Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, May 13, 1920, Image 1

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ÎEastmt (!l ladumtas N. hue
Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V o l u m e 13, N u m b e r 34
II. Wallace has bought out the
interests of Dr. Adix in the Tele
phone and Telegraph Co. Mr.
Wallace informs us that the com-
p inv will overhaul the whole line
and improve the service as fast
as p, snhl?. Que improvement
will be the installation of a new
switch board as soon as it can be
« eliverel. A meeting is ci'led
f >r at the City Hall on Tuesday,
notice o f which appears else­
where, to consider the raise of
rat ‘S. Co-operation on part of
the public will help greatly the
company in the bettering both
line and service, and ease the
friction which unf< rtunately has
for some time prevailed, due to
inadequate service.
S lver Wedding Anniversary
Sunday May 9th, was the twen-
t -fifth anniversary of the wed­
ding <>f Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Christensen cf Springwater. To
celebrate the auspicious event,
they kept open house, which was
filled with a number of friends
from Portland, and this vicinity.
Both the “bride and groom”
proved themselves ideal hosts,
and the guests were loud in
praises of their lavish hospitality.
Just prior to the break up of the
assemblage, one of the guests
Mr. W. F. Dillon of Portland,
volunteered to retie the knot (
which was originally tied twenty-
five years ago in the city of Chi­
cago. T h is while appropriate,
was hardly necessary as the
strain of a quarter of a century
had not loosened it one particle.
The happy pair were the recip­
ients not only of the heartiest
congratulations but some beauti­
ful souvenirs. T he following
guests w ere present: From
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Quimby,
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Quade, Mrs.
E. J. Rankin and grandson,
Ralph Arndt; from Estacad*',
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hillman. Mr.
and Mrs. H. E. Hartung. Misses
M. Stone. Lenore Loew. Alma R.
Kuenke. Laura A. Petersen. Mr0.
Jennie H. Galloway. Mrs. Emma
Graback and Mrs J. N. Horton
from Columbus Falls, Montana.
T h e N e w s extends its congrat­
ulations and best wishes for
anothar twenty five year voyage
on the sea of matrimony.
$1.50 P er Y ear
E s t a c a d a , O r e g o n T h u r s d a y M ay 13, 1920
Two Conflagrations
Last Thursday afternoon two
barns were burned down on the
on the faim thiee miles west of
town, of the railroad company,
and managed by Tom Watson.
The origin of the fire is a mys­
tery. Mrs. Watson was in town
and Mr. Watson was at work on
the river bottom, about half a
mile away. In the middle of the
afternoon he noticed smoke issu­
ing from the barns, and hurried
to the scene immediately, but it
was too late to do anything. Un­
fortunately there were twenty
herd of hogs in one of the build­
ings, which lost their lives, and
besides these there were several
pieces of machinery. The loss
was a total one to Mr. W^atson
\\ h eh he estimates at $2,090 he
carryir.g i o insurance, while the
company ha I $500 on the barns.
The company will erect a new
The following afternoon, Fri­
day, about 4 o’clock a barn be­
longing to J. C. Kitching of Cur-
rinsville, burnt down. The cause
of the fire was due to a lighted
ma t c h being dropped. Some
children w-ere playing in the
barn and investigating a rat trap
they lighted a match to’see bet­
ter. 1-n the barn were stored
hay, gr a i n and machinery.
Nothing was saved and no in­
surance carried. A subscription
paper was circulated in town
Saturday morning, to help out
Mr. Kitching, w i t h gratifying
E&tacada V* Salem
Estacada Hi g h School Base
Ball team lost to Salem High
School in a ten inning game last
Friday, the final score being 8 to
7. The game was featured by
ragged playing on part of both
teams. Lovelace catching for
Estacada, was far below his usual
standard while Smith, inclined to
unsteadiness a t times, pitched
good balis. Estacada was ham­
pered by the loss of E. Hannah,
whose position at first base was
well filled by Dillon. With a re­
arrangement of the batting list,
Estacada would no doubt soon
manifest its accustomed form.
