Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, April 01, 1920, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 13,
N umber 28
The Eastern Clackamas Com
munity Club met Friday night.
A reception committee was on
motion, appointed by president
Stephens to represent Estacada
at the Rose Festival. J. C. Hill­
man and R. C. Deming consti­
tute this committee. J. W. Reed
and the chairman spoke on the
latest phases o f road work. The
question o f a Fourth o f July cel­
ebration was raised and after
some discussion, a committee
was appointed to look 'into the
matter. Certain measures com­
ing up at the election were then
presented: the lestoration of cap­
ital punishment was supported
by the editor o f the N ews ; F. E.
Burns in a strong address, plead
for the 2 mill school tax; R. C.
Deming spoke for the soldier’s
educational aid, and Chester Wo-
mer forcibly stated the impera­
tive reasons for the rescue of the
U. of Oregon, the 0 . A. C. and
the Normal School.
the speeches musical numbers
were given by the Misses Naomi
Paddison, Nova Smith, Anita
KopD, Frances Hassel and Ruth
Douglass Drill played
also some pieces on the xylo­
Good Friday Service
There will be a service in the
M. E. church on Fyiday evening
at 7:30. This will be conducted
by the Rev. U. H. Gibbs, accord­
ing to the order o f Evening
Prayer of the Episcopal Church.
The subject o f the sermon will
be “ The Eloquence o f the Cross.”
There is much rejoicing at East­
er, but there would have been no
Easter without the
Good Friday. So in order to un­
derstand what Easter means, it
is necessary to know what Good
Friday means.
The Artisans W ill Dance
A dance will be given by the
United Artisans in the Park pa­
vilion, Saturday evening.
Portland orchestra will furnish
the music. Proceeds are to help
their building fund.
E stacada , O regon T hursday A pril 1, 1920
The Heart of
Help^the W . C. T. U.
The New York press is unani­
mous in praise o f the great at­
traction “ The Heart of Humani­
ty ” which will be shown here on
Sunday. It is a great work.
Christian Church
The Easter program will be
given at 10 a. m. and preaching
services by Rev. Edward Wright
at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Subject
o f the morning sermon, “ He is
Real Estate Changes
The Cary Real Estate Co. has
sold the residence property of
G. F. Geistwhite and O. L.
Straughan, lots 13 and 14, block
9, to C. F. Pimm. Also a farm
belonging to Gabriel and John
Chiodo o f Boring to John Har­
mon of Alberta, Canada.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bartlett
entertained at cards, Saturday
night, the following friends, Dr.
and Mrs. H. V. Adix of Gresh­
am, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Currin,
Mr. and Mrs. C C. Saling o f
Currinsville, Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Sparks and Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Saling o f Estacada.
Baseball G »me Friday
The High School baseball nine
will try conclusions with Gresham
High, on the home diamond Fri­
day afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Those who can should attend and
give the home team a good sup­
port in this the initial game o f
the season. The boys have re­
ceived their new uniforms.
The I. O . O . F. Play
After the regular business o f
the local lodge o f the I. O. O. F.
was transacted Saturday night,
the rooms were thrown open to
invited guests, who came to at­
tend a social and to see the play
put on by the lodge and their
auxiliary, the Rebekahs.
was “ The Long Lost N ephew,”
and the '.caste included Mrs. W.
F. Cary, Miss Lydia Matson,
Messrs. Hugh Jones, David Esh-
leman and Dick Githens. It was
very well received.
The ladies o f the W. C. T. U.
have Sentered into the contest
being carried on by the National
Promotion Co. as advertised in
the Oregon Journal. Please save
the wrappers or containers of
the goods advertised by it in the
Journal and notify any o f the
members o f the W. C. T. U.
They will be glad aiso for any
old papers or magazines.
Fruit Men W ill Organize
An organization meeting for
the Estacada district o f the Ore­
gon Growers Co-operative Asso­
ciation, will be held Saturday,
April 3, at 2 p. m. at the Mov­
ing Picture Theatre.
A local
advisory committee will be elect­
ed. C. I. Lewis o f Salem, or­
ganization manager, will speak.
All members and other fruit
growers also, are urged to be
present. Plans for the coming
season will be discussed.
Salvation Arm y Program
The Army has before it not
only its home service extension
program, but also such a busi-
nessjjprogram ¡as] it has never
faced before say its officers. A
central headquarters building is
to be erected on the lot bought
by the Army at Sixth and Ank­
eny streets; the White Shield
Home for girls is to be taken
over, negotiations are under way
for the purchase o f a farm
school at Yamhill for boys and
girls that need right guidance.
$1.50 P er Y ear
It has been a moot question
whether the second a in Estaca­
da should be pronounced as the
a in far, or as the a in day. S.
P. Pesznecker has been looking
the matter up ai d finds that the
name comes from the French
estacada or the Spanish estaca­
da , both o f which mean a stock­
ade. As a stockade is an inclos­
ure, and Estacada is enclosed
between two dams, upper and
lower, probably the name is de­
rived as above, and not as some
say, a corruption o f Esther Cady,
If the word is o f French or
Spanish origin, then the» a of.the
penultimate syllable should be
pronounced as the a in far.
All bills must be paid by the
first or tenth o f the month. 1
will not carry them any longer
than thirty days.
No matter
how large or how small the bills
are, they m ist be paid at the end
o f thirty days. J. C. Hillman,
The Palace Meat Market.
The regular annual meeting o f
the Tennis club will be held at
the Estacada notel, Monday
evening, April 5, 1920.
members are requested to be
By Order o f President.
Garfield Grange
Saturday, April 3, is the regu­
lar monthly meeting o f Garfield
Grange. There will be initiation
at the secret session at 10:30 a.
m and regular Grange busine s
will be transacted. All mem­
bers are urged to be present.
Commencing at 2 o ’clock an open
meeting will be held, pr which
the measures to be voted on at
the May primary will be dis­
cussed ireely. Come and have
your say and see what Garfield
Grange is doing.
W. H. Holder, Master.
There will be a meeting o f the
Estacada Farmers Telephone Co.
Limited, at the Grange Hall,
Garfiield, Ore., on Saturday eve­
ning, 7:30 p. m., May 1st, 1920,
for the purpose o f amending and
changing the company and such
other business as may come be­
fore the members.
•R. E. Davis, Pres.
Charles Duncan, Sec’y.
Dated, March 31st, 1720.
4 8
Chris Schuebel has filed as a
candidate for State Senator to
fill the unexpired term o f the
late Senator W. A. Dimick.
Mrs. A. K. Morton will arrive
from Portland this afternoon
and will probably stay the sum­
mer here.