OUR SLO Community Cooperation {Eastern (Elarfeamas N m s Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 13, N umber 27 I S . M. J. MOORE LMO TO REST Tuesday morning at 4:30 Mrs. W. J. Moore quietly passed away. As she had been in a state of coma for some time, the end had been momentarily ex­ pected by her friends. Anna Edna Reid was born June 3, 1865, at Smith’s Falls, Ontario. Canada, where in 1891 she was married ts W. J Moore. Eight years later Mr. and Mrs. Moore left Canada for Alaska, where they remained about four years, Mr. Moore at first mining and later working for the gov­ ernment. In 1903 they came to the states settling at Seattle, and in 1905 to Estacada where they have lived ever since. About six years Mrs. Moore was afflicted with heart trouble and her health began to fail. Al­ though everything was done to relieve her, and both husband and son devoted themselves en­ tirely to her. she did not im­ prove. A year ago she suffered from a stroke of paralsys, the effects of which she never got over, although she recovered sufficiently to get out and walk around. But it was sadly evi­ dent that she was failing in mind and body. About tw o weeks before her demise, she had a relapse and lost conscious­ ness in which condition she re- .mained until released by death. She will be greatly missed by those who knew her, especially in former years before she began to break down. Besides her husband she leaves one son, Burton and her daughter-in-law his wife. The funeral was held in the Methodist church yester­ day afternoon at 2:30. and was largely attended. The service was conducted by the Rev. A. Demoy, an old friend, who spoke beautiful and consoling words Sime of her favorite hymns and a special piece. “ In the Land of the Setting Sun” were sung. The interment took place in Lone Oak cemetery under the direct­ ions of R. R. Carlson of Gresh­ am. As her other immediate rela­ tives live in Canada, none were able to be present, but some friends from Portland attended These were A. H. Richmond and daughter Miss Nell, who are the father and sister of Mrs. Bart Moore. Mrs. C. G. Cathcart and A. F. Benson. E stacada , O regon T hursday M arch 25, 1920 C om m unity C lub A n E lite R estau ran t The restaurant adjoining Bo­ ner’s confectionery, has been leased by V. W. Hauser, who has had it thoroughly renovated, papered and painted which adds much to its appearance. Mr. Hauser is the son-in-law of N. C. Adlon who kept a jewelry store here last year. He is an expert chef, having had eigh­ teen years experience, besides having been brought up in a hotel, as his father is an old ho­ tel man. Mr. Hauser has cooked in the east and middle west, not S a lvation A rm y N otes or.ly for hotels, but for swell so­ The Oregon budget has been ciety clubs, so lie Knows just increased to include the purchase what is wanted in this line. He of the property to be made into will serve regular meals, short a Salvation Army Industrial and orders, lunches and cater to Agricultural school for boys. parties and < ther social func­ The first budget of $244,000 tions. Hejwill keep a full line of which convemplated the exten­ confectionery, home made bak­ sion of the Salvation Army i ery goods, ice cream, etc., which Home Service program to the will be under the charge of Miss remote districts of the state, was Betty Wise of Portland. Scru­ declared insufficient to handle I pulous care will be taken to keep the big program outlined by the everything clean ano neat. For state board after a study of the some months Mr. Hauser has county board confidential re­ been working in the shipyards ports. The quota for Clackamas as boat steward in charge of county amounts to $7,810. fitting out the comissary depart­ ments of the boats. R evival M eetin g s He has an ad in this issue, look it up. We predict for him a Revival services will be held successful business, as a restau­ at the Eagle Creek Church every rant of this kind is much want­ night this week and next. They ed. will be conducted by the Rev. J. I). and Mrs. McLennan, assisted C O N G R A T U L A T IO N S by the cowboy preacher, the Rev. S. G. Bettes. Everybody is in­ The N ews extends most hear­ ty congratulations to Mr. and vited. Mrs. Lloyd Riches, who were Multnomah County Pomona married last Sunday afternoon Grange, at a recent all-day ses­ in Portland. The groom is a sion, not only endorsed the re­ well known newspaper man and lief bill for higher education in for the last few months connect­ Oregon, but requested its nine ed with the Morning Enterprise subordinate Granges to go out in of Oregon City, as its advertis­ their communities and work for ing anJ business manager. This the bill. The Oregon Dairy position he has now resigned to Council has also strongly en­ accept a similar one with the dorsed the bill, which is to be Evening Budget of Astoria. He voted upon May 21, and which is also a member of the Portland provides 1.26 mills to protect the Press club ami secretary of the work of the Agricultural Col­ 8tate Editorial Association. lege, the State University and Mrs. Milt Marshall was opera­ the Normal School. ted on at St. Vincent’s hospital last Tuesday for gall stones. She Monday, April 5, is the last was doing very well from latest day for paying taxes without reports, we are glad to say. penalty. Do not forget that the Com­ munity Club meets tomorrow, Friday evening, at the Estacada Hotel at 8 p. m. It will be New­ comers’ Night and all the older residents are requested to see that their friends and neighbors who have come here within the year, will be present. A good program has been scheduled, which will deal with the meas­ ures coming up at the election in May. $1.50 P er Y ear AGENCIES REPORT SEVERAL DEALS That business is waking up at a lively rate, is indubitably shown by the records of the two real estate agences in town, tin* past week. S. E. Wooster & Son report the following sales: A lot belonging to John Zobiist to W. H. Woodruff; the W. Brog- den farm in Garfield to W. J. Kinney and Otis Lamberson; t ht* George F. Blair place in Garfield to Mr. Hendrickson; 5-acre tract belonging to May Boetnrick to Lawrence Bake" and the W. G. Ward place at Viola to a Mr. Braash. The Cary Real Estate Co re­ ports the sale of -Ed. Boner's confectionery to E. Krigbaum; Lot 7, block 5 of Terrace Addi­ tion to Bernice McCall from the Estacada Realty Co. ; residence on Lots 3 and 4. block 36 on Oursin Si. to F. 0. and W. F. Pitman, from R. G. Crawford. Ed. B oner S ells O ut Through the (’ary Agency Ed. Boner sold his confectionery to E. Krigbaum who took possess­ ion on Monday. Mr. Boner will retain the fishing department and will probably move it to an­ other location. It will seem strange for Estacada to be w ith­ out Boner’s confectionery and news stand, but its popularity will no doubt be maintained un­ der the new management. E ditorial E ndorsed The editor has received the following commendation of his editorial last week, on capital punishment, from the Hon. B. L. Eddy of Roseburg, State Senator for the 4th district, and a prom­ inent attorney. He writes: “ 1 am very much obliged for the opportunity to read your edi­ torial on capital punishment in your issue of March 18th. 1 ap­ preciate the strength and clear- \ ness of your argument and I hope it will be reprinted by other pa­ pers and will help the cause be­ fore the voters.’’