Operetta Friday, May 14,
8:15 P.M., At High School
“ Queen of the Garden”
Estacada Grade School assisted
by the following:
High School Orchestra.
Vocal Solo- Miss Goldie Elliott.
Violin Solo Keneth Huseberg.
Vocal Solo Mr. Godfrey.
Under direction of
C l a r e M. G o d f r e y ,
“The Miracle Man” A Hit
The absorbing story of “The
Miracle Man," will come tc tlTe
Family Theatre Saturday and
The central figure in the story
is a patriarch in a little village
who possesses the power to heal
the sick and maimed. Tom
Burke, a New York gangster,
and his pals scheme to use him
as means of enriching them­
selves. With this view. they,
visit him and are astounded to
discover that his power to heal is
absolutely bona fide. How the
good that lies latent in the crooks
is brought out, is the theme of
the drama which is one of the
most striking yet produced.
Admission 50c and 25c.
A Foolish And Expensive
Gasoline Bill.
Shall Oregon motorists con­
tinue to pay three-quarters of a
million dollars annually because
of that foolish 56 per cent gravity
gasoline enactment?
The Oregon State Motor Asso­
ciation has inaugurated a cam­
paign against the destructive hill
which through its burden of one
and a half cents on every gallon
of gasoline purchased in Oregon,
is costing Oregon motorists ap­
proximately $750.000 a year.
The repeal of this hill is vital
to the automotive i n d u s t r y .
High-priced gasoline is a bugaboo
which frightens many away from
the motor market, and minimizes
th e driving of thousands of
others. Cheaper gasoline means
more cars, more driving, and
consequently more business for
every branch of the automotive
The baccalaureate address will
be given in the High School Aud­
itorium. Sunday evening a t 8
o’clock. May 16. 192 ). Below is
the program.
Invocation - Rev. .J. F. Dunlop
Song -
Girls* Chorus
Address - GirdonJ.Tavl r
Song -
Boys’ Quartette
Benediction - Itev. J. F. Dunlop
The Commencement program
will he published next week.
Legion Favors Tax Bills
The Carl Douglass Post of the
American Legion passed resolu­
tions at their last meeting, unan­
imously endorsing the hill rais­
ing the State Road Bond limit to
4 per cent; abo the Higher Edu­
cational and 'Elementary Schools
relief measures.
R eport O k T iik C ondition O k
No. 125
at Estacada, in the Slate* of Oregon, at
the close of buaincaa, May 4, 1920.
Loans and discounts
í i 7 7 4 a q », i
Overdrafts secured and unsecured
51 77
Bonds and warrants
a? bai .as
Stocks, securities judgments. etc.
2 290 03
Bulking house
a. 450.00
Furniture and fixtures
3 048.40
Other Real Estate owned
3.728 58
Due from hanks (not reserve hanks)
Due from spproved reserve tanks
2b 669 36
Checks and other caili Items
4 < 82
Cash on hand .......
1 4 993.08
Oilier Resources. Advances on Liberty
651 00
$265 312 V2
$ 15 OOO 00
Capital stock paid In
Surplus fund.............................. ... 2 000 00
Undivided orofits less expenses and
taxes natd __
... 4 687.36
Postal saving* bsnk deposits
903 50
In 11 vidua1 deposits subfect to check
1 67 342.60
Cashier checks outrtandlnc
2.135 53
Time end Savings Deposits
$265 11 2.92
T tal
St'«tr of Oregon. County of Clock ouma,
I, Rulh L. Dillon, Cashier of ti c
nttove named liank, do solemnly
swch r
that the above stntenient is true to the
lw«t of niv krovvledg«* an<l Itelief.
Ruth L. Dillon. AHsiatant Cashier.
Sulmerit«eil nn<t sworn to before me thi*
10th day of May 1920.
(Seal) S. K. Wooater, Notary Public.
My eommission expires March 12, 1923.
Correct A ttest-
Thomas Yocum,
H. C. Stephens.
Direr tors.
wr .Jf