OUR SLOGAN: KEEP YOUR EYE ON ESTACADA! Community Cooperation Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 13, N umber 25 WHITE PLAGUE CLAIMS VICTIM Virgil Wagner the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Wagner, was born at The Dalles, Oregon, on November 20, 1891. When five years old his parents moved to Garfield and resided there until coming to Estacada. He attend­ ed the public schools in Garfield r' tacada, where he gained the reputation of possessing won­ derful vitality, which later sus­ tained him when his health broke down. Shortly before the en­ trance of the U. S. into the war, he attempted to enlist in the na­ vy but was rejected on account of a defective heart, He then went east to study locomotive and railway engineering. When the U. S. became a participant in the war, he immediately tried to enlist in the army, but was re­ jected. Later at his request, he was ordered to present himself for reexamination, which result­ ed in his assignment to the sup­ ply train at Camp Custer; Battle CreeK, Mich. At this station he contracted the mumps and pneu­ monia which was followed by tu­ berculosis in the left lung, and was given a disability discharge in January 1918. He spent last summer at the coast and for a time he seemed to be regaining his health. In October he and his brother Otis entered a sanitarium at San Die­ go for treatment. The following month he underwent a minor surgical operation which was fol­ lowed by pneumonia, and his parents were called to his bed­ side. After their arrival he be­ gan rapidly tq recover and three weeks later they returned home leaving him apparently convales­ cent. However the improvement did not continue so he was trans­ ferred to a government sanitari­ um at Alpine. At this higher al­ titude he gained at first, but on March 5th. a hemorrhage set in and he passed away at 3 p. m. The remains are being sent home and services will be held in the local Christian Church, with interment in Lone Oak cem- E stacada , O regon T hursday M arch 11. 1920 Arrested for Smoking Cigarettes D IED A High School boy was arrest­ At her home in Upper Garfield, ed Wednesday by Hank Boyer, ✓ March 4, 1920. Mrs. Paul Sauer, our new marshal, for smoking Aged 34 years. cigarettes. He was taken be­ The deceased gave birth to a baby just before her deatn, who fore City Recorder Wooster, who survived three hours. She leaves took the case under advisement. besides her husband, three chil­ We have remarked several viola­ dren, two boys eight and five tions of the law against smoking years old and a girl of twelve. cigarettes by minors. Perhaps The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at Mt. Zion now the authorities are begin­ church with interment in the ning 1o notice, it will act as a cemetery back of the church, deterrent. That boys and girls the Rev. J. F. Dunlop officiating. should be made to respect law The bereaved family receive the and constituted authority, is profound sympathy of the en­ tire community. more important than thp impos­ Mrs. J. F. Snyder sends the ing of a fine for its violation. following tribute: Mrs. Sauer And it is the lack of this respect was a kind neighbor and faith­ which is furthering tin1 spread ful friend, devoted wife and of Boshevism, the I. W. Wr. and mother. She possessed a re­ the pressing demand for a new markably quiet, mild and kind and enlarged penitentiary. disposition, with wonderful gen­ Later: The boy was fined tleness, patiortce and sweetness five dollars. in her home. She only saw the gqpd in people, never their short­ M rs. C. A . M iller Enle»-t?.inecl comings. She had great love for The members of the Ladies the beautiful things of nature, Aid of the M. E. church arid every nook and corner of her other friends, held a farewell home having choice flowers and party for Mrs. C. A. Miller at ferns growing. She had deep the paisonage Tuesday after­ religious convictions, with a sted- noon. The time was pleasantly fast abiding trust and faith in passed in visiting, doing fancy God. She was loved by everyone work and music. Mrs. Miller who knew her for her many vir­ has been very active in church tues, and she leaves behind her a l work during her stay here, and tecord of love and goodwill for she will be greatly missed, both all mankind. at church and at the Ladies Aid meetings. \ N otice to O dd F ello w s All Odd Fellows attend Satur­ day night meeting. Important business to be transacted. J. K. E'y, Sec. etery. His parents, four broth­ ers and four sisters survive him. He was formerly a member of the Garfield Grange and a chart­ er member of the local post of the American Legion of San Die­ go, California. Tty* Home Chap­ ter of the American Red Cross at Portland and San Diego were in­ terested in his case and that of his brother Otis, and rendered to both and their parents most ap­ preciated assistance, for which the family are profoundly grate­ ful. Later: The funeral will be at 2 p- m. tomorrow, Friday, at tlje Christian Church. t 0 B o y s’ C lub P roposed The Parent Teachers meeting was held Tuesday evening at the High School and was addressed by Mr. Frank Wells of Portland, who is a representative of the Rocky Mountain Teacher’s agen­ cy. The subject discussed was the behavior of the* High School Pupils out of school hours. J. K. Ely and Mayor Bartlett also spoke, the latter advocating the organization of a boys’ club. Lath M ill for E stacada Some Portland parties have leased from J. W. Reed, the building at the lumber yard at the'eorner of third and Zobrist steets and will install a lath mill in it. We'have not been able to get full particulars but hope to give them next week. $1.50 1’ kr Y ear BACK AT THE OLO LOCATION When our esteemed predeces­ sor, R. M. Stand ish, was in tin» real estate business, he had an office at the corner of Broadway and 2nd St., across from the pharmacy. When he ga,fe up the business, he moved this building on to one of the lots owned by Mrs. M. H. Evans on Upper Broadway, adjoining her residence. Later she bought the building and now has sold it to W. F. Cary who has moved it its former site, and will use it again as a real estate office. Its experiance is reminiscent of the action of the king of France, who marched his army up the hill and then marched it down I again. L ectu re T onight R. Foster Stone who lectured so acceptably last night at the High School auditorium, on “ A Message for These Times,” will i lecture again this evening. His I subject will be “The World Around Us: Its Lights and Shad­ ows; Its Mirth and Pathos.” He will be assisted by Miss IIil- dur Levida Lingren, soloist. No admission will be charged hut a silver offering taken up. P a r­ ents ar»1 especially urged to at­ tend. Mr. Stone proved himself last night an able and forcible speaker, and his lecture tonight is in some particulars the strong­ est in his repetory. The musi­ cal features by Mist» Lindgren and Miss Thatcher are of an ex­ ceptional order and a delight to music lovers. B aby A dop ted Mr. and Mrs? I tarry Snyder, having been married some years and no child of their own deter­ mined to adopt one. Last Sat­ urday Mrs. Snyder went to Portland and returned with a fine nine day old boy, who w ill be known as Harry Jr. (Con­ gratulations are in order Ix»th to the foster parents and the baby.