliott, Naomi Paddison,
Lyla McKenney, Alfine Masse,
Henry Dillon, Thomas McKay,
Albert Lichthorn, Minerva Page,
Esther Anderson. Loretta Smith.
On Friday morning a business
meeting of the High School stu­
dent body was held and the fol­
lowing officers elected for next
■emester: President, Joe Woodle;
Secretary, Gladys Stamp; Treas­
urer, Chester Morgan, Yell
Leader, Robert Cahill; Sergeant-
at-Arms, Albert Affolter. Miss
Esther Anderson, president of
the retiring senior class, after
tying the class colors on the
Totem Pole presented it to the
E stacada , O regon T hursday M ay 27, 1920
incoming class of 1921. It was
received by Rae Lovelace, presi­
dent of the junior class.
Coach. Jam es K. Cossmann
presented “ Es” earned in ath­
letics to the following students:
Rae Drill, Douglas Drill, foot­
ball; Rae Lovelace, Corwin Ray­
mond. football and baseball; Joe
Woodle, football; Albert Han­
nah, Elmer Hannah, Walter
Smith, football a n d baseball;
Steven Pesznecher, Vernon An­
derson, Lester McMains, foot­
ball; Albert Lichthorn, Henry
D. Cossmann, Henry Dillon, foot­
ball and baseball: Arnold Love­
lace, Chester Morgan, ..baseball.
A survey of the work of the
High School for the past year re­
veals the following facts:
Total enrollment for year
Vo. enrolled at close of school 79
Number graduated
No. of credits earned by those
in attendance at close
No. of failures at close of
Per cent of failures
Average No. of credits earned
per pupil
R unaw ay
Friday afternoon a little ex­
citement was caused by a runa­
way horse belonging to Henry D.
Cossman. The horse was stand­
ing near Krigbaum’s confection­
ery, when something scared it,
and caused it to run. The reins
became entangled in an ice cream
sign which was dragged along
and smashed up. The horse ran
into an auto belonging to Walter
Snuffin, which was standing in
front of the Family theater, and
then ran on the sidewalk until
caught. The radiator of the car
was damaged which put the ma­
chine out of commission tempor­
arily. The horse was cut on its
hind legs, but not seriously, and
it was fortunate that the damage
was not greater.
B aseball J
The High Schools nine' played
James John High of Portland,
Jast Saturday and beat the vis­
itors with a score of 12 to 2 in
favor cf Estacada. On Sunday
*he town team tacklecj -Columbia
Park, scoring 5 to the latter’s 3.
A game of baseball is sched­
uled for Sunday afternoon at 2:30
between Estacada and the Pen-
insula Greys.
A nnouncem ent
As we have come to Estacada
to make our home, I wish to an­
nounce to the good people of the
city a n d surrounding country,
that 1 am an architect, contract­
or and builder of over thirty
years experience. I a tn fully
qualified in construction work of
either Wood, Brick, Rock or con­
crete and can save you on the
cost of any kind of work. E s t­
imates made free of cost on all
kind of work. Give me a call
and let us get acquainted.
F. J. Covert.
5-20 27
P. O. Box 76
Estacada, Or.
Rural Credit Loans
If you are looking for Rural
Credit loans on the 20 year plan,
call on S. E. Wooster & Son, and
they will tell you all about it.
You can borrow 50 per cent on
your farm value, at 6 per cent.
By our plan you can forget you
have any principal, as the annual
payments are gradually wiping
out the principal loan. You can,
therefore, with perfect safety,
devote your surplus funds to im­
provements, purchasing addi­
tional live stock or land or for
any of the many other purposes
for which money is always need­
ed on a farm.
4-22ff S. E. Wooster & Son.
I will sell at Public Auction on
the 26th day of Junb 1920, at the
Allen Farm, on the Oregon City,
Portland and Springwater road,
two miles south of Logan Grange
Hall, 20 head of highly bred
grade Jerseys,' ranging in age
from 2 to 7 years, some fresh
and some to freshen in August
and September. All in milk flow
at present, no culls and none
with spoiled udders. All will be
tuberlin tested.
Terms of Sale: All sums of
$50 00 and under cash, over $50
six months time on good bank­
able notes at 8 per cent.
Mrs. A. A. Allen.
Mine host La Barre and his
wife of the Log La Barre hostel­
ry, were Portland visitors this
week, returning Wednesday af­
$1.50 P er Y ear
Johnson has evidently beaten
Wood, but the majority of the
delegates at large to the repub­
lican convention were not John­
son men. Stanfield beat his op­
ponent Abraham for republican
nomination for senator, but as
Chamberlain won the round in
the democratic ring over Stark­
weather, Stanfield will have to
make the fight of his life, if he
wishes to win in November.
President Wilson’s action in the
matter, which was looked upon
as impertinent interference in a
state campaign, immeasurably
strengthened Chamberlain both
within and without his own
political party.
Kozer won the republican nom­
ination for secretary of state, and
Buchtel that for the Public Ser­
vice Commission.
In the county contest. Ryan
beat Scnuebel for the republican
nomination for state senator, and
Stone, Hammond and Shank won
the places for representative,
and Proctor was renominated for
county commissioner. The race
for sheriff was most keen, John­
son and Wilson running neck and
neck for a while, but Wilson
finally won out.
W. R. McDonald is placed for
joint representative of Clackamas
and Multnomah counties.
Harvey Cross secured the nom­
ination for county judge, Mel-
drum for county surveyor and
Pace for coroner. While it is a
disappointment that both our
home candidates were defeated,
it is a satisfaction that the.\ polled
a substantial vote from this end
of the county.
All the referendufn measures
carried, and thus the welfare of
schools and*state colleges are as­
sured «s far as financial support
is concerned, and the road pro­
grams w ill not be halted for want
of funds.
C om m unity C lub M eeting
The monthly meeting of the
Community Club will be held at
the Hotel Estacada, Friday even­
ing. Prof. Brewster of the O.
A. C., and a gentleman from
Portland, will be the special