EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Page Two — — — — — —— — — — — — — VIOLA BREEZES Cake & Jubb are moving their saw mill to the Lacy place at Dodge .) Mrs. fid. Ficken wasltaken suddenly ill one day last week and immediately taken to a Port­ land hospital where she was op­ erated on. She is now getting along nicely. D. G. White & Son have com­ menced the erection of a building at Viola in which they will put in a stock of general merchan­ dise. Surveyors for the new railroad through this section, were in this locality last week. Mrs. Wm. Hicinbotham went to Gresham Monday to see her new nephew, born on the 25th of January, Mrs. Kay Miller, who has been sick for some time was able to be out Monday. Mrs. N. L. Sevier and grand­ daughter Clara Hicinbotham, went to Gresham Friday to see Clara’s mother Mrs. Chas. Hicin­ botham and the new baby. It was Mrs. Hicinbotham’s birth­ day and she received many pleas­ ant reminders of the occasion, among other things was a beau­ tiful plant from the Rebekah lodge of Estacada‘ of which she is a member. Smallpox broke out in the Bethel school last week. U PPER EAGLE CREEK Will Palrnuteerof Morgan, was a guest at the uome of H. S. and R. B. Gibson a part of last week. Mrs. Katie Douglass left on Saturday for Stevenson, Wash., where she will visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sweenev, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson were the dinner guests of Mr. ana Mrs. Harvey Gibson of Bar­ ton last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Woodle of Troutdale and Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Morgan of Estacada, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Woodle on Sunday. Mr. Platt was a Portland visit­ or the other day. Mrs. L. A. Woodle called on her son Joe. Saturday, at the hospital. He is improving and expects to l»e home some time this week. C. H. Paddison has been saw­ ing w(od for Roy Douglass this last week. Mrs. R. B. Gibson was the week end guest of Mrs. Nora of Estacada. GEORGE ITEMS Mrs. Julius Paulsen who has been visiting lelatives in Portr ThurxUy, February 5. 1920 CHANDLER — — ■ S(Xl Famous For Its M arvelous M otor : E u ro p e W elco m es T h e ¿ H a n d le r Sin » OW and then you read something about “French style and line” In automobiles, or perhaps it’s “the newest English idea.” And some folks have gone across to get the newest suggestions. Europe hasn't built automobiles for five years and Europe is crying Tor new cars and good cars. America's style is Europe's style now. The Chandler Six, popular in many other countries for years but kept out of Europe the past three years because of war-time prohibition of shipments, is welcomed everywhere in Europe now—welcomed for the excellence of its performance, and quite as much for the beauty of its styles of body. The Chandler, represented in the British Isles by Messrs. H. G. Burford Ac Company, Ltd., of London, was exhibited by that old established English automotive house, at the great Olympia Motor Show, N and was “quite the sensation of the s h o w s a y s a Lohdon cable. **Three hundred and seventy Chandlers were sold in two days.” Apparently England Is greatly pleased with America's best style in motor cars. Ths Chandler Offer« Highest Quality At The ralreet Prie« SIX SPLENDID BODY TYPES Seven-Passenger Touring Cor, S1895 Four-Parsenger Roadster, S189S Four-Passenger Dispatch Car, t l 975 Seven-Passenger Sedan, 11195 Four-Passenger Coupe, S279S Limousine. S339i (Ait Prices f . a. b. Cleveland) [ Cascade Garage C H A N D L E R MOTOR CAR C O M P A N Y CLEVELAND, OHIO land for the past week, has re­ turned home. Mr. and Mrs. P. Ruhl and Ed. Harders motored to Portland last Sunday. A number of the George peo­ ple attended the show at Estaca­ da last Saturday night. Mr. and Mra. Robert Snyder and ton of Estacada, visited their sister and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harders last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Weisenfluh were transacting business «in Portland last Tuesday. Mrs. Henry Klinker visited her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson, last Saturday evening. OttoStulke of Barton visited relatives in George last Sunday. DOVER ITEMS R. C. Deming of Estacada will apeak at the school house,. Mon­ day afternoon on berry culture. L. Wilson has been selling bis property and intends to leave Dover soon. Walter Kitzmiller spent sever­ al days in Portland last week, purchasing the 20 acre tract for­ merly owned by Mr. Walton. Mr. Schminky has sold his farm and stock to Mr. Shaw of Pleasant Home. The Shaw fam­ ily will move to their farm this week. Mrs. William Updegrave of Sandy was visiting Mrs. Susan Updegrave and family for seyer- days the past week. R. Thompson had the misfor­ tune to find his cow dead in the barn Tuesday morning. Now is the time to subscribe for your home paper.'