Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 22, 1920, Image 10

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Business Men of Every County
Neglected Youngsters to Be
Given Thorough Training in
Mechanics of Farming.
Join \A i h Corps Officers to
Extend Helping Hand.
A service born of service by men
and women whose lives are dedicated
to that service, a service not for gain,
for it pays its workers poorly, Is to
be placed at the disposal of even the
sm allest com m unity in Oregon through
the expansion of the Saivatioh Army
Home S'-rvice P rogram for 1 !)20.
S in ce its splendid service among the
A m erican troops abroad brought to the
atten tio n of the home folks the kind
of work the army has been doing
quietly in the slums of the larger
cities, demands from all qu arters have
flooded in upon the arm y until it has
been forced to double and treble its
It has been co m p e te d to expand be
yond city lines and extend its service
to the r< molest districts of the state.
And in these out of the way places
the arm y is solving one of the g reatest
econom ic problems, handling at their
source and preventing uiuny of the
ills that result from poverty and wrong
t< aching.
in e\ ry county of Oregon one and
s. mutinies two advisory b nr !s have
been fu m e d of business men and
citizens of these counties. T h ese m< n
a : e constantly in touch with tin ir
com m unities and Judge when and how-
best the Salvation Army can be utiliz­
ed to serve the citizens of th at com­
A word to headquarters
briii -s the Salvation Army worker to
tal e care of the man or woman, boy
or girl whose misto ^’nies have over
whelmed them.
In the rescue am. m aternity home
m oiher3 of Oregon find a refuge and
In the boys and girls home to be
established at Yamhill the l fo of the
neglected child is shaped and the b >y
or girl prepared to go
..! m o the
world and win his or her cwti way.
In the Industrial hem - in Portland
many d erelicts a .v n< ule over into
self auppor iug m
.r.d worn n who
arc no lo n g « - a
liaige upon their
county but an a a t l > their com*
In the relief h inch s of the work
done I ., the army many ca es of pov­
erty and s i km s arc bundled an­
nually. \\T. - - the c.ill for help cornea
tb e is no iuvi -ip .iiou of the wortlfr*
’ *’ p la gtvon
.in I In . osugulion in.el.- alt awards.
K . c i inploymeut 1 urea i which ox-
a<-i r o ni -nih -rsli.p fee, fin I work for
hu drops of idle li:
s -i i I while work
11 .1 s .'king bout t
do in t starve.
Mysterieu* LI q M.
more niv *erlous thnn th©
g jren^chidn. thè fidili nioonM dit giovv
In tli - s- v cxncttv o|*|>o"'te tlie siiti, la
n stili less fnmllliir luminimi fenture of
thè night. Th ls Is ii shlftlng h-ixe some-,
ttnics vlslbie vvlien thè monti is ahsent.
Prof M K Ihirnnrd <*f iti 'n l v e r s l t y
of ( ’lilongo iluds timi it d 'era frotn
or-l'nnry suro m l prtenon mi In ap­
pendine© In idi pnrts of P-e "ky, and
fluir n ls not prohahlv «ny forni of clP-|
rii" <>r cirro strid ili elond
It "coma
!>#• more or less s e lflu m ln o n * ^ th©
s 1 ii ree of Ita Ughi beltig unknown. It
ne - tie qotte notli-enbte i" a s-renky
Ir unni" ha7.e, "umetti . ' ...... rs In
I r. ad "lieeta. nnd *eoni* «- t-u-tlm©© tO
_h s t
>f It.
|t iti iti-
" rly over
"in s. f
tinilutn«£ vi" hi© with s fa'm , "tcadj|{
ligtil for a eoii"idei ulde ttiiic.
With thorough appreciation of the
value to the sta te of trained agricul
turists, versed In modern methods and
with a knowledge of applied mechanics
necessary to modern farming, the
Salvation Army in its Home Service
Program for Oregon, plans to make
useful farm hands, if not farm experts
of many neglected and dependenl
Throughout the state
there are alw ays lads whose ag es#
range from seven and eight to fifteen
years, who will have no future apart
from poverty and com parative ignor
an ce and probable crim inality.
portunities such as those to be offered
by the Industrial and Agricultural
school the Salvation Array plans to
establish at North Yamhill, on the 100
acre farm on which now stand the
buildings of tho Ilishop S c o t t school,
will open before these lads a useful
Prought u’T to manhood in clean
surroundings, with daily instruction in
cr.Tnary schooling and practical in­
struction and practice in farming, the
youngs ers will not only be saved from
bad citizenship hut given an honora' !
I ofi : bon or F a d e with whicli to e a . a '
their own way as men.
At the Yamhill school, to be pattern
ed a fte r the famous Lytton school con­
ducted by the Salvation Army in Tali
fornia, both boys and girls will find
all (he essen tials of preparation for
life's battle. T h e girls will be taught
sewing, household duties, cooking etc.
T h e boys will be trained in several
trade:; and in farming, horticultural
and animal husbandry pursuits and
modern farm m echanics.
And whilç th eir bodies and minds
a c being trained th* ir responsibilities
ns citiz -ns a ui nu m bers of society
will not be neglected in fact, one of
tlie strongest teachings of the S a lv a ­
tion Army is Am ericanism .
Th e
school is non sectar-.an.
Through th efforts of the S a lv a t'cn
Army iu Portia-id, sever i boys have
been taken from up t -te Oregon
towns and placed at t.,e t'llifo rn ia
farm school temporarily until the
funds made available by the financial
campaign. May 1 to May 10, provide
for tlic opening of the Yamhill school.
County advisory hoards In every conn
tv in Oregon are helping the Salvation
A:iu\ in tins !> i wo k vv th children.
P i r p pf Murie at W-ddinq.
Ttmre was bngp'pe plnylne nt the
wwld’njt o f Koswell Miller nnd V " s
M argaret Cnrneg'e In New York the
other day. The Highland air" might
have seemed out of place nt the mar­
riage o f most American girls, hut In
tin* CTirnegie home nothing could have
been more appropriate.
T h e bride’s fnth-'r Is n true son of
the Highlands, his birthplace and home
o f hi" chthihood.
After having made
his fortune In the American steel in­
dustry he returned to Scotland and
bought the beautiful estate of SVI’»o
T h ere the Carnegie family
spent their summers fr lm the earliest
recollection of Andrew C arnegie’* only
child, the bride o f a few days a <»
tluesfs at the wedding were Itnpre"" - *
b.v the wedding march played on the
great orgnn In the Carnegie mansion
of F ifth avenue, and there was a tine
orchestra which also played, hm to
tb** old Scotsman and perhaps to the
bride, neither nppr-'fiched the music of
the pipers from SUlho castle, an ex-
ch. ngc remarks.
Rice Terraces Are World’s Masterpieces
'V 'A 'S V T t-
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— —
This :s a photograph of t.he Ifugao gorrot rice terraces, which are among
rhe niosi rem arkable of ttielr kind In the world. They nre one of the many
marvelous s glits for the tour st to see in the Philippine Islands and are to he
found In the lfugao district of tl»e Mountain province. Northern Luzon.
T h e height o f these terraces, which are held up hy stone walls Is from f
to IS feet, M*er~ginK R feet high. It Is estitinned tliere are LM21 m |.*s of
e ght-ioot stoov
-alls In the litigao terraces, which is approx.mutely half
the distance uround the world.
T h ese terrucoa are "kMIfull; t T rea ted hy water broU£‘•* in t in.gln- along
tlie pi‘i*cip iio u s iiio u iiia
s k a -*
lu u ; diK U ii.vc*.