Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, February 05, 1920, Image 1

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astern (Elarkamas £iruts
Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County
V olume
N umber
That the Community club is
functioning as a social harmoni-
zer was abundantly proved last
Friday night, when the lobby of
the Estacada hotel was filled to
the limit with a representative
gathering from all around. 20
new members were added to the
roll making a membership of 125.
The meeting was called to or­
der by President H. C. Stephens
at 8:15 and after the minutes
were read and some preliminary
discussion the first speaker of
the evening was called upon, who
was H. W. Morgan of Sellwood.
His address whicn appears on
another pagt?, won much com­
mendation and hearty applause.
Musical selections were given by
Miss Katie Murphy on the violin
accompanied by Miss Naomi Pad-
dison, and the girls’ glee club un­
der the direction of Mrs. R. G.
McCall. The second speaker of
the evening, was E. N. Strong,
president of the Portland ad.
club and assistant manager of
the Oregon Life insurance com­
pany. In a very witty manner,
he commended the community
spirit and touched upon the im­
portance of advertising. He
favored his audience with two
vocal selections one of which was
the popular song with the refrain
“Smile, Smile. Smile.”
The meeting put itself on re­
cord by resolution as endorsing
the federal hundred million ap­
propriation for roads now pend­
ing in congress, and also peti­
tioning the government to fur­
nish airplanes for fire patrol ser­
vice. The rest of the evening
was passed in dancing and visit­
ing. All pronounced it a most
successful affair.
Ford Owners
If your car is leaking oil past
No. 1 or No. 2 pistons we guar­
antee to stop it at a normal
charge. There is only one way
without unbalancing your fnotor
and we know how. Try the old.
Cascade Garage, across from the
2-5-26 SCHUL & MOORE.
E stacada , O regon T hursday F ebruary 5. 1920
— —
-------------------- :------- —-----------------------•------
Former Estacadan Arrested
Do You Blunder?
John C. Peterson of Newburg,
You certainly will if you fail
but formerly of this place, was to come and see the Junior play
arrested last week for fraud. It “Blundering Billy.” The Jun­
is charged that he would offer iors are working hard and furi­
They are doing their part,
attractive automobile deals to ous.
do yours by coming to
prospective customers and get see this play,
Friday, Feb. 6, at
deposits in advance, turning the 8 sharp.
deposits to his own account and
'There will be good things to
explaining away delays in de- look at, g«od things to hear and
livery of cars. Agency officials good things to eat.
Don’t forget to bring your
say he has secured approximate­ loose
ly $3500 by this means,
The officials also allege that he
Stork Arrival
defrauded the Miller eompany
At the home of Dr. and Mrs.
out of several hundred dollars.
L. A. Wells, February 5th, at-
11:15 a. m., a son Frank Lilburn,
Good Attractions
weight nifie hnd a half pounds:
Manager Li net-i has been*, put* Dta-lV Gf.-MtGaM was in 'atten­
ting on some extra special at­ dance. Congratulations.
tractions lately. “The Sawdust
Doll last Thifrsday night made a
Free Milk Test
particular appeal and taught a
Straughan, head of E. H.
valuable lesson, while Saturday’s S. Prof
wishes to
hill of fare satisfied the most, ex­ announce department,,
all those who
acting. It* was a good idea put- wish milk that
tested may get same
tii.g on a one act sketch with done if samples
are brought to
songs and recitations in which H. S, labratory by
10 a. m. on
Mr. Boyle and Mr. Walker of Tuesdays, and Thursdays
Portland, •distinguished them- second week in each month. of the
selves. Mrs. Boyle was the ae- • work free of charge.
companist and also played for
the pictures. The performance
W ins Suit Against •. ; City
of Messrs. Boyle and Walker
Mrs. F. L- Heylman sued the
was so well received that Mgr.
for damages done to the
Linn hopes to get a return en­ basement
of her residence from
gagement in the near future.
the bursting of a water rrfairi.
Tbe: case was tried at Oregon
Mrs. Stubbe Annoyed
City in the circuit court on Mon­
day, and on Tuesday the jury
By j T h i e , v e -
brought* in a "verdict - for the
Mrs. Mary Stubbe informs us plaintiff
of $300. The Case will
that she has £>een annoyed lately be appealed.
by sneak thieves. One-night
Road Deputies Named
last week her hired man went
out to the barn and saw some
Deputy road masters have been
one snooping around. On call­ appointed- by the.county court
ing out to him the prowler ran for the 11 road districts. These
away at a smart clip. Last Sat­ will handle repairs and mainten­
urday she missed a pair of shoes, j ance prit wM^work under the
and suspecting , who took them,-., direction of vhe district engen-
she informed .them that she eers if called upon to assist in
would notify the sheriff
tffe , the. construction of the roads to
.... if ........
,shoes Were not promptly return- be improved under the $1,700,000
p ed.
H , Thè
fho frlfpuffna
following Ao.,
day they " bond issue- The new deputies
were laid on ¿heporch. <*•' iti. ftfrthe ffTsttlith whicft comprise
- ^
the*1 territory* i^rounrP E^tacadiL^
The Artisans’ social Wedm*^ are/ . *
day evening wafclargely attend*
Dist. No. \ Albert Kitehing,
ed and proved' v^ry entertaift- John C. Miller. Ghas. Duncan,
ing. There' weft seven visiting *'Carl Hafvsen and Fred Linns.
Artisans here‘‘from Portland whd*-U* Dist. No. 5 Frank Millard,
assisted with the program.
Harry Onmcr and Dan Watts,
$1.50 P er Y ear
The sad news was received last
week that Joel B. Bowman Jr.
had succumbed to pneumonia on
January 29th, at Mare Island,
California. He was the son of
Mr. Joel B. Bowman of this city,
and was born at the home of his
parents in Upper Garfield, April
20th, 1900, so he was 19 years,
10 months and 9 da>s at the time
of his death. He was educated
principally in the Garfield school
a ill attended one term in the E k -
tabada High Last September
hrf'enlisted in the navy at Pen­
dleton, .and after being exam*-
ined and accepted at Seattle, be*
went to the training station at
Goat Island. Here he was taken
sick and transferred to the g o v ­
ernment hospital at Mare Island,
California, where he passed
away. His remains were ex­
pected here this morning, but
t.ijpy did not arrive.' The funer­
al is planned for tomorrow at II ’
a. m. in the Methodist Church, ‘
, h<jre, with interment in Mt. Zion •
cemetery at Garfield, where his
mother *s buried, who prede­
ceased him nine years. Besides
his father he leaves five br< thus*
and a sister to mourn his loss.
The sympathy of the commun­
ity goes out to the bereaved rel­
Valentine Celebration
At stroke ol 8 now don’t be
late, .
The M. Es. set the time.
On Friday night by candle
Thef games will all be thine.
The,trump is hearts, prepare
your darts
To meét St. Valentine.
The big idea is to have a good
time and incidentally help pay
the expanses of the church. All
males bring 75 cents, all females
bring a bo( with a*lunCh for two.
Brtxes’Vfl 1 be’ sold by’* numbers.
Middle aged people will eknjoy re­
freshments together, young peo­
ple likewise, Children' ditto.
Thè date is* Feb. 15, -the time
8 o'clock, the place ¡Hotel Està«
cada. * ; * • . . : m