Page Two Thursday, March 11, 1920 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS LOW ER EAGLE CREEK Miss Monnich, principal of the Eagle ( ’ reek school, handed in her resignation last week. Mrs. Runion of Gresham, takes her place. Miss Bertha. Whitcomb, a former teacher of Eagle Creek school, is,spending a week with Mrs. Rose Suter, Miss Whit­ comb) is attending a business college in Portland. Clarence Troop, who is em­ ployed in a butcher shop in Mc­ Minnville, spent Sunday with his family here. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Baelon on ’March 7. Ben Anderson is confined to his bed. He Jhas’ nt as yet fully recovered from an attack o f the flu. K. M. Blaisdell is now serving on the federal grand jury. Mrs. Sam Brown is very ill at her home. Physicians say her trouble is the cause o f a nervous breakdown. U PPER EA(JLE ( REEK Mrs. E. Judd o f Lents, has been out this way visiting with relatives. Lou Baker and family have moved to their Upper Eagle Creek farm home. Miss Myrtle Hoffmeister is working for Mrs, Orin Ballou of Lower Eagle Creek. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle spent a couple of days last week with their sons who live down near Trout dale. C. H. Paddison sawed some wood for Mr. Murphy last week. E. L. Naylor was a Portland and Sellwood visitor last week. Walter Douglass made a trip to Oregon City last week. Grandma Judd. Mrs, Rose Ba­ ker and Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Judd were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffmeister on Sunday. The M ost W elcom e Tire / That Ever Came to Market M en W h o A pprecia te Superlative Values P refer The Brunsw ick In every great tire factory, the chief question is: “ H ow much can we give for the money?“ And the product depends on the policy adopted. Every man w ho Has become ac­ quainted with Brunswick Tires knows that Brunswick standards are again evident. This famous con­ cern— noted as a leader in every line it entered since 1845— has once more proved that its policy is right. A perfect tire is simply a matter o f knowledge and standards and skill. N o secrets ncr patents pre­ vent making an ideal tire. But standards come first. F or in tire making there is vast room for skimping, for subtle economies, for Hidden shortcomings. Makers with­ out the highest standards don’t build high-grade tires. The Brunswick organization o f tire makers includes a brilliant staff of technical experts. Not a man among them has spent less than 20 years in handling rubber. Each is a master of his craft. And the new ideas they bring to the attention o f Brunswick direc­ tors receive sincere consideration. Every proved b e t t e r m e n t is adopted unanimously. The Brunswick Tire is a combi­ nation of acknowledged features— plus Brunswick standards o f manu­ facture. The result is a super-tire, the like o f which you have never known be­ fore. The kind of a tire you will gladly join in welcoming. Yet Brunswicks cost n o more than like-type tires. T ry ONE Brunswick. W e prom­ ise a surprise. And we feel certain that you will want A L L Bruns­ wicks. Then good tires will have a new meaning to you. T H E B R U N SW ICK -BA LK E -CO LLE N D E R CO. Portland Headquarters: 4 6 -4 8 Fifth Street Sold On A n Unlimited Mileage Guarantee Basis Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Morgan o f Estacnda and Mr. ami Mrs. Chas. Murphey were the guests of Ray Woodle and w ife Sunday. After an eight days vacation, the school in Dist. 50 resumed sway under the leadership of Miss Flynn of Oregon City. A. N. Orke and w ife spent Sunday out this way on tlu'is farm. Mr. and Mrs. Will Douglass. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson and J. P. Wiwxtle sp^nt Sunday even­ ing at the home of liay Woodle. On Sunday the 7th inst, H. H. Hoffmeister celebrated his 80th birthday, at the home of his son John Hotfmeister. of Damascus. Ernest and lhive Hoffmeister ot Eagle Creek, a t t e n d e d A sumptuous dinner was partaken of and all spent a pleasant day. Cord Tire» with “ Driving” and “ Swa»tika” Skid-Not Tread* Fabric T ire , in “ P lain ," “ R ibbed” and “ B B C ” Skid-Not Tread* CASCADE GARAGE, W,!S«?*.0S