EASTERN C L A C K A M A S N E W S Page Eight Thrift W ill be Taught In All Oregon Schools Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Jan.—Competition for the $50 prize offered by the Ore­ gon Bankers' association for the county whose school children most diligently carry out the nation-wide thrift program in Oregon, is now open to the chil­ dren o f Clackamas c o u n t y . Thrift will be taught in all city and country schools o f the county and the thrift campaign here will be directed by T. E. Cala- van, county school superintend­ ent. This prize was won last year by Wasco county and the year before by Jackson. The plan o f thrift education was originated by J. A. Bexell, dean o f commerce at O. A. C. It has been widely adopted by the United States government and , put in charge o f the treasury department. The thrift campaign in Oregon is conducted by the treasury and agricultural department o f the federal government, O r e g o n Bankers’ Association, Oregon State Teachers’ association, Ore­ gon Agricultural college and state department o f education. J. A. Churchill, superintendent o f education, was appointed state director by the federal treasury. Thrift education will be made a part o f the regular school work this year in all schools. Habits o f thrift will be made attractive to girls and boys to teach them the value o f money, strengthen the country, and better the com ­ munities in which they live. Funds for carrying on this work are supplied by the federal government. The program cov­ ers the period from 1920 to 1925. The thrift cards will he tilled out in ink by the pupils and handed to the teacher the last Friday in each month for check­ ing. “ Sliuhcrt” w ill pay these extremely Krfgh prices for Oregon Furs N*l IXT1A LAXGf i N'-’l LAHGE 1 I X T t U T O A i l B A C I. 1 E X T R A TO A V I R A L V N9I MEDIUM N9| SMALL E X T R A TO A V I H A Q E N9 2 AS T O 8 l 2 E A Q U A L I T Y I M I N K * Fine, D ark Usual C olor Coast 25.00 to 20.00 ¡8.00 to 15.00 14.00 to 12.C0 10.00 to 8.09] 10.00 to 5.00 18.00 to 1 ^ 00 12.00 to 10.00 9.00 to 7.50 7.00 to 6.09 1 7.00 to 3.50 (J .('j to 7.50 7.00 lu 6.ÛG 5.59 lo 4.JUI 5.50 io 3.00 M U C E ÌR A T W in te r ! CC< 1 579 ¡4.75 to 3.75 3.50 to 2 75 r 2.50 to 1.75 2.50 to 150 F a l l ___ 1 j . >0 r s j.V O t o 275 2 59 to 2.00 1.75 to 1.50 1.75 to 1.25 B b ; u n T 'T L , !;, ■ i ! N U L IP P E r u n ' ; o g v r r ' A 1 l r x Tn A T ' . v e h a c i ij . cc G 12.C.C IC.CU to 9 CO 7.501o 6. 5.00 to 4 C BLACK s h o r t NARROW B R i AD 1 X 0 to 9 .0 0 3 .5 0 td 7.F0 € .2 5 lù 5.25 3 .5 0 1 0 3 / 9 m : k S M A LL N9! M E D IU M ÍXTRA ro A VERAO t N ?l EXTR A TO AV EH A C E 7.50 to 7 25 to 6.75 6.50 to S.COtu 4.50 4.00 to 2.75 ia 2.25 2 00 to 8 .5 0 1 3 8.C0 GOOD I J N P K I M E AS TO i i l Z I & QUALITY 7.00 5.50 3.50 1.50 7.00 to 6.00 to 3.50 to 1.50 to 3.50 3.00 1.50 .75 Tin e extn r i--1 y hit.h ¡ rices sire based on the well-known “ SHUBF.RT” Inw fi.ndin.., n" E N V E L O P E S ” o n h a n d , c u t o u t tag b e lo w p a .l v o u p ie c e oil c v r d lio a u l a m i a tta c h t o y o u r s h ip m e n t . Dept. »876 .R.F.D.. .BOX N ?. .COUNTY. f f $"«3> 3 V YHE LARGEST H O U S E IN T H E W O R L D DEALING E X C L U S I V E L Y IN AMERICAN R A W F U R S 2 S - ? 7 W E S T AU STIN AVE CHICAGO, U.S.A. mana •ppueH-eSv uniqSiiiaujg Save 23 Percent! Portland Evening Telegtam 1 Y e a r by Mai' Eastern Clackamas News $ 5.00 $ 6.50 Otfer good only between the dates. January 10th to February 10th. 1920. S u b s c r ib e BUY NOW burglars ha' o been bus} at Canby. Mobilia and Oregon City. It may la* Estacada s turn next. Our merchants better be pre­ pared. „•sduof i nuY v *a. a. joppiuu 'Ojnupu u isop,, •Aji-viudop qoiis ji: piuqii p ou 110.13 Ji:.u o q ) U| Joipuoiu Mio,U y u o sq o u p s n q ú o so p A oq o q ) ppm ,,‘ UO |) 1130.13 uoj s jp j o s jo q -m om o p )s3iiuiii> ,u | iooqs ,uu pi. -¿¡up] p ju o oiu o s u ooq s.oaop ju o q i „ Teaching of thrift ami increased In- vcHtmont In the people of America in governin' at savings securities, War Savings Stamps, Treasury Certificates ami in savings banks are methods ad­ vocated by v)tto 11. Kahn of New York for relieving the econom ic situation eu gendered by the high cost of access! ties. / T his suggestion by the eminent part ner o f the firm o f Kahn, Loeb & Co. wits made In an open letter to an uu named government official at Washing ton. As a check to waste and certain form s o f useless extravagance, Mr. Kuhn advocated the establishment of a federal bureau of salvage which would Instruct the people of the United States or. the possibilities of recreating wealth front the scrap heap. He poiuts out that the government In the last three years has saved over t&H0,tH>D,0t>v) In this manner. ’joiA eqog snoiaidsi.s I PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. R. G R A H A M M C C A L L P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n Office Adjoining Residence Local and Long Distance Telephone The doctor’s phone can be connected with your home phone at night if requested. One long ring Dr. L. A . W ells Dentist Associated with Dr. R. Graham McCall Dr. R. Morse P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd Residence: Main and 5th Sts. Telephone Connection Mrs. R. Graham McCall Graduate v^nicago Musical College. RIPE ORGAN AND PIANO. 10 Years Teac P. „ Experience. E. W . B A R T L E T T \ Attcrney-at-Lavv and Notary Public