/ K E E P YOUR EY E ON E S T A C A D A ! OUR SLOGAN: Community Cooperation x Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 13, N umber 24 BURGLAR BREAKS INTO a . e . z z ; 16230133 Monday night about 11 o ’ clock, A. E. Sparks had occasien to go down to his store, and on enter­ ing and turning on the light, he heard some one at tne rear mak­ ing a hurried getaway. Mr. Sparks gave the alarm, to which a number of men in Bob March- bank’s restaurant responded. An automobile was standing near and they turned its spot light across the street, which re­ vealed a man crouching at the back of the old Park hotel. On being thus discovered he made a bolt for it. Clyde Schock got a gun from Bob Marchbank and - fired a shot at the man, but evi­ dently failed to hit him. He is described as being rather tall and slim. Investigation showed that entrance had been obtained through the rear door o f the bank building which leads to the upstair rooms. The burglar had gone through the window in the hall way which opens on to the roof o f the warehouse from which he had ascended to the roof of the store. There is a cover door on the roof which was not fastened, by means of which the man had gotten in­ side and then into the store through a small trap door in the ceiling o f the toilet o f the rest room in the gallery. Muddy marks where his shoes had scraped were made on the walls. Evidently he had hardly begun operations when Mr. Sparks en­ tered the store, for about all that is found missing is two odd gloves. In his hurry the man left behind a nickle Hash light. At first it was thought to be one belonging to a respectable citi­ zen, who on being shown it, thought it was his, which he had left in Marchbank’s pool hall, But on closer examination it proved to be one of larger size. This can be seen as Exhibit A in the window of the East Clack­ amas Supply Co’s, store. As our neighboring towns have had visits o f this nature during the winter, it is not sur- E sta c ad a . O regon T hursday M arch 4. 1920 Obsequies of Mrs. Kandle The final rites for the late Mrs. W. H. Kandle were held yester­ day at the Christian Church, at 2 p. m., being conducted by El­ der Wright of Portland. The at­ tendance was large and the floral offerings beautiful. Her son Charles Kandle whose coming from Philadelphia was awaited, arrived with nis wife on Tues­ day. The interment took place in Lone Oak cemetery. Dedication Exercises Boardman, Oregon. Communi­ ty school, Thursday. Fridas and Saturday, March 4. 5 and 6. 1920. W ater Troubles Wednesday night the water was shut off on the upper flat as the main which runs through Mrs. Heylman’s property was being taken up, in accordance with orders from her attorney. It will be recalled she won a suit recently against the city on ac­ count o f leakage from this pipe which damaged the basement o f her house. More litigation against the city from this quar­ ter is now threatened, for taking up the pipe altho ordered by her attorney. If it were not re­ moved. suit also would be brought. The city is in the plight o f the man who will be if he does or if ITe don’ t. PROGRAM The forenoons and afternoons beginning at 9:00 and 1:30 will be given over to lectures and demonstrations by specialists from Oregon Agricultural Col­ lege, in farm crops, dairying, ir­ rigation and home economics. Bring your lunches and stay all day if possible. Coffee a n d sandwiches will be served daily by the Parent Teachers’ Associa­ tion at the noon recess. On Saturday, March 6th, at 1:00 o ’ clock theie will be an Oregon Produce Dinner. Every one bring a basket of good things. Coffee will be made at the school. A. G. Clark, mana­ ger of Associated Industries of Oregon, will be present and will have 25 prizes for which the ladies present will draw. Every lady present will receive a sou­ venir. M. B. Signs, Supt. Gospel Meetings at M. E. Church Elder J. L. Sampels o f lone, Ore., is speaking in the M. E. church every night this week. Come and hear him. He wi'l speak on different topics every night to Sunday, March 7th, All are invited, Come and hear God’s word. prising that Estacada should re­ ceive like attention. Our mer­ chants better take some precau­ tionary measures in case there should be a repetition with more success. Newspapers Help College Expose Fraud Sale o f low grade arsenical sprays in Oregon h a s b e e n checked by publicity given by the chemistry department o f the college experiment s t a t i o n through the state and county newspapers. Immense damage by burning o f fruit and foliage was caused by use o f low grade arsenical mixtures in the begin­ ning. The station proved the possibility o f better material, manufacturers brought out a better product, and growers w ho must spray save enormous sums every year as a result. Fear of station discovery and newspaper publicity gives the low-grade dealer little chance to do busi­ ness in Oregon. W ilcox Bros. Sell Cars The following have bought new cars from Wilcox Bros, o f the Cascade Garage, during the past few days: George Forman of Barton, a Chandler, Messrs. Tom Beebe o f Garfield, Hull and Joe Guthridge o f Springwater, Dan Erdman o f Bo*ing and George Smith o f Eagle Creek, Chevro- lets. $1.50 P er Y ear PORTLAND EDITOR ADDRESSES GLOB The Community Club held a most interesting meeting Friday evening at the Estacada hotel. There was considerable discuss­ ion o f the Mt. Hood road project and it was shown by Mr. Bart­ lett that if the Highway Com­ mission could be induced to lo­ cate the road bv way o f Estaca­ da, that there would be only a few miles o f actual construction work, on account o f the county road building already arranged for. The matter was referred to J . W. Heed and E. W. Bart­ lett to be presented to the Com­ mission at tin* earliest date pos­ sible. The principal address o f the evening was given by Mr. E. E. Favelle, editor o f the Western Farmer o f Portland, w ho spoke entertainingly on better live­ stock production. He was fol­ lowed by Coiaity Agent Scott along similar lines. A piano so­ lo by Nova Smith, a duet by Mrs. Wooster and Miss Helen and Community singing led by Miss Huth Dillon formed a very entertaining musical program. A Sudden Death W. L. Stafford, a brother o f Mrs. W. W. Boner and uncle o f . Mrs. W. A. Heylman, who lad made his home with the latter during the past year, dropped dead suddenly on the streets of Seattle where he had gone on a visit, February 21st. An inquest was held and hr the same.