/• e S. A. D. HUNGATE : of MOLALLA, OREGON Republican Candidate for COUNTY SURVEYOR Was born in Clackama* County, bad twelve years experience as surveyor, eiirht years as Govern­ ment surveyor, and four years as surveyor of this county, his term having expired eiyrht years ago, since which lie has been living on his farm east o f iviolalla. If nomi­ nated an 1 elected to t he office of County Surveyor, he will fill the office with the best of his ability, and to the best interests o f the taxpayers o f Clackamas County. (Paid advertisement) Only E x d k rv ite Man in Clackamas Countv Seeking R e ^ n it i n n . PHILIP Thursday, May 13, 1920 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS ! wo HAMMOND Edward A. MacLean R epublican C andidate I o : Delegate at Large to the NATIONAL CONVENTION S logan : For outspoken League o f Nations man like Taft, Hoover or Hughes. Every Oregon Boy and Is a possible College .Student Why You Should Vote For : C. SCHUEBEL proudest records FOR iheir great work by voting on May 21 for the Higher Educational relief measure. Higher Education pays the state in dollars and cents, in improved living, in scientific progress, in farm, orchard, garden, and stool ranch development, and in the better quality of its public and high school teaching. Pall alvertlsamem inserted by Colin Dyment In behalf of th* Joint A umni Rellet Committee lor Hither Education In Oreeon. 5. 4 Ptttock Block Portland Philip Hammond has practiced law in Clackamas County for the pa-d viglit years, and is also Citv Attorney o f Canin. Entered the service early in the war. and was bit *r commissioned at Camp lA*e. Vi I* ;• u i. a S v >n I Lieutenant, an 1 s« rved oritd 1919 On his return home was elected Chair- ma I o f Will iinvtle Fulls Po»» o th** American Legion. for Oregon City. (Paid Advertisement) : That is one of the State s Oregon sends a bigger percentage of its children to college than any oth r stale, without exception. Protect these Schools and VI Al t REPRESENTATIVE Robert Morton c a m e down 0 . Middleton, representing the from Portland, to spend Mothers’ Blakeman Paper house o f Port­ Day with his mother, Mrs. A. K. land, called at this office Friday. Morton. Brenton Vedder o f Gladstone, We now have plenty o f cab­ republican candidate for County bage plants, also tomato, pansies Judge, is 43 years o f age, has re­ and asters' W. H. Holder. It sided 16 years in Clackamas Co., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dills, o f and has served 7 years as school If elected he Portland, were the guests o f Mr. superintendent. will serve his constituents to the and Mrs. W. F. Cary last Sunday. best o f his ability. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Moore spent Fred M. Rowley, thrift evan­ Tuesday and Wednesday in Port­ land, v i s i t i n g Mrs. Moore’s gelist, who preaches the gospel of saving, and is connected with mother. the Commerce Safe Deposit and Among recent arrivals at the Mortgage Company o f Portland, Hot Lake Sanitorium, in Eastern was calling on his clients in town, Oregon, we note Joseph Fellows Friday afternoon. Since his last o f Estacada. visit here, last fall, Mr. Rowley There will be no service Sun­ has been to New York City, day evening at the Methodist Washington, D. C.. Baltimore, Church, but the Rev. J. F. Dun­ Md. and other points in the east. lop will preach at Zion church at He gives a most|fascinating ac­ 3 p. m. count o f his trip, which he de­ Thanks are due our kind neigh-- clares to have been one o f great bor P. M. Wagner for a mes?-» o f educational value to him. But fine trout, which proved delicious he has returned with the convic­ to the taste ani helped out the tion that the Atlantic coastj is high cost o f living. not in it with the Pacific coast. Every Oregon Girl No state can have too much educa­ tion. Education is the safeguard of freedom and of right, and higher edu­ cation is the capstone of the public school system. Bui higher education in Oregon is m great danger. The State University and the Agricultural College have twice as many students as they have income to trail* REPUBLICAN C a n d i d a t e f o r Mrs. James Norris o f Dwyer,s Milton Evans drove over from camp was in town Monday. Portland, Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ames and The Eastern Star chapter will son spent Saturday in Portland. meet next Tuesday evening. otat* or unto, city or Toledo, Luca a County. •• Frank J. Cheney m ake« oath that ho la senior partner o f the firm o f F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business In the City o f Toledo, County and Slate aforeaaid, and that said Ann will pav the sum o f ON K H U N D R E D D O L L A R S for each and every case o f Catarrh that cannot be £ y the uee o f H A L L ’ S CA TA K M H M E D IC IN E FRANK J CHENEY Sw orn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this *th day o f December, A- D A w . G LEA SO N . _ . . N otary Public. Itall e t alarrh M edicine Is taken m - ternally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces o f ihe System Send for testim onials free. . J S'H K N E T * c o - Toledo. O. Sold bv all dru H lata 75c. H all's Faintly P lllt for constipation. State Senator BECAUSE He prepared and passed the law taxing water power. The Law regulating Hours o f labor in mills and factories. The General Fund Bill which saves the State about $10,000 annually rn payment o f interest. The repeal o f $1,000,000 standing appropriations. State Board o f Conciliation and Arbitration law. The Foreign Corporation License Fee law, which adds about $85,000 to the general fund annually. Amendment to the Inheritance tax law which adds $435,000 to the general fund annually. BECAUSE HE HAS PREPARED THE FOLLOW­ ING LAWS AND WILL ENDEAVOR TO PASS THEM: The law that will assess corporations at the same rate as farmers and small property owners. This will add about $10,000,000 to the assessed valuation o f Clacka­ mas County. Alien Ownership o f land law. Must become a citizen to own land in Oregon. Equalizing fees o f domestic corporations, which will compel large corporations to pay at the same rate as small corporations. Will add approximately $100,000 to the general fund annually. State Highway commission to purchase all road material and to sell to counties at cost. Buying in large quanti­ ties will save thousands o f dollars on road material. BEGAUSE The Paving Trust and Corporations are against him. You should be for him. HE NEVER STRADDLES, You Always Know Where to Find Him ( Paid Advertisement by Arthur G. Beattie ) i