EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Thursday, Apri! 29, 1920 Page Seven T H K K E M E A L S A D A Y . T H R E E HU N D R E D AND S I X T Y - F I V E D A Y S A Y E A R ! SCRU BBIN G AND P O L I S H ­ ING T O O ! Y O U W O N ' T D R E A D IT IF Y O U H A V E O U R L A B O R - SAVING K I T C H E N AND C LE A N I N G " T O O L S . ” IT T A K E S V E R Y L I T T L E M O N E Y T O BUY T H E M AND W H A T A H E L P T H E Y A R E ! Every M in ó 2Q fo r the\ L O O K A T Y O U R O L D R A N G E AND S E E D ON 'T N E E D A NY O F O U R NEW O NE S. O U R H A R D W A R E IS T H E TEST. h iich e n ^r % BEST: IF YO U IT S T A N D S T H E FISH ER M AN ’S SUPPLIES and House W e have a dandy assortment of R ainbow Flies, Braided Silk Lines, Snelled H ooks and Spinners, Leaders, Fly Books, Reels, Steel and Bam boo R ods and fresh T y ee C/eanin Salmon E ggs. K eep your Hom e clean a n d S a n ita ry . ❖ BERT H. FINCH, Hardware Furniture, Implements V A » 1 Now Is The Time HA U L I N G! TO PRESERVE YOUR EGGS FOR NEXT WINTER. ESTACADA PHARM ACY IS THE PLACE TO BUY THE PRESERVER. We carry both the E. Z and Water glass. The Jture T V V y ? y Y Y y y ? ? y For general hauling to and from Portland, noti­ fy Estacada Garage at Estacada, or call me at my residence. Portland office, 183 First Street, Phone Main 1395. Come in and List, we will do the rest. Cary Real Estate Co. that they now have their shop under new management and are A ll work work. able to take care of any Ignition troubles and piston • turned out under the supervision of our new shop foreman, Mr. Dean, is fully guaranteed. I also buy all kinds o f live stock, fat or breeders, and I do not overlook the fresh cows Notify Henry Githens at Currinsville, if you have any livestock for sale or call me at Notice for Publication Tabor 4123 Department of the Interior, U. S. at 354 E 54 St., Portland. Oregon. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, Apri 1 26th, 1620. To get the most money out of Notice is hereby given that William hogs sell them on hoof. Parties W anting to Buy Faim». W ish to announce • J. K E R K E S OF CASCADE GARAGE fitt’ng a specialty. And you want to get the very top price for them, and weighed at home) then call We Have a Large List OF THE expert mechanical IF YOUR HOGS ARE FAT AND READY FOR MARKET M. W IL C O X B R O S . W e also have installed a new Battery Charging ma- I chine, which will take care of a large number of batteries at one time, so we can assure our customers of prompt and sufficient service at all times. Mr. Vernie Duus, who is an expert battery repairing man, has charge of the battery J. Berghouse, of Eagle Creek, Oregon, department. who, on April 21st, 1920, made Home­ stead Entry, No. 0&631, for N 1-2 SW 1-4 and SE 1-4 SW 1-4, Sec 33 Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Willamette Me­ ridian, has filed notice o f intention to make Three-Year Prpof, to establish claim to the land above described, be­ Obituary fore the Register and Receiver of the U. S. Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, Wilbert Julian died at his home on the 16th of June, 1920. in Dodge last Friday, April 23, Claimant names as witnesses: after a lingering illness due to August Koennaman, of Eagle Creek, He was born in Oregon, R. rt No. 1; A. J. Morrison, tuberculosis. Eagle Creek, Oregon. R. R. No. I f Al­ Canada, but spent the greater fred Shirley, of Eagle Creek, Oregon, part o f his life here. The funeral R. R. No. 1; Fred Keisecker, o f Boring took place at the Springwater Church, Sunday, tne Rev. J. I). Oregon, R. R. No. 2. McClenr.an officiating. The de­ ALEXANDER 5 WEEK. ceased was thirty-five years old Register. Proof made under Sec. 5, Act of June and leaves a w ife and two chil­ 9, 19M. 4-29 5-27 d re n to mourn his loss. Mr. aud Mrs. U. S. Morgan went to Portland, Wednesday morrting on business. The American Legion dance last Saturday night was a most successful social event. Those who missed it have something to regret. The Legion wishes to thank its supporters, especially the Railroad Co. for the use o f the pavilion and piano.