EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Thursday, April 29, 19120 LOCAL BREVITIES AND NEWS II LMS Apri 1 19 2 0 s M T w T F s 1 2 3 • « 4 5 6 7 8 Q !0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ¡ Dr. R. G. McCall was called to Oregon City last Thursday, to assist Dr. Mount at a special op­ eration on a broken leg. The High School Sophomore play which was announced for last night, has been postponed one week, to next Wednesday night. Dr. Richmond Wells o f Port­ land, visited his brother, Dr. L. A. Wells, Sunday. He drove down to return the car o f the latter, which he had borrowed last week for a few days. THURSDAY NIGHT, APRIL 29th VIRGINIA PEARSON — I Si— ‘The Bishop’s Emeralds’ With HAROLD LLOYD Comedy “ BEFORE BREAKFAST" SATU R D AY NIGHT, M A Y 1st MARGUERITE CLARK -IN - “ OUT OF A CLEAR SKY” She gets introduced to her future husband by a bolt of lightning. Seeing is believing, come and see for yourself. : : Sennett Oomedy : : “ HER FIRST MISTAKE Fiist show at 7:30 ADMISSION: Adults, 22c. War tax 3c Children 10c, War tax lc. W. E. L inn , Manager. J. C. Hillman was a Portland visitor, Tuesday. Mrs. Nina' Ecker spent the week end in Portland. Mrs. J. E. Shibley and chil­ dren, returned Sunday night from a visit to Portland. Mrs. W. F. Cary and little daughter Glen, who have been visiting in Portland, returned home Tuesday. Miss Florence Kendall spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. A. K. Morton, returning to Gresham Sunday night. E. L. Crain, o f Welches, Ore., arrived in town Sunday morning, and has accepted a position on the mechanical end o f this paper. Our thanks are due Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Snyder for some de­ licious smelt. They drove to the Sandy river Sunday, and re­ turned laden with the spoil. Miss L. E. Crain, who is a teacher in the Lincoln High School at Port'and, was an Esta­ cada visitor Sunday. She came to see that her father. E. L. Crain, who has just joined the N e w s force, was comfortably settled. The Rev. S. G. Bettes, cowboy preacher, had a rousing reception at El wood last Sunday, with preaching at 11 and 2 with a basket dinner in between. He preached Tuesday evening at Garfield, and Wednerdayat Eagle Creek. To night he preaches at Barton, Friday at Baker’s bridge and Sunday in Portland. W.E. Hassler who edits a bright paper at Canby, the Clackamas News, came to this burg Fridav evening with a bunch o f politicals who were to discuss the reason why of high taxes. He called at this office and jollied us no. We do not often see our brethren o f the quill, and when we do it is a red letter day with us. Call again. Political candidates have been num°rous around town o f late. La«t Friday we had the pleasure o f meeting a number o f them, Messrs. L.L. Porter o f West Linn, E. L. Pope o f Parkplace, who are running for county judge; F. D. Shank o f Damascus, who is out for representative, and Chris Schuebel who wants the toga o f state senato«* D. L. Bass, our popular barber, while playing with his children Sunday and showing them his ex- pertness as a pole jumper, had the misfortune to have the pole break, which threw him heavily to the ground and put his leg out o f joint. The consequence was he had to lie up for repairs. His shop was closed Monday, but he procured a substitute Tues­ day. Paite Five Shop on Broadway adjoining otlioeof E. W. Bartlett. Oregon Poultry Farm G . R E IN PhiL Marquum, Proprietor Shoe Maker & Repairing TRAP-NEST ED. SINGLE COMB WHITE LEGHORNS ALL WORK DONE IN A FIRST CLASS MANNER Can fit any shoe to any foot. Get.your order in early for eggs or stork, Send for de­ scriptive mating list. R. R. CARLSON PHIL Undertaker and Embalmer M4RQUAM (Farm located one mile out of Estu­ cada, Oregon, on Garfield road.) Gresham - Oregon Warren Me Willis Local Agent for Estacada PLACE YOUR HOLMAN & PAGE Fire Insurance F uneral D irectors ] Oregon City in the Home Company and through the Home Agent Wm. D ai . k , Local Representative. J. W. REED T eleph one Chicken Supper ESTACADA The ladies o f the Christian Church will serve a delicious chicken supper at the Hotel Esta­ cada ..tomorrow evening (Friday), beginning at 6 o ’clock, for fifty cents a plate. Agent for The Pacific States Fire Insurance Company -x*<~x~x~x*»x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x« Your Home Bank Is in position to give its customers the very best banking service to be obtained. Its Officers and Directors are trained business men, well post­ ed in the banking needs of this Community and are pleased at all times to give to customers the benefit of their advice and experience in any financial matters. Y ou will find it an advantage to lie a customer of the H om e Bank. Four per Interest on Time and Savings’ Deposits. Estacada State Bank ‘‘Safety And Service’ **4 mm *<.<« mmx .-:~ x - x ~ x ~:~:~X“X~ x ~ x -<"X**:-X" í ~:~> x »<- x ~ x ~ x ~ x ~ x *« x . l