te OUR SLOGAN: Community Cooperation K E E P YOUR E Y E ON ESTACADA! Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 13, v > i N umber 21 BLUNDERING BILLY MADE A HIT “ Blundering Billy,” a farcical comedy given by the Junior Class on Friday evening, was a decid­ ed success, and all who took part in it are to be congratulated. The setting was extremely e f­ fective, giving the stage the ap­ pearance o f .a luxurious apart­ ment. Raymond Lovelace as the awkward secretary was true to life and kept the audience in a continual uproar, from the time he landed fresh from the cow ­ catcher until the winning of the fair Dorothy. Ezra Tuttle play­ ed by Perry Murphy, the rich mine owner who possessed more wealth than an education, was a striking example o f the western­ er • in his slouch hat, gaudy scarf and.six shooter. In marked con­ trast to the rough exterior of the Westerner, appeared H e n r y Cossman as the young, dashing lieutenant in dress uniform of the U. S. regulars. He also gave us a touch o f the Romantic Age as a prince in beplumed hat and pink tights. Both parts were well sustained. Douglass Drill did some good work in the ro'e o f Sing Toy, a Chinese servant. An old salt as taken by Chester Morgan de­ serves worthy mention. Miss Audrey Miller as Clarissa Burn­ ham was charming in a creation o f pink and carried her part with dignity and grace. Lydia Mat- son was altogether pleasing and attractive as the rich mine own­ er’s daughter and held her audi­ ence well. Nor must we forget our coquettish little Japanese girl as played by Naomi Paddi- son, which gave an oriental touch to the whole. Much credit is due the coa’ h, Miss Gladys McKnight, who has shown her ability in play pro­ duction and made “ Blundering Billy” such a success. O . E. S. NOTICE A stated communication o f Mountain Chapter No. 1C8, O. E. S., will be held Tuesday, Feb. 17, in Chapter room. By Order o f Secy. E stacada , O regon T h u r s d a y F e b r u a r y 12. 1920 FATE v AND LINCOLN Nearly a century anti a half n«o a father working in IU field in a Ken­ tucky clearing was shot anl killed by Indians. Ills three sons were with him. The oldest ran to the house anti reached It unharmed. The next in age ran In another direction for the near­ est settlement. TI h youngest, a boy of six. was seized by one of the at tuckers. Wht'n tno oldest boy looked out after barring tSe door, he saw his brother in the grasp of an Indian. He took down tin* family musket, aimed through ¡in opening and shot the In dlan dead. The boy. released, made ills way to the house. In a few hours a rescuing party from the settlement drove tin* raiders away. Toe six-year-old hoy was Thomas Lincoln ar. Rail Lincoln. He became the father of Ths Youwjer Lin- Snlitter. By An- Ahr ham Lincoln. toln. by O’Con- drew O’Connor Thirty-two yp*>rs later tvu hoys. nor. chums, were strolling along Knob creek, Hardin county. Kentucky. The younger, only seven years old, at­ tempted to swing himself over the creek on a sycamore tree. Midway he lost his hold and fell in. The other rescued him. The rescuer’s name was Gallagher, and hut few men have been privileged to perform equal service for their country. Tlie boy he rescued was Abraham Lincoln. r,'" ’tce death was cheated that America might be saved. It was chance, or something else. Most Americans prefer to believe it was something else.—Minneapolis Tribune. T American Legion Elects Officers A Future Station Agent Airives Monday evening, Feb 2nd. a t ’ Ted Ahlburg, our popular sta­ the I. 0. 0 . F. hall, the Carl tion agent, is going around with Douglas Post, No. 74, Depart­ a smile on him which distends ment o f Oregon, American Le­ his mouth from ear to ear, the gion held its first regular meet­ reason for it being that the stork ing, at which time a constitution left a lusty boy seven and a half and by-laws were adopted and | pounds in weight, at his home officers were elected for the year. ! Monday morning, February 9th. The newly elected officers are: Both mother and son are doing Commander, S y lv e s te r Law -1 well under the care o f Dr. R. G. rence; vice-commander, R. S. McCall, whom the stork has Ludlow; adjutant, Clyde Shock, i kept on the jump the last few Both service branches are rep re- j days, this being the second de­ sented by these officers, Messrs. 1 livery made by him in five da>s. Lawrence and Shock being ex­ The N ews would like to drink a army men, while Mr. Ludlow is bumper to the good health o f the a member of the Naval Reserve. | youngster, but the city water is hardly suitable for the occasion and prohibition prevails. Surveyors at V/ork A surveyor and crew have been surveying for the hard surface road. Tuesday morning they were working up the hill on Main street. Report has ii that it will , • « -» not be long before Estaeada is connected with Portland by a hard surface road. When this is is the case, things will hum in Estaeada, W. F. Cary has opened a r estate and insurance office in 1 room back o f the pharmacy f merly occupied by N. C. Adl< As he is well and popula known, having formerly b^en business here a number o f yea he requires no reccommendati< With two real estate offices town, the dirt should Hy. $1.50 P er Y ear I PARENT-TEACHER MEETING ATTRACTS There was a good attendance at thi> parent-teacher meeting in the High School Tuesday eve­ ning. The special topics for dis­ cussion were the boys and girls thrift contest and industrial club work. Co. Supt. J. E. Calavan led the discussion on thrift, on which subject, H. C. Stephens also spoke, ivliss R. P. Snedeek- er the county leader on club work, explained this feature. A good musical program was rendered by the students o f the High School which enlivened the proceedings. O B SEQ U IES OF J. B. B O W M A N JR. The remains o f the late Joel B. Bowman Jr., who died at the naval hospital Maie Island, Cal., arrived here Thursday afternoon at 4:30. The funeral was In Id the following morning at 11 o ’ clock in the Methodist church, which was crowded to the doors, the pastor, the Rev. J. F. Dun­ lop, officiated. The high school teachers and pupils attended, members o f whom served as pall bearers. * The interment took place in the Mt. Zion cemetery in the family lot. Some beauti­ ful ficral pieces were sent as me­ morials from friends. ♦ St. Valentine’s Eve Social The Methodist ladies will give a Valentine party on Friday night at the Hotel Estaeada, be­ ginning at 8 o ’ clock. Ladies please bring a box lunch for two, gentlemen please bring75 cents in change. A good time, good company and good cats are as­ sured. Boxes will he sold hy n umbeis. T. & T. Elects The meeting o f the Estaeada T. & T. Co. Tuesday morning re­ sulted in the reelectidn o f the old officers, Thomas Yocum presi­ dent, Dr. H. V. Adix secretary and treasurer, H. I). Trapp, W. F. Snuffin and H. G. Palmateer directors.