Page Six Thursday, April 1 , 1920 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS U. S. MORGAN Our Car of Mixed Feed Has Arrived \ The car of Fertalizer has been delayed on account of the great demand for it, and had to send east for certain raw material. We have a few more sets of the Aluminum Ware, to give with a five dollar cash purchase and $1.66. Our chopper is in good repair again. We are expecting our car of Alfalfa any day. • D. H. MORGAN Lime, Cement, Sand. Also a full line of Groceries. sell. We buy all kinds of farm produce. Buy where you The store where your $ does its duty i Our store at Viola will be open on Saturdays. MORGAN BROTHERS ! (Successors to the Estacada Feed Co.) SUMMONS. i W e wish to announce, Ì è i I \) ) ¥ # * ! ¥ ¥ the arrival in town of the first J BEEMAN TRACTOR This is a small machine calculated to do your culti­ vating and small jobs of plowing. It is especially adapted for the man i with a few acres.' » or * the ‘ man that has a regular farm tractor. It will take the place of one horse, in the truck or berry field. We will announce a demonstration as soon as weather conditions will permit. • t \ ! ! \ ) t ! REED CS, SHIBLEY ):■ ¥ i à Light Lunches and Confectionery Made to Measure Clothes For Men ■ I * ¥ \ Pipes Tobacco Y R. G. MARCH B ANK Estacada, Oregon Popcorn and Peanuts ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ I Cigars and Cigarettes Phonographs and Records K)R SALK 1 horo u gh bred i ^ 1 he Clackamas county confer* White Leghorn hatching eggs enceof the“ IntTrcTiTrch“ World lrom selected stock, $1.50 for 15. Moaement will “beheld*1 nOre“gon .Mat lark, City, Ore , at .the j, Presbyterian Tl-8 hstacada. Ore. v church on Tifesdy, April 6th, Cal Farrar leit for Medford in 1920. the first session starting Southern Oregon yesterday. *0 9:30 a. m. Case No. 16849. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack­ amas. Urban Peler, and Anna Mary Peier, his wife, Plaintiffs. vs. Alfred Neeves, W illiam Neeves, Ade­ line W ilkinson, widow of John It. W ilkinson, and form erly Adeline Neeves, John Doe Neeves, Jane Doe Neeves, Edward Forbes and H annah S. Forbes, his wife, John Doe Forbes, Jane Doe Forbes, Charles W. F arrar, Afina F arrar, his wife, John Doe F arrar, Jane Doe F arrar, Jam es Forsyth, A. O. Forsyth, his w ife, Clara M. Forsyth, John Doe Forsyth, Jane Doe Forsyth. Jennie C urrin. known as Jennie E. C urrin, John Doe C ur­ rin, Jane Doe C urrin, A. O. Lund, form erly widow of Jam es Forsyth, John Doe Lund, Jane Doe Lund, P. H. M arlay, and Jessie V. Marlay, his wife, John Doe Marlay, Jane Doe Marlay, John Doe Neeves, Jane Doe Neeves, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate. . lien or interest in vne real estate described -in the com plaint herein, also all unknown heirs of Henry W. Neeves, Alfred Neeves, W illiam Neeves, Adeline W ilkinson, for­ merly Adeline Neeves, Edward Forbes, Hannah S. Forbes, Charles W. F arrar, Anna F arrar, Jam es Forsyth, A. O Torsyth Clara M. Forsyth, Jennie C urrin, P. H. Mar- m lav, and Jessie V. Marlay, claim- - ing any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the re^« estate des­ cribed in the com plaint herein; and also the unknown heirs of all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the com plaint herein, and Clackamas County a m unici­ pal corporation. Defendants. To Alfred Neeves, W illiam Neeves, Adeline W ilkinson, widow of John R. W ilkinson, and form erly Ade­ line Neeves, John Doe Neeves, Jane Doe Neeves, Edward Forbes, and Hannah S. Forbes, his wife. John Doe Forbes, Jane Do> Forbes, Charles W. F arrar, Anna F arrar his wife, John Doe F arrar, Jane Doe F ar­ rar, Jam es Forsyth, A. O. Forsyth, his wife, Clara M. Forsyth. John Doe Forsvth, Jane Doe Forsyth, Jennie C nrrin. known as Jennie E. C urrin. John Doe F Urrin, Jane Doe C urrin. A. O. Lund, form erly widow o f .lames Forsyth. John Doe Lund. Jane Doe Lund, P. H. Mar- lav and Jessie V. Marlay, his wife, John Doe Marlay, Jane Doe Mar­ lay. John Doe Neeves. Jane Doe Neeves, and also all others per­ sons or parties un-known claim ing any right, title estate, lien or in­ terest in the real eatate described in the com plaint herein, also all unknown heirs of Henry W. Neeves, Alfred Neeves, W illiam Neeves. Adeline W ilkinson, for­ merly Adeline Neeves. Edward Forbes. Hannah S. Forbes. Charles W F arrar. F arrar, Jam es I Forsyth, A. O. Forsyth, Clara M. Forsyth, Jennie Currin, P. H M ar­ lay, and Jessie V. Marlay^ claiming any right, title, estate, lien or in­ terest in the real estate described in the com plaint herein; and also the unknown heirs of all other persons or parties unknown claim ­ ing any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the com plaint herein, Defen­ dants. In the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby re ­ quired to appear and answer the com­ plaint of the plaintiffs filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before six (6) weeks from the 4thday •of March 19 20, the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: appear and answer on or before the 15th day of April 19 20, said date being the expiration of six (6) weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and lr you fail -to so , appear and answer, for want thereof, h the plaintiffs will apply to the court \ for the relief prayed for in their com­ plaint filed herein, to-wit: F or a decree that the plaintiffs are the absolute and exclusive owners in fee-simple of the following described real property to-wit: The north one-half (*4) of the northeast one-fourth (% ) of the southeast one-fourth ( % ) of Sec­ tion No. 27, Township 1, south of Range 3, east of the W illamette Meri­ dian; also right of way to one twen­ ty (20) foot road way, leading from east or west direct to the County Road on the north, situated and be­ ing in the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon, That the defendants have no e sta t» or interest therein, nor lien thereon, and that defendants and each of them be perpetually enjoined and barred from setting up or claim ing any such estate, interest or lien; ¡«id th at plaintiffs title thereto, bev forever quieted and set at rest; that plaint­ iffs recover their costs and disburse­ ments herein and for such other and further relief as may be just and k. equitable in the premises. This «ummons is served upon you by publication, by order of the Hon. Oeoree R. Bagiev, judge of the above entitled Court, made and entered o.i the ?5th day of ^ebru^rv 1920, di­ recting such publication in the East­ ern Clackamas News, once each week for six successive weeks. The first publication is of date the 4th day of March 1920, and the last publication is of date the 15th day of April. 1920. MoGUIRK & SCHNEIDER, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Fir«t State Bank Pldg., Gresham, Or| & 609-15 Fenton Bldg., Portland, Or M. W . of A. Estacada Camp, No. 8769, M. W. of A., will hold their regular m eeting on the first and third Fridavs of each month, at 8 o’clock P. M. in the I. O. 0. F. Hall. J. C. Raymond, Clerk, a 5-fc