Thursday, April 22, 1920 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Page Six D. H. M ORGAN U . S. M O R G A N THIS SPACE BELONGS TO MORGAN BROTHERS (Successors to the Estacada Feed C o .) We wish to announce the arrival in town of the first * BEEMAN TRACTOR T h is is a small machine calculated to do your culti­ vating and small jobs of plowing. for the man with a few regular farm tractor. It is especially adapted acres, or the man that has a It will take the place of one horse, in the truck or berry field. W e will announce a demonstration as soon as weather conditions will permit. REED <®, SHIBLEY “A Word to the W ise” says the Good Judge * You want real chewing satisfaction. A little of the Real Tobacco Chew lasts so much longer than the old kind. You don’ t need a fresh chew nearly as often—so it costs no more to chew this class of tobacco. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put Up In Two Styles R IG H T C U T is a short-cut tobacco W -B CUT 13 a long fine-cut tobacco W e y n i ^ n - B r u t o n C o m p a n y . llOTt B r q a t ì w a y . N e w Y o r k City Owners of Electrically Equipped Automobiles Take Heed !! ! The storage battery which was first used for starting and light­ ing purposes in 1912 is an exceed­ ing important part o f the equip­ ment o f the modern automobile, writes Vern Duus, batteryman for the Cascade Garage. Few people who have not made a special study o f the mechanics o f their car realize that it is the heart o f the entire system, with­ out it there would be no electric light and horn and the engine would have to be cranked by hand. Many car owners are o f the impression that a battery stores up the electricity actually used in charging it. This, however, is an error, as the energy pro­ duced by the battery is created by certain electro chemical act­ ion within the battery itself. This electro chemical action decomposes the water, which is part o f the solution o f the bat­ tery in the form o f hydrogen and oxygen gas. The other part o f the solution being sulphuric acid, is absorbed by the plates during the chemical action which is pro­ duced by the discharge. This water should be replaced with pure distilled water at least every two weeks and the battery should be tested f o r specific gravity and voltage at least once every month. If one cell shows a specific gravity decidedly lower than that o f the other cells and if the difference continues to in­ crease the cell with the lower gravity h a s internal trouble which probably consisted o f a short circuit between the plates caused by broken down insula­ tion. If the entire battery shows a gravity below 1.200 it it not re­ ceiving enough charge to replace the energy used to crank the en­ gine and should be charged from an outside source. The Cascade Garage operates a complete and up to date battery service station and repair shop and will give free battery inspec­ tion to'all owners o f electrically equipped automobiles. Wilcox Bros. Props. 4-22-29 LOW ER EAGLE CRFEK (Omitted last week) Charlotte Monger is going to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Trullinger until school is out. The Bates Mill caught fire last Sunday, but an alarm was given which called the neighbors, and it was quickly put out. It was started by a shavings h e a p which was smoldering from its fire the day before. Roy Douglass i s improving slowly frm his attack o f the flu his mother, Mrs. Viola Douglass is at his home. Little Edward Ballou is getting along as well as could be expect­ ed after h i s serious illness o f typhoid fever. i Guy Munger is making prepa­ rations to go to Portland soon to study for the ministry. The Presbyterian Church here, held commuion service Sunday morning when Mrs. Lena Phil­ lip’s and daughter Dorothy, Con­ nie Trullinger and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sanders joined this church. M. W. of A. Estacada Camp. No. 8769, M. W. o f A., will hold their regular meetings on the first and third Fridays o f each month, at 8 o ’clock P. M. in. the I. 0 . 0 . F. Hall. J. C. Raymond, Clerk. 5-26 The political pot i9 beginning to simmer, and presently it will be boiling and steaming, but the heat o f t h e campaign w on’t come till the fall.