OUR SLOGAN: Community Cooperation iEaatmt OHarkamaa N poth \ Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 13, N umber 32 ESTACADA HIGH VS. E stacada , O regon T hursday A pril 29, 1920 The American Legion will Organize Auxiliary Monday evening, May 3rd, at the I. O. O. F. hail the Women’s Auxiliary of the Carl Douglasa Estacada High School crossed Post, No. 74, American Legion bats with Oregon City High of Oregon, will be organized. School on the home diamond, last All persons eligible for member­ Friday afternoon. T h e game ship are cordially invited to be was close until the seventh in­ present. Membership in the ning when Oregon City vanished auxiliary will be limited to the as a team, the final score being mothers, wives, daughters and 12 to 3 in favor of Estacada. sisters of the members of the Kailiff of Oregon City and Smith American Legion, and to the of Estacada both pitched fair mothers, wives, daughters and ball, altho both were inclined tc sisters of all men and women wildness at times. Albert Han­ who were in the military or na­ nah and Raymond Lovelace play­ val service of the U. S. between ed consistent games, while errors April 6, 1917 and Novemoer 11, by Estacada were pretty general­ 1918, and died in ihe line of duty ly scattered among all the play­ or after honorable discharge and ers. The boys have good mater­ prior to November 11, 1920. ial and gotten a good start and The question “what are the deserve, the support of all the women who have been doing war people. It is to be. hoped that work going to do, now the war there will be a general turn out is over?” has often been heard. next week when they play the The answer to this question as Molalla High School team. The found by millions of women, is game promises to be fast and set'forth in the preamble of the snappy as our boys are determin­ national constitution of the ed to win more readily than in American Legion printed on the the 13 inning game of last year, reverse side of every member­ when Estacada won the county ship card of the Women’s Auxil­ championship. iary, which says: “For God and C. P. Boyer has bought of the country we associate ourselves Cary Real Estate Co., a house together for the following pur­ and lot which belonged to A. E. poses: To uphold and defend Sparks, in Terrace Addition. the constitution of the U. 8. ot The “citizens’ division” quota America; to maintain law and for Clackamas County in the un­ order; to foster and perpetuate a ited simultaneous campaign of one hundred per cent American the churches cooperating in the ism: to preserve the memories Interchurch Wo r l d Movement and incidents of our associotion has has been set ot $5,800.00. in the Great War; to inculcate a The citizens’ division state quota sense of individual obligation to is $230,000. This sum is the to­ the community, state and nation; tal for the general campaign, and is in addition to the denomina­ to combat the autocracy of both tional quotas, several of which the classes and the masses; to already have been announced. make right the master of right; The campaign will be directly to promote peace and good will in the hands of the Interchtirch on earth; to safe guard and County Director for this County. transmit to posterity the princi­ ples of justice, freedom and dem­ Calendar For Closing Exercises ocracy; to consecrate and sancti­ Estacada High School— 1920 fy our comradeship by our devo­ tion to mutual helpfulness.’, May 4, Tuesday, Junior recep­ Remember the date, May 3rd, tion to Seniors, 8:00 P. M. May 5, Wednesday, Sophomore » and don’t forget to be present. The Americen Legion and its Play, 8:00 P. M. Women’s Auxiliary will go down May 6, Thursday. Joint Liter­ in history as the G. A. R. and ary Program. 2:10 P. M. its Auxiliary. Relatives of (Concluded next week) members of other posts may join our auxiliary. Let us get together one hundred per cent. Refreshments will be served. Committee. Clackamas County Candidates County Clerk Miller, Recorder Noe, Treasurer Dunn, Assessor Cook and School Superintendent Calavan have no opposition for second terms. The list of Clack­ amas County aspirants for the republican nomination for county and legislative offices follows: County j u d g e —L. L. Porter- West Li nn; Harvey E.' Cross, Gladstone; E. L. P o p e , Park- place; Brenton Vedder, Glad, aL