K E E P YOUR EYE ON ESTACADA! OUR SLOGAN: Community Cooperation . Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 13, N um ber 22 Oregon Fruit in Demand Robt. C. Paulus, sales mana­ ger for the Oregon Growers Co­ operative Association, writing from New York City where he has been for some time in the interests of the association, states tnat on account of the quantity of fruit to be handled by the association this year, the best and most desirable buyers in the country are eagerly seek­ ing business with the Oregon Growers. This is welcome news to the association members, but will be a littledisquietingtotho.se who for one reason or another, are holding aloof from the organ­ ization. Mr. Paulus is most en­ thusiastic over the prospect for the coming year. White Wing Squad Wanted Several very pointed remarks lave been passed lately about he untidy condition of the paved lection of Broadway, I he mat­ ter is respectfully put to the nayor and council, and we sug­ gest a good sweeping and flushi­ ng would make a wonderful mprovement. A general clean ip day might also be appointed n the near future, as in other ;owns, and if the refuse is piled ip conveniently, the city might lo the hauling away. LENT Yesterday was Ash Wednesday the first day of the ecclesiastical penitential season of Lent which lasts until Easter Day. It will be observed by the faithful of the Roman, Episoopal and Luth­ eran communions. Lent affords a great spiritual opportunity and is a means to an end, and its val­ ue can only be estimated by those who use it as such. COMMUNITY CLUB It will be stock breeders’ night at the next meeting of the Com­ munity Club, on February 27th. E. E. Favell the editor of the Western Farmer, will speak on “Improved Live Stock.” Coun­ ty Agricultural Agent Scott is also intending to come, and will present the matter of organizing clubs for improvement of stock. E stac ad a , O regon T h ursday F ebruary 19. 1920 $1.50 P er Y ear Historic Mount Vernon, as !t Appears When Photographed From an Airplane ;$&. • I \W . VS « V W W * . . .• \W .V S V . n A ^ S \ N . W W A A » v .v » v V V SVW lV V.VN « s« --» ' ,y v v ^ ••••• •;.. ' •*:. •: V.. A V \'.'A ^ I A n a irp la n e v ie w of M o u n t V e r n o n , the home of G e o rg e W a s h in g t o n . T h e p hotograph g iv es an ex ce lle n t id ea o f the home's location in the V ir g i n ia h ills fa cin g the P o to m a c river. A Bouquet ONE ACT FARCE Upton H. Gibbs, Esq., ‘Six Cups of Chocolate” Estacada, Oregon. —or— Dear Mr. Gibbs: “GOSSIP” The Estacada ftate Rank ad­ vertisement in this week's “East­ . Scene: A college town ern Clackamas News,” has at­ 'lime: Early spring tracted my attention and I wish to offer my congratulations upo:, CAST OF PLAY the arrangement and display Adeline Von Limlxu . Audrey Miller Marian Lee - - Gladys Stump given said ad. Dorothy Green - Lydia Matson It has been exceedingly well Hester Beaeon - - Helen Miller handled and if available I will be Beatrix VanKortland Helen Wooster glad to have you send me twenty Jeannetta Durand I a French girl) Irene Saling or twenty five proofs or copies of same to use as a suggestion to Good Music our other country banks for a The altove farce will be given similar advertisement. in connection with the regular Thanking you and with kind program at the Family Theatre, personal regards. I am Thursday night, Feb. 2f»th. Very truly yours, Leroy D. Walker, President. Is it a nroof of the equality of The above is very gratifying, of sex that wo Tien flock to sensa­ but the whole credit is due to tional trials, and areas eager to Mrs. Ecker, our efficient assist­ hear spicy evidence as much as men arc supposed to be? ant. Memorial Certificates Engraved memorial certifi­ cates, significant of France’s gratitude to America, will be presented the nearest relatives of all Oregon hoys who died dur­ ing the World War in the uni­ form of their country. Ceremo­ nies throughout the State will he under the auspices of local Posts of the American Legion on Feb­ ruary 22nd. France selected the American Legion as the representative of this country’s fighters and the agency through which the de­ livery of the memorials should be made. The certificates are delivered to the war department and distributed to all parts of the country through tlm recruit­ ing offices. The army recruiting office at Portland is receiving the memo­ rials for this district. As soon as complete lists of soldier dead have been compiled and checked over, the certificates will lx* turned over to State Headquar­ ters of the American Legion at Portland and from there sent directly to local posts. Relatives of boys who made the great sacrifice have been re­ quested to turn in their names to the nearest Post of the Amer­ ican Legion, with their address or place they can he found on February 22nd. Local lists will be submitted in duplicate to State Headquarters. Every ef­ fort is being made to have the lists complete and correct as possible that no one will he over­ looked. Memorial programs being pre­ pared in honor of the young men are under Local Post di- i *ction, committees having been ap(>ointed to arrange the details. The memorial certificates are the work of Franklin Booth, an American artist, and are com­ memorative of the service of the American doughboy, gob and leatherneck in the greatest of wars. Each is inscribed with the name of the dead fighter whose nearest ot kin receives it. Mrs. A. K. Morton leaves for her home in Portland today, after visiting Dr. and Mrs. Wells