Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 01, 1920, Page Page Two, Image 2

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A surprise hirthday party was
¿riven at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. Held last Saturday
evening, in honor of Julius Paul­
sen and William Held. Mr.
Paulsen’s birthday was March
27. and Mr. Held’s the 29. The
evening was spent with cards
and other games. A most delic­
ious lunch was served by the
hostess. There were thirty-two
present. Everybody departed
for their homes at a late hour,
wishihg Mr. Paulsen and Mr.
Held many more happy birth­
Mrs. Marie Blinker who has
been visiting relatives and
friends in Portland for the past
two weeks, returned home last
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Weisen-
fluh and Mrs. H. Joyner spent
the week-end in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Tod Harders,
Chris Blinker and Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Kendleman attended the
show at Estacada last 1 hursday
Mrs. John Park and Miss Ag­
nes Udell visited with Mrs, Akin
ami the DeShazer family Sun­
Miss Clara Snyder and Miss
Pay Young were Sandy visitors
Several Dover people attended
the Dairymens’ League meeting
at Sandy Saturday.
Mrs. Develin and children
who have been spending several
weeks visiting with her mother
at Vancouver, expect to return
home Wednesday.
Raymond DeShazer and Wal­
ter Kitzmiller were Portland
visitors Thursday.
Rev. D. A. Waters will hold
all day services in the church
April 4. Basket dinner. All are
invited to attend.
Mrs. Evans fell and injured
her knee (piite badly some time
ago and is still unable to walk.
Her many friends hope for a
speedy recovery.
S. A. Douglass is on the sick
A. N. Orke and wife motored
to Portland Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle
were the dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. ('has. Murphy Sunday.
Perry Murphy was a Portland
visitor recently,
A shower was given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs Fred Hoff-
m eister on last Saturday even­
ing, in honor of their daughter.
Miss Myrtle, who is soon to wed
Mr. J»** Haley. A Knit 28 of
Thursday, April 1, 1920
their friends and neighbors as­
sembled and a very pleasant
evening was spent in playing
games and dancing. Miss Myr­
tle received quite a number of
useful and pretty gifts. A de­
licious supper was served.
Mrs. H. Schradrick and son,
of New York, are visiting at the
home of Mrs. S. N. Kilgore. ;
x»Miss May McLennan, who has
been attending school in Seattle,
visited her parents Mr. and Mrs.
McLennan, on her way to Chin-
ey, Wash., where she will teach
Mrs. Ecksheart is visiting her
brother Rev. J. D. McLennan.
J. Forbes and J. A. Shibley at­
tended the meeting in Oregon
City Saturday.
Mrs. Carl Peterson came home
from Portland with her new ba­
by daughter Friday.
W. W. Christensen celebrated
his hirthday last week with sev­
eral friends from Portland.
Beila Lawrence has been visit­
ing his parents during Easter
Mr. Erickson was given a de­
lightful surprise last week in
honor of his 56th birthday.
There wee eighteen guests pres­
ent. Mrs. Erickson served a
tine supper which was enjoyed
by all.
The ladies Missionary society
met with Mrs. McLennan on
Wednesday of last week. The
following officers were elected:
President. Mrs. George Law­
rence; vice-president, Mrs. J. D.
McLennan; secretary, 'Elva Shib­
ley; treasurer, Mrs. J. F. Moger;
secretary literature, Mrs. E.
Perfection’s Price
In Tire Building
A iire-maker’s first problem is to decide how much he can
give for the money. This, and every other question in tire
building, depends upon policies.
A super-tire, such as The Brunswick, can he made only by al
concern which knows well and appreciates that there is noth­
ing exclusive in the tire industry except high standards.
Since 1845 the House of Brunswick has held first place in
every line it entered. Brunswick Tires, as more and more
motorists come to know them, will certainly be awarded that
«coveted place held only by the superfine.
Motorists who buy one Brunswick usually adopt it: for
complete equipment. Yet this is not strange, since the first
one so completely proves its superiority.
If the naipe of Brunswick certifies to you, as to most men,
an extraordinary tire, at no higher price, would it not be good
business to test one or two Brunswick Tires?
Portland Headquarters: 46-43 Fifth Street
Notice to Creditors
Notire is hereby >;iven that the un­
dersigned has been duly appointed ad­
m inistrator, with the will annexed, of
the Kstate of Joseph Decker, by the
C ounty Court of Clackamas County,
Oregon. All persona having claims
against said estate are hereby notified
to present them, duly verified, to me,
at the office of my attorney H. E.
Cross, Oregon City, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Xavier Decker,
H. E. Cross,
Sold On An Unlimited Mileage
Guarantee Basis
Oregon City, Oregon.
First Publication, April 1, 11*20.
Cast Publication, April 29, l!*20.
$100 Reward, $100
T h e re a d e rs o f th is pap er w ill be
p leased to lsa rn th a t th e re Is a t least
d read ed disease th a t solencs lias
been able to cu re In all Us sta g e s and
th a t ts c a ta rrh . C a ta rrh being g reatly
Influenced by co n stitu tio n al conditions
req u ires c o n stitu tio n a l treatm en t. H all’s
C a ta rrh M edicine 1s tak en In tern ally an d
a c ts th ru th e Blood on th e M ucous S u r­
faces of th e System thereb y .d e stro y in g
th e foundation of the disease, giving the
p atie n t s tre n g th by building up th e co n ­
stitu tio n and assistin g n a tu re In doing its
w ork. T he p ro p rieto rs have so m uch
fa ith In th e cu rativ e pow er o f H a ll’s
C a ta rrh M edicine th a t they offer O ne
H u n dred D ollars for an y case th a t It falls
to cu re Send for list of testim o n ials
A ddress F J I’HK N K Y A CO.. Toledo.
O hio. Sold by all D ruggists, 7Sc.
Have you noticed the broad
smile on the faces of Mr. and
Mrs. Barney Schoenberg of late,
and wondered what it all meant?
It means that they have just
completed a Water Pressure sys­
tem, bath room and an Electric
Plant, installed by Reed & Shib­
ley. Barney and his good wife
are some happy people.
FOR SALE Small pigs, seven
weeks old. Stanley Turel,
Rt. 2. Box 32. 4-1-8
I have opened a Repair shop
heie in Estacada and at present
am located in the old Cascade
Garage. 1 work on any make
of car, electrical troubles my
specialty. I find your troubles
and tell you free of charge.
Have your car looked over, it
may save you many dollars.
Small troubles make large ones
1 guarantee all work.