Page Eight EASTERN CLA C K A M A S NEWS “ I’ll Tell the World” ^says the Good* Judge Thuridey Marchi 1 , 1920 R eport O f T he C ondition O f No. 125 ESTACADA STATE BANK at Estacada, in the State o f Oregon, at the close of business, Feb. 28, 1920. The man who doesn’t chew this class of to­ bacco is not getting real satisfaction out of his chewing. PROFESSIONAL CURDS D R . R. G R A H A M M C C A L L P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n R E SO U R C E S Loans and discounts..................... ...........$ 1 6 8 .9 9 0 .3 4 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured...... I 0 .8 7 Bonds and warrants......................... ......... . 3 1 .8 6 5 .0 7 Stocks, securities, judgements, etc.......... 2 .2 8 0 .0 3 Banking house ............................................ 3 ,4 5 0 .0 0 Furniture and fix tu res............................... 3 0 4 8 .4 0 Other Real Estate ow n e d ..................... 3 .7 2 8 .5 8 Due from approved reserve banks......... 3 7 .4 5 0 .4 5 Checks and other cash ife m s ................. 1.20 Cash on hand................................................ I 2,2 6 8 70 Other R e s o u rce s..........................’............ 7 4 8 .2 0 A small chew. It holds its rich taste. You don’t, have to take so many fresh chews. Any man who uses the Real To­ bacco Chew will tell you that. f-* Total .................................... ............... RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco YV-B CUT is a long finc-cut tobacco W eÿman-Bruton Com pany, 1107 Broadway, New York City Local and Long Distance Telephone The doctor’s phone can be connected with your home phone at night if requested. One long ring Dr. L. A. Wells i ■m Dentist $ 2 6 3 .8 5 0 84 LIABILITIES Put Up In Two Styles Office Adjoining Residence Capital stock paid In................................. $ 1 5 0 0 0 .0 0 Surplus fund .............................................. 2 0 0 0 .0 0 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid.................................................. 3.579.81 Postal savings bank deposits ................... 8 9 3 .5 0 Individual deposits subject to c h e c k ..................................— ........... 178 6 2 3 .0 3 Cashier checks outstanding ................... 3 .1 2 8 .1 7 Certified checks ............ 2 .9 4 1 .4 8 Tim e and Savings Deposits................... 5r> 9 2 1.18 Other liabilities........................................ 7 6 3.67 Associated with Dr. R. Graham McCall’ Dr. R. Morse P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd Residence: Main and 5th Sts. Telephone Connection T o ta l......... ................................. - ........$ 2 6 3 .8 5 0 .8 4 Mrs. R. Graham McCall y THC U N I V E R S A L CAR ITo-e the Foul Runabout, a perfect whirl­ wind of utility. Fits into the daily life o f even bod\ , anywhere, everywhere, and all the time For town and countrv, it is all that its name implies—a Runabout. Low in cost of operation ; low in cost o f maintenance, with all the sturd> strength, dependability and re- li.ibilit> tor w hieh Ford cars are noted. We’d be p.eased to have your order for one or more. We have about everything in motor car aeces- s >ries, and alwae s have a full line o f genuine Ford parts- give genuine Ford service it State of Oregon. County of Clackamas, ss: I, H. C. Stephens, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. C. Stephens, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day o f March, 1920. (Seal) S. E. Wooster, Notary Public. My commission expires March 12, 1923. Correct—Attest: Leroy D. Walker, Thomas Yocum, H. C. Stephens. Directors. FOR SALE— Eggs for hatch­ ing from full blooded Rhode Is­ land Red hens, crossed with 0. A. C. White Leghorns. $1.00 per setting o f 13 eggs. 1 have also some first class mixed stock hens, and pure White Leghorn hens from good laying parents, per setting 75 cents. . G. A. Masse, P. 0. Bx. 117, Estacada Heights. Leave or­ ders at Morgan Bros. Feed Store. 3-18 RAKER & SON ESTACADA - GRESHAM - I— ■ .fe t t ì w . ____ x: i »’«■* Christian Church There will be services at 11 and 7 on Sunday. The morning subject will be “ Friendship” and the evening, “ The Authority, of the Bible.” Edward Wright. Minister. Deaconess Here Income tax is due March 15th. Have you made your returns? R. R. CARLSON Undertaker and Em balm er Gresham - Oregon Warren McWilhs Earl Wagner is home again after being out with government hunter. A. G. Ames, on his rounds. Blessed is the poor man for he won't be bothered with mak­ ing out an income tax return n-ently form. lavili Agent for Estacada Gtvc< Huacke ha> irovw. o' to the mneti ow od by George H. Davis has put a Harr> Snyder. He va ed at ttiis ot’ice \\ enlnemiax alitrnoon partition in his pool hail masing and subscriberi for the paper. a separate room for pooi and Th» show> that he w t e a cards. In the front he sells to* vali ez! additili to our mnui- j ha coo. candy, fruit and soft nity. ' drin k s . Deaconess Jones o f the Port­ land district. M. E. Church, is staying at the parsonage and holding meetings every evening. She also addresses each after­ noon the girls o f the high school. H ow ’s This? W t offer One Hi. ’ >1 t IV U ar* R ew ard fo r any vaa* o f Catarrh that can n ot ba cured by H a ll* C atarrh Medicine. H all’ s C atarrh M w .ktn* has been taken by ca ta rrh su ffe n rs for the past thirty- five ro a r», and ha* becom e know n as the moet reliable rem edy fo r C atarrh H ail * C atarrh M edicine acts thru the B lood on the M ucous surface*, expelltn * the Pev­ en r. from th e B lood and b ealin s the die- eased portion*. A fter r o u h a r e ta k e - R alTa C atarrh Med ne fo r a abort tlx»* yon w ill ace t «real tru orew **n t fa yowr rr^ era l hea th i*t*rt ta k la « W all’ « C a ia -rh Medi­ cine at on ce and get rid e f catarrh. Send fo* teetirro-- free P J C H F N K T A CO . T M n . Ohio. S oM r*-u e tr1 « e a TV- Gradual* v-nicago Musical College. PIPE ORGAN AND PIANO. 10 Years Teac i . „ Ex{ erience. E. W . B A R T L E T T Mtcrncy-at-LeW ¿rd NcUry Fiblic Estacada, -:- Cregcn We Sell and Trade Real Estate Negotiate leans * Buy Mortgages Rent your Property • V rite Insurance in the very best Companies. We CAN GET YOU RL51LIS S. E. WOOSTER & SON, Estacada O. D E B Y A t tc r n e y -a t-L s w General Practice Oregon City, Confidential Adviser -:- Oregon Gresham 517. Eroadway 32. V c G U l R K & SCKNEiCER Attorneys at Law. At Gresham Cff re—Tuesdays, Ihursdava ard Saturdaxs, First htatr l ai k Euilding. Portland Cffioe- 6C9-15 Fenton Bkig. A*soc:aUd with Jui.gv W. P. Finter. 1 ACCM A G l'N STORE, INC. Tacoma, W aih. largest Stoik f Hunt«rs rrd Trappers auopnes ir. the Northwest, E S ltC IA L atten­ tion to mail oidtis. Sei d t ie cent sttn.f fi r catalogue. Fire London l ancashire Fire Ins. Co. Great American Fire Ins. Co. Keep your policy in our fire proof vault free o f charge. Estacada State Bank Agents I •