Thursday, March 4, ! 920 Milton Evans was here from Portland Sunday to see his moth­ er. LOCAL BR EVITIES A N D N E W S 77 L M S The Eagle Creek Camp o f the W. 0. W. will give a dance at Cogswell’s hall, Saturday night, March 13th. Bob Marchbank is repapering and otherwise improving the in­ terior o f his confectionery and restaurant. March 19 2 0 S M T w T F s l 2 3 4 5 6 7 .8 9 1 0 11 1 2 13 EASTERN C L A C K A M A S NEW S Mary Malzanini spend Sun­ day with her parents at River Mill. She is attending a con­ vent school in Portland. Mrs. J. C. Hillman left yester­ day for Walla Walla to visit her son and wife. She will be gone about a week or ten days. 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 0 2 1 2 2 23 24 25 26 27 Mrs. Burt Moore went to Portland Saturday and her fath­ er, Andrew Richmond, returned with her to spend Sunday. 28 29 30 31 Mrs. E. D. Allen o f Marmot, was visiting with relatives here last week. Mrs. M. H. Evans returned to her home in this city last week, after being away for some time. The rain is welcome, but in these dry days the ground needs copious showers of refreshment. Mrs. Lee Bronson and little on Beverly, were here from W tland Sunday, visiting rela­ tives and friends. ? The Family Theatre Miss Alvina Mikuleckv arrived from Kansas last Saturday to visit her mother, Mrs. Anna Mikulecky, for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Pirn, who moved away from Estacada about a year ago, will shortly return and take up their abode in the Ed. Bates house. J. F. Lovelace is around again walking with the aid o f a cane. Dr. McCall, assisted by a P ort­ land physician, operated on his leg a few days ago. Clark Possen and family will soon move to the Patterson resi­ dence on Third St., now occupied by the Cromer family who are moving to the country. Jerry Jones, a lormer resident o f Estacada. but now o f Port­ land, has been here this week visiting his daughters. Mrs. Rhodes and Mrs. Smiley Love­ lace. THURSDAY NIGHT. MARCH 4th Baby Marie Osborne Mrs, A. K. Morton arrived from Portland Monday noon on business, and stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett, who took her back with them to Portland the next day. —IN— “ An Old Maid’ s Baby” With I'EARL WHITE —I N - “ Lightning Raider” W. F. Cary has bought the small house owned by Mrs. M. H. Evans and now located on the latter’ s lots on Upper Main St., and will move it to the northwest corner o f the hotel block to be used as a real estate office. SATURDAY NIGHT, March 6th De MILLE —IN— "The Squaw Man” Thursday, March 11, “ CALEB PIPER’ S GIRL” with Peart White in her last episode in ‘ ‘The Lightning Rai­ der.” If you want to see her finish, and I think you will, be at the Family Theatre at 7 p. m. prompton the 11th. First show at 7 p. in. sharp. ADMISSION: Adults, 22c. War tax 3c fc,Children 10c, War tax lc, W. E. Linn, Manager. j C. A. Miller motorman on the Estacada branch has been given another run, and will move his family to Portland. Their de­ parture will leave a gap in social and church circles which will be hard to AH. Misses Audrey and Helen will be much missed by their school friends with whom they were extremely popular. Mr. Miller advertises two good cows for sale in this issue. Page Fiva Shop on Broadway adjoining office of E. W. Bartlett. G . Oregon Poultry Farm R EIN Phil. Marquant, Proprietor Shoe Maker & Repairing ALL WORK DONE IN A FIRST CLASS MANNER Can fit any shoe to any foot. V_____________________________________ TRAP-NESTED, SINGLE COMB WHITE LEGHORNS Get your order in^early for egga or Htock, Send for de- | acriptive mating lint. Leadership of the Press Newspapers are slowly awak­ ening to their great responsibili­ ty in leadership in all public matters. With a direct vote in the hands o f the people at primaries and elections readers o f papers be­ come dynamic. The days o f the political boss and o f the party ring to dictate are matters o f past political his­ tory. The people are ready to ac‘t intelligently only when fairly well informed on the issues in­ volved. That information is not gath­ ered just before election from flaming campaign circulars or selfish appeals. It is gathered by the news­ paper readers in the quiet o f their homes and their action is what finally counts. PHIL M4RQUAM (Farm located one mile out of K*ta- cada, Oregon, on Garfield road.) - -- - J PLACE YOUR Fire Insurance in the Home Company and through the Home Agent J. W. REED ESTACADA Agent for The Pacific States Fire Insurance Company £ f > ? TAXES ! ? ! y Y ? has requested us, in order to avoid duplication of I 1 work in I ? ? Y f Y Y Y Y * f I 1919 tax^s are now payable. his office, that tax T h e Sheriff statements will be ? We i therefore ask those wishing to pay their taxes ? sent only up n request in each instance. V V Y through the Bank, to call with a description of I Y I i their property, and we will secure the statements and attend to the payment in the usual manner. Estacada State Bank 4 per cent interest on Time and Saving* deposits. i I