Page Eight r — -52$ H o w w ou ld V O U like a raise, lik e this ? and for 3 4 'Years Work, is the kind o f increase in salary the minister has received. H is living expenses have risen just as fast and as far as yours. T Thursday April 15, 1920 i EASTERN C L A C K A M A S N EW S h a t But he is paid on the average j‘ust 52 cents more p e r church m em b er than he w as paid 34 years ago. The M inister N ever Fails You Every officer of the Government with a wai message to deliver appealed to tne ministers first o f all. tm s a livin'* w age for e v e r y m inister ot J e su s C h r is t ; an efficient^ anu a chance to do a big m a n ’s ob If you w ant better p reach ers, help to p a y the preach ers better. It s th e best in v estm e n t tor y o u r c o m m u n ity aad m r you r children that y o u can e v e r m ake No Tax Increase No direct property tax what­ ever is required for the state highway bonds to be issued un­ der the constitutional amendment to be voted upon at the election May 21. The measure is for in­ creasing the state road bond lim- itlfrom 2% to 4 % o f the assessed valuation o f property within the state, thus making it possible to issue sufficient bonds to complete the main state highways. Principal and interest for these bonds are financed entirely by the auto license fees and gaso­ line tax, without any necessity for increasing either the license fee or the tax above the rates now being paid. At present rates, figuring only on a small increase in the numher o f autos for the next few years, the rev­ enue from these sources will not only take care o f interest and principal o f all bonds that can be issued under the 4% limit, but will leave an annual surplus to be expended for other state highway purposes. No direct tax on property is required, and no increase either in auto license fees or gas tax. L DR. R. G R A H A M M c C A L L P h y s ic ia n and S urgeon Office Adjoining Residence Local and Long Distance Telephone The doctor’s phone can be connected with your home phone at night if requested. One long ring Dr. L. A . W ells Dentist Associated with Dr. R. Graham McCall A Dr. R. Morse P h y s ic ia n and S urgeon Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd Residence: Main and 5th Sts. Telephone Connection Mrs. R. Graham McCall Graduate, ^nicago Musical College. PIPE ORGAN A N D P IA N O . 10 Years Teac i . „ Experience. Notice for Publication Department o f the interior. U. S. Land Office at Portland, Ore­ E. W . B A R T L E T T gon, April 13th, 1920. Notice is hereby given that Mtorney-at-Law and Notary Public William S. Runyon, o f Cherry- Estacada, Oregon ville, Oregon, who, on April 12th, 1920, made Homestead Entry, No. 05154, for SE X N E X and G E O R G E POINTER N E X S E X . Section 25, Town­ ship 2 South, Range 5 East, Wil­ lamette Meridan, has filed notice ... TIN TIN G ... o f intention to make Three-'Year Furniture Refinishing and Eram elirg Proof, to establish claim to the Leave orders at Davis’ Confectionery land above described, before E S T A C A D A , O R EG O N . the Register and Receiver o f the United States Land Office, at We Sell and Trade Real Estate Portland, Oregon, on the 27th Negotiate Loans * Buy Mortgages day o f May, 1920. Rent your Property * Write Insurance Claimant names as witnesses: In the very best Companies. Charles W. Harris, o f Cherry- We CAN GET YOU RESULTS ville, Oregon; J. T. Erie1, of Cherry ville, Oregon; P. Avrill, & o f Cheery ville, Oregon; Vincent \ Friel, o f Cherry ville, Oregon. ALEXANDER SWEEK, Register. Proof made under Sec. 5, Act Attcrney-at-Law o f June 9, 1916. 4-15 5 13 Painter and Paper Hanger S. E. WOOSTER SON, Estncada O. D. E B Y General Practice Confidential Adviser Oregon City, Oregon Notice to Creditors INTPUCHURCH WOULD MOVEMENT 41 W K ST 18 th ST K K K T , N K V YORK CITY Thn f j u b l i c e t m n o f thim mtrrn tieem n j* 9 n ie d e p o M jb h through the r v - i w a r iM a n o f 3C d e itc u n t n e h o n e . J „ . Mrs». M. A. Wright prH daugh- lo \. K I v ir I W right will fill ter Dorris o f Oakland. C& f., are hisapp'iint nent ht>r<‘ April 26th h(re vi8itinK Rt the C. fc). Allen instead ot next Sunday J home. J Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has bet n duly appointed ad­ ministrator. with the will annexed, of the Esjate of Joseph Deeker, by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon. All i e sons havirg claims against said esti le are hereby notified to present them, duly verified, to me at the office cf m\ attorney H. E. Cross. Oregon City, Oregon, within six n onths fiom tl.ei aiy of this notice. Xavier Decker, Administrator. H. E. Cio s, Oregon City, Oregon. Kirst Publication. April 1, 1920. Last Publication, April 29, 1920. See our new spring hats now on display. Dale’s. 4*29 Gresham 517. E rcstw ay 32. M iC C IR K & SCENE1DER Attorneys at Law. At Gresham Offii e— Tuesdays, 'D ursdavs ar.d Saturdays. First State Lank Building Portland O fl.ce- 601-15 Fenton I leg. Associated with Judge W . D, Fentor. Fire Insurance London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. • Great American Fire Ins. Co. Keep your policy in our fire proof vault free o f charge. Eatacada State Bank Agents