Page Seven EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Thursday, May 13, 1920 SCREEN YOUR PORCH ALSO. SO TH AT SUMMER EVENINGS YOU CAN SIT OUTSIDE AND NOT HAVE TO FIGHT FLIES OR LISTEN TO TH E SONGS OF MOSQUITOES. DOING THIS WILL ALSO BE GOOD INSURANCE AGAINST SICKNESS. IT WON’T CO ST MUCH TO DO TH E JO B W HEN WE SUPPLY TH E SCREENS. OUR HARDW ARE IS TH E BEST: IT STANDS TH E TEST. Windows. Screen your D oors FUGS *and Insects carry Disease . . . WE ARE . . . = H E A D Q . . . U FOR A . R . . T E R S — Hoes. Rakes, Shovels, Lawn Mowers and Farm Implements, Paints and Dekoratos, Doors and Windows. BERT H. FINCH, Hardware I $ Ï JU ST RECEIVED A FINE ASSORTMENT OF I Y i All suitable for Graduation and B irt’day Gifts. FOR SAFE RV THE ESTACADA PHARMACY The St&XaJÜi. ¿tore ? * ? *• ] IF YOUR HOGS ARE FAT AND READY FOR MARKET And you want to get the very top price for them, and weighed at home, then call HA ULING! For general hauling to and from Portland, noti­ fy Estacada Carage at Estacada, or call me at my residence. Fountain Pens. Fancy Sta­ tionery a n d Gift Books. i 1 Portland office, 183 First Street, Phone Main 1395. Furniture moving a specialty. Fred C. Bartholomew. M. J. KERKES I also buy all kinds of live stock, fat or breeders, and I do not overlook the fresh cows Notify Henry Githens at Currinsville, if you have any livestock for sale or call me at Tabor 4123 at 354 E 54 St.. Portland. Oregon. — To get the most money out of hogs sell them on hoof. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, April 26 th, 1620. Notice is hereby given that William J. Berghouse, of Eagle Creek, Oregon, who, on April 21st, 1920, made Home­ stead Entry, No. 05«*31, for N 1-2 SW 1-4 and SE 1-4 SW )-4, See. 33 Township 2 South. Range 5 East, Willamette Me­ ridian, has filed notice of intention to make Three-Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be­ fore the RegisU r and Receiver of the U. S. Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, on the 16th of June, 1920. I Claimant names as witnesses: ; August Koennaman, of Eagle Creek, Oregon, R. K No. 1; A. J. Morrison, Eagle Creek, Oregon, R. R. No. 1; Al­ fred Shirley, of Eagle Creek, Oregon, R. R. No. 1; Fred Keiaecker. of Boring Oregon, R. R. No. 2. ALEXANDER SWEEK, Register Proof made under Sec. 5, Act of June 9, 1916. 4-29 5-27 Furniture, Implements W ILC O X B R O S OF THE CASCADE GARAGE Wish to announce that they now have their shop under new management and are able to take care of any expert mechanical work. Ignition troubles and piston fitt ng a specialty. All work turned out under the supervision of our new shop foreman, Mr. Dean, is fully guaranteed. We also have installed a new Battery Charging ma­ chine, which will take care of a large number of batteries at one time, so we can assure our customers of prompt and [sufficient service at all times. Mr. Verme Duus, who is an expert battery repairing man, has charge of the battery department. NOTICE A meeting of the Hill tele­ phone company is called for the election of officers and other bus­ iness that may be needed, at the Porter schoolhouse. May 15 at 2 p.m. A. C. Anderson, W. K. Corbin, J. O. Botkin. 5-6-13 H. H. Anders. M. E. Church There will be services both morning and evening next Sunday at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m., Young People's Meeting at 6:30 p. m. Everyone cordially invited to attend these services. J. F. Dunlop, Pastor WANTED An old time shot gun. muzzle loading1, small bore. J. A. Upton, Estacada. Or. 5 IS