Page Eight EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS v BISSELL ITEMS How much should I give to make this a better world? C E R T A IN man in N ew York filled out his income tax report. A It showed an income so large that his tax w as 53%. A n d his total gifts to church and ch a r­ i t y for the y e a r w ere $148. Think o f it— thousands spent for luxuries and pleasure for himself, and $148 to leave the w o rd r. little better than he found it I A. Hughs was in Viola on Tues­ day. Our average daily gift for all church causes is than than than than Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Harders and Mr. and Mrs. Weisenfluh attended the dance at Estacada Saturday night. Mrs. Held, Mrs. Paulsen, Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Klinker and Chris Klin- ker visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Har­ ders last Sunday evening. V IO L A B R E E Z E S Most o f us do better than that; but not so very much better - less - less — less — less Mrs. Leo Rath was visiting Mrs. Rendleman last Sunday af­ ternoon. Otto Jannsen left last Sunday for Eastern Oregon where he in­ tends to work. Miss Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Paulsen called on Messrs. Matthews, Maxwell and Peter­ son last Sunday evening. A number o f the George peo­ ple motored to Troutdale last Sunday for smelt, which they caught in large quantities. Mrs. M. L. Sevier was in Port­ land Saturday and Sunday. w e spend for daily papers a local telephone cad a third o f the day's car fare 3 cents a day Charles Hicinbotham came over from Hiver Miil. to call on relatives Sunday. N o wonder that 80* o f the ministers o f America are paid less than $20 a week. N o wonaer that the church hospitals turn aw ay thousands ofsic*c people a year. N o wonder that China has only one doctor for every 400,000 people. N o wonder that every church board and charity society is forever meeting deficits, forever passing the hat. While William Hicinbotham was home last week he* took his family to Troutdale after smelt. Harvey Mattoon and family also were there. . William Mattoon has bought the Viola store from Morgan Bros. Mr. Mattoon says he has quit politics and intends to move down near the store soon, and put in all his time there. It isn’t because w e are selfish; it isn’t because w i don’t want to help. It’s just because no one has ever pu: up a great big program to us, and asked us to think ot the work o f the church in a system atic businesslike way. The Interchurch W orld Movement represents the united program of thirty denominations. T h ey have surveyed their w hole task, no business Could have done it better. D. C. White had a bad §pell on Sunday night. Dr. Mount o f Oregon City, was out to see him and informed him an operation was necessary. Babe White and family are with him now. Clark Cockerel has bought the place o f his brother Frank, and greatly improved the house, by the addition of some rooms and porches, new paint and paper, which makes it one o f the neat­ est appearing houses in Portland. T hey have budgeted their needs; no business could have a more scientific budget. T h e y have united to prevent the possibility oi waste and duplication. At least a million dol­ lars wul be saved by the fact that thirty individual cam - pa.gns are jowied in one united ellort. And they com e to the men or wom en who love America — to y o u — tn-s week asking you to use them as the chan­ nel through which a certain definite part of your income can be be applied to make th.s a better world. you can determine wh; t part o f your income that should be. I s a good time righ: now to answer that question W e r e passing through the world just once; how much better will the worlu be because you passed through? Fire Meeting Called * A p r i l 25ih to M a y 2n d U n it-d \ r in a .ic ik l C j t n i p t t .g f i C»4N T E R C H U R C H W orld M ovem ent o f N orth ^America Th. ^«V inari*« « / tht j t U v r r h i r m r n t it m a J t fio su b it th rrm gk thirty ér»»minotio»s. Hu coo p érât.on t f * J. V. Barr, Estacada’ s fire chief, has called a meeting at the City Hall for Monday i.ight at 8 o ’clock. It is very mportant that the fire brigade should le reorganized and new members procured. The equipment also r *quires overhauling to see if it is in good condition and that there is a sufficient quantity of hose. Only recently the town of Sheridan was nearly wiped out by fire because o f lack o f hose. We shall find safety only in being thoroughly prepared. Thuridey April 29, 1920 Rural • • Credit Loans If you are looking for Rural Credit loans on the 20 year plan, call on S. E. Wooster & Son, and they will tell you all about it. You can borrow 50 per cent on your farm value, at 5 per cent. By our plan you can forget you have any principal, as the annual payments are gradually wiping out the principal loan. You can, therefore, with perfect safety, devote your surplus funds to im­ provements, purchasing addi­ tional live stock or land or for any o f the many other purposes for which money is always need­ ed on a farm. 4-22ff S. E. Wooster & Son. Notice for Publication Department o f the interior, U. S. Land Offiee at Portland, Ore­ gon, April 13th, 1920. Notice is hereby given that William S. Runyon, o f Cherry- ville, Oregon, who, on April 12th, 1920, made Homestead Entry. No. 05154. for SE % NE ^ and t NEM' S E 1/ , Section 25, Town­ ship 2 South. Rano-e 5 East. Wil­ lamette Meridan. has filed notice o f intention to make Three-Year Proof, to estahlish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver o f the United States Land Office, at Portland. Oregon, on the 27th dav o f May, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles W. Harris, o f Cherry- ville. Oregon! J. T. Frieh o f Cherry ville. Oregon; P. Avrill, o f Che**rvville. Oregon; Vincent Friel, o f C herrvvilie. Oregon. ALEXAN DER SWEEK, Register. Proof made under Sec. 5. Act o f June 9. 1916. 4-15 5-13 Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been duly appointed ad­ ministrator, with the will annexed, of the Estate of 'Joseph Decker, by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them, duly verified, to me at the office of my attorney H. E. Cross, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Xavier Decker, Administrator. H. E. Cross, Oregon City, Oregon. First Publication, April 1, 1920. Last Publication, April 29, 1920. Reed For Commissioner Club The friends o f J. W. Reed in this section o f the county have this week organized a Reed- for Commissioner Club with a mem­ bership o f several hundred and rapidly growing. M r . Reed’s candidacy is meeting with re­ markable success all over the County as everyone appreciates the necessity o f securing at this time strong business men for the County Court.