OUR SLOGAN: Community Cooperation i tmt dlarkamaB Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County * V olume 13, N umber 33 HOOVER AHEAD IN.STRAW VOTE The Community club held its regular meeting 1 a a t Friday night, at the Hotel Estacada. The lobby was filled so that the S. R. 0. sign was almost neces- sry. President Stephens called the meeting to order and pro­ ceedings began with an overture by the girls' jass band. This is a new feature and proved very taking. The> band’s instruments consist of mouth organs manu­ factured from combs and tissue paper, dishpans used as drume, tin whistles and piano. The girls we r e heartily encored. After the minutes were read and other musical selections and reports made, the speaker of the even­ ing was introduced, Mr. James S. Stewart o f Corvallis, who styles himself as a preacher of the gospel of good roads, good schools and good citizenship. He was very ‘humorous in his re­ marks, and strongly upiieJd the road and educational programs. The meeting closed with an overture by Messrs. Drill, Ahl- berg, Chester Morgan and Mrs. McCall. A straw vote was taken for president possibly at large: Hoover 33, Wood and Johnson each 17, Lowden 4, Pershing 1, Taft 1, Haiding 1, Bryan 7, Mc- Adoo 4, Edwards 1, Wilson 1. ANNOUNCEMENT Manager Linn announces that on Saturday and Sunday, May 15 and 16, the great film “The Mira­ cle Man,” will be run at the Family Theatre. This is consid­ ered one of the most powerful screen dramas ever produced and is on the same scale as “The Birth of the Nation! The price of admission will be 25 and 50 cents. No one should miss seeing it. Jazz Band _The girls’ jazz band which made such a hit at the commun­ ity club last Friday night, will perform at the Family Theater, Saturday night. E stacada , O regon T hursday M ay 6, 1920 Interesting Letters T he following letters were re­ ceived from Clarence Bullard son of Mr. and Mrs. B, F. Bullard, and his cousin Francis Kane: “S. S. West Chatala, Calcutta, India, March 15, 1920. Dear Folks at home: We have been here several days and will be here from ten to two weeks yet. Our cargo of salt from Spain will soon be un­ loaded and we expect to take a load of coal from here to Colombo, Ceylon. We stopped at Alexan­ dria, Egypt, one day, and laid in Port Said three weeks, waiting for fuel oil, and stopped at Col­ ombo one day. We expect to un­ load the next cargo in Colombo, and don’t know what we will do then. We ma> go back to the States from there, o r w e may stay a while and be sent home as passengers. I don’t mi nd the heat here but like the cooler cli­ mate a great deal be.tter. Every thing is high in cost at Calcutta now. From one half to three fourths of the goods come from the states. The automobiles are as thick as in Portland and are nearly all American machines. There are five American ships in here wi t h cargoes from other ports. 1 went to the Zooligical gardens this morning, and a inus eum and Indian temple this after noon. It is one of the largest zoos in the world. They certain­ ly have some pretty birds and comical monkeys. Several poi­ sonous snakes are shown such as the python, boa constrictor and cobra. The museum has every­ thing imaginable in it. There are old stone carvings, skeletons of different animals and fish. The skull and tusks of one ele­ phant is about thirty feet long. Two huge turtles stand five feet high, six or seven feet long and five or six feet across. The aver­ age turtle is only from ten to sixteen inches high. There are marfy different Kinds of cloth and thousands of designs in hand work. Clarence Bullard. Francis Kane writes: “They passed by all kinds of Creek, English and other ships, and nothing happened. When they saw the West Chatala and the American Hag, out came their band on deck and they started playing “The Star-Spangled Ban­ ner.” We dipped our Hags lyid they kept on playing patriotic American airs until they dropped anchor at the other end of the harbor. ” The Johnson Meeting The meeting in the Family Theater last Saturday afternoon in the interests of Hiram John­ son, was fairly well attended. George C Brownell of Oregon City and Sanfield McDonald who is candidate for republican dele­ gate at large were the spell bind­ ers. Both made good speeches for their choice for president. $1.50 P er Y ear M01HERS’ DAY AT M. E. CHORCH The Mothers’ Day Program, Sunday, May 9, will be at 11 A. M. 1 Song by Congregation. 2 Prayer. 3 Solo - “Wonderful Mother” Mrs. Gladys Bass. 4 Presenting g i f t of white flowers to th e oldest mother present. 5 Solo—“My Mother,” Miss Ruth Dillon. 6 Collection. 7 Song by Congregation. 8 Address by S. G. Bettes. 9 Song by Congregation. Benediction. Mothers this is your day. We would like to see your smiling faces in our church Sunday morn­ ATTENTION ing. There will lx* reserved seats Remember th e May picnic • for all mothers. which is to be given by Eagle Everbody welcome. Creek Grange in the Cedar Grove by the Grange Hall, on Saturday, T hs Leopard H \s Not May 29th. Changed Its Scot* Everybody is cordially invited Clackamas county court is up to attend. Bring your dinner to its old tricks again in discrim­ baskets and enjoy the day. And members of the Grange ination against this end of the please remember that we are to county, i n the distribution of meet at the hall on the 3rd Sat­ road money. Market Roads Nor. urday, May 15, to clean up, etc. 1 and 2 in the campaign for bonds were to be taken care of first. There are available for these two Jenny Wren and at the present time seven Old Hen Meeting roads, ty-six thousand dollars. T h e On the fourth Thursday of the court has arbitrarily decided to fourth month of the one thousand use $20,000 of this money on the nine hundred and twentieth year, road between Sandy and Fir- at the house of J. J. Davis when wood. This road has at no time the owner was away, a few of been mentioned as a market road, the neighborhood’s f or e mo s t and is not entitled to any of tne members of the local hennery, funds available for Market roads driven by a couple o f lonelv No. 1 and 2. The dilatory action cockerels, and acccmpanied by a of the court in not definitely lo­ couple of gaily attired females of cating Market Road No. 2 has the younger set, met to finish created f t great deal of antagon­ the construction of a piece of cal­ istic feeling in this section, and ico and wool, which had express­ indention to use a portion of ed a desire to become useful in the the funds of this district has the form of a quilt. A yellow added only fuel to the fire. The legged hen gave up her carcase County court clique may think to appear in the form of onions the project to create Cascade and noodles. The repast was County a dead issue, but a sup­ enjoyed tremendously by all, and posed corpse has before now their appreciation was expressed proved to be a case of suspended in loud and stentorious cackles. animation. The meeting went gaily until the One thing is clear however. home partner crowed, when all Eastern Clackamas must organ­ the brood forsook the lonely ise to protect its own interests cockerels and hurried home to otherwise it will be left in the their lords and masters. lurch every time. SUBSCRIBER. s — .................. ................. -