* OUR SLOGAN: G j KEEP YOUR EYE ON ESTACADA! mm unity Cooperation Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 13, * i N umber 31 J. III. REED WILL RDN FOR COMMISSIONER At the last moment for filing J. W. Reed yeilded to the wishes of his friends and decided to be­ come a candidate for County Commissioner. It is unnecessary • to say that this action means a distinct sacrifice of t i m e and money on Mr. Reed’s part, should he receive the nomination. He is one of the best known men in the County as a progressive bus­ iness ma n , a successful road builder and a man of splendid judgement. He has been Mayor of Estacada and for many years school director here. The present modern school buildings of this town were largely the result of his initiative and effort. If nom­ inated and elected he will give to the affairs of the County broad and mature judgement and a pro­ gressive activity which will pro­ duce results along the lines of the greatest good for the entire County We feel certain the people of this section will get behind Mr. Reed in a practically unanimous manner, knowing as they do the benefit to the County of having him as a Commissioner. E stacada , O regon T hursday A pril 22, 1920 L o g g in g A cc id e n t O b itu ary Last Thursday Fred Stone a young boy of 18 years of age, who was employed at the Dyer’s logging camp near Barton, was struck by a small timber while at work in the woods. It caused a a compound fracture of the right leg. He was promptly brought into camp, and Dr. R. G. M(,Call was sent for, who reduced the fracture and attended to him un- 1 the ambulance arrived from Portland which took him to rhe hospital. The young man had only been working about two weeks and his home is at Lents Junction. John P. Irvin died at the home of his son John T. Irvin in Esta­ cada, on Saturday, April 17, 1920, at the age of 84 years, after a lingering illness. He was born in Jessamine C o . , Kentucky, February 20, 1836. At Independance, Missouri, he was united in marriage to Mary K. Shortridge, August 29, 1862. To this union were born ten chil­ dren of whom five are now living Alice M. Folsom, John T., Frank M. and J. Alex and William K. Irvin. Besides these there a>*e fourteen grand children and six great grandchildren. His wife passed away seven years ago. The deceased came to Oregon in 1875 residing at Salem until 1880, when he moved his family tc his farm in Garfield whence he came to Estacada. He will be much missed as he was a man of many amiable and sterling quali­ ties. The funeral services were held Tuesday at Mt. Zion Church the Rev. Lawrence Trullinger of Anabel officiating, with inter­ ment in the cemetery by the church. R. It. C a r l s o n o f Gresham was the undertaker. E astern Star V isited The local branch of the Eastern Star, Mountain Chapter No 11)8 was officially visited by the Wor­ thy Grand Matron of Oregon, Mrs. Alberta McMurphy of Eu­ gene, Ore. last Monday night. The work was beautifully exem­ plified which elicited some very flattering enconiums from the visiting official and others. Al­ though the chapter was not posi­ tively certain until the arrival of the 4:25 P. M. train, that the in­ spection would be held, yet an excellent lunch was prepared to which all present did ample jus­ tice. Soph om ore P lay T ra n sfers For T h e W eak “ A Poor Married Man” , given at E. H. S. Auditorum, April 28, 1920, at 8 P. M. PLAY CAST Prof. Wise, a poor married man Ralph Markwart Billy Blake, a college student Walter Matson Jupiter Jackson, a colored ser­ vant Andrew Jannsen Dr. Matthew Graham, & poor country physician Ray Milier Mrs. Iona Ford, some mother-in- law Irene Baling Zoie, her daughter, Gladys Stamp June Graham, a little Freshman Helen Wooster Rosalind Wilson, a college reporter Mildred Douglass Children $.25 Adults .35 Admission Reserved Seats .50. Reserved Seats on Sale at Es­ tacada Drug Store. Through the office of the Cary Real Estate Co. 10 Acres in Sec­ tion 21-3 S T 4 E. to N. A. Nied- enthal. Eva M. Rhoade^ Lot Four in B l o c k Seventeen to Matthew Lonsberry of Vancouver, Wash. C. Whitbeck place of 20 acres to Frank J. Covert of Jennings Lodge, Ore. He will bring his family out about the first of May. The Contract has been let to place the house in first class con­ dition before the arrival of the famiiy. If our worthy mayor is elected representative, Estacada m ay pride itself on having a citizen in the legislature who for good looks will be hard to beat. Now -there is woman suffrage it is by no means a slight advantage to be an Adonis. A Barton B ask et Social At the Barton Hall April 17th. the annual school basket social was held. An entertaining pro­ gram had been arranged by the teacher Mi s s Antonia Liest, which was very creditably ren­ dered by members of the school and o t h e r s . Musicians from Portland added to the enjoyment of the occasion. Superintendent Vedder spoke earnestly for the two mill school tax and aroused much enthusiasm for the measure Altho the season was backward the baskets were adorend with many beautiful flowers and were sold at auction. That of Miss Jessie Odell which represented an aeroplane sold for the highest price. The proceeds of the en­ tertainment amounted to t h e gratifying sum of $121.00. The California g i r l s which were advertised to appear in person, at the Family Theatre last Tuesday night, did not come. A five reel feature was however given. $1.50 P er Y ear ALFRED DRILL IS PROMOTED A well earned promotion has been gained by Alf Drill at Far- ady, who has just been appointed Chief Engineer of Power plants of the P. R. & L. P. Co. Mr. Drill has been eighteen years in the employ of this company, and for the last nine years Sup­ erintendent of W a t e r Power Plants known as Station G. Mull Run, Station M. Estacada, Sta­ tion B. Oregon City and Station (). Hull Run. He will take up his new duties at once, which will necessitate his removal to Portland, where he will be fol­ lowed by his family after the end of the school year. Mr. and Mrs. Drill will be greatly missed here, as they have lived in this vicinity for the past fourteen years and both he and his wife have been prominent in social and masonic circles. F. G. Robley who lias been as­ sistant superintendent of water power plants takes Mr. Drill’s former position while his succes­ sor has not yet been named. T h e D enim B rigade Denim brigades are now the thing evidently, in the effort to bring down the high cost of cloth- ing. Judges are wearing it on the bench, doctors on their calls, bankers and cashiers behind the counter, school teachers in class rooms, possibly preachers in the pulpit, merchants and all sorts and con itions o f me n . We questioned our mayor whether he would set the vogue in Estacada and he replied he had a sort of khaki suit he wore on his Calif­ ornia trip ami might wear that. The only trouble is that already a shortage in overalls is mani­ festing itself and soon they will be either unattainable or else the price will soar so that it will be cherper to buy woolen goods. The question of high taxes and i their reason why will be discuss­ ed tomorrow night at 8 o’clock, by Chris Schuebel and others in the Family 'Theater.