Page Three EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Thursday, April 22, 1920 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * V> ♦ 4 4 4 4 44 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 * S. P. P E S Z N E C K E R ♦ ♦ ♦ + * 4 Want and For Sale Column 5 cents per line. Cash in advance AM ERICAN LEGION DANCE SATURDAY, A P R IL 24th. ♦ ♦ Machine Shop 4 ♦ * + ♦ ♦ P lum bing, Oxy-Acetylene W elding T inning, E lectric W iring an d Soft Light; Not Dim Light To have plenty of light w ithout sary brightnesc use 4 Sunbeam w hite Mazda lamps. The tipless w hite- glass bulb softens the light w ithout dim ­ m ing it, The ideal lamp for the home. Five in a Blue Convenience C arton. + + * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ + + + + R epairing. * + * unneces­ * + + + ♦ + * 4 4 4 4 Special S ale on G a rd e n H ose for This M onth 4 4 I f you need a G arden H u teb u y it now as ru b b er goods raised and for this month l will sell a t th e old price ♦ 4 4 4 + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 * 4 4 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I V i ? ? Y ♦ ♦ V ♦ * i 1 i ? y BUSY WE y y y y y y y Y X nging late arrivals in all lines of Merchandise f y y y Y ? ï Alum inum Assortment --the kind you have been i paying more money for. f I Rubber Shoes--- all sizes, men’s, wom en’s and Y ï I children’s. ! Y f ? Y Y Y Piece Goods—Percales, Devonshires, Crepes. Y Y Y Y Y y y y ! f Y y On Saturday w e w ant our name in every home. Ask for Thermometer. GROCERY DEPARTM ENT new. i always fresh and No old goods. ï I ? v I Y S I t New Sack of Campfire Roast C O F F E E at 38c. X î The Peoples* Store ! i H. B. S N Y D E R , Proprietor „ .... Our Motto is Service. 44444 > 4 4 » » » 4 4 » 4 4 4 » » 0 » » 4 » » 4 4 *4 4 v SPRING HATS at Dale’s on display all the time. They are beauties and the prices are right. Come in. 4-29 FOR SALE Short wood from big live trees, $7.50 per cord de­ livered. Strictly cash. 4-29 G. A. Masse. 4 4 C om e an d See CAND Y BUSINESS. We start you, at home, or anywhere; ev­ erything furnished; $30 weekly and up; men and women; experi­ ence unnecessary; Address Specialty Candy m ak i n g Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. 5 S. 18th St. 3-25 5-13 ? ï i i i ï ï ! FOR SALE Sure bargains in used machinery or implements: One Stover gas engine 14 horse power, mounted on a steel frame with steel wheels, $400.00; one eight horse power gas engine with Webster mag net to, $200.00; one seven horse power gas en­ gine, $175.00; one Oliver high lift sulky plow, $02.50: one gang plow -12 in., $75.00; one gang plow -14 in., $100.00; one 20 in. single or double disc plow, $75.00. Some other good used imple­ ments and machinery at low prices. Hessels Farm Machinery Co., 4-29 Gresham, Ore. Am in market for close-in ranch, 5 to 15 acres. State what you have in first letter, giving location, price and improvements. Address. Box 35, Estacada, Oregon. 4-22 FOR RENT A modern 7- room house, furnished, piano in­ cluded. $20 a month. J. A. Somer property. Call or see, 4-22 Mrs. Anna Mikuleskv. FOR SALE 1000 pound horse. Good for driving, riding or work. Kilgore. Springwater. FOR SALE A fresh milch cow. George Walters, Currinsville. It LOST - A a collie dog brown and white: Notify A. E. Elli >tt now in Portland. 6214-26th Ave S. E. Arleta Sta. 4-22-29 FOR SALE Two dozen Whit** Leghorn hens, layers. 4-22-29 J. O. Botkin, Rt. 1. W A N TE D Girl or woman fo»* general housework. Phone or write Mrs. Mae Stubbs, 4-22 Estacada, Ore., Box 217. FOR RENT dence. Co. 4 room resi­ See Cary ¡Real Estate ' 4-22-29 FOR SALE R. I. Red eggs for setting, $1.00 for 15. Also hen-hatched chicks. J. W. Mox- ley, Morrow Station. 4-22-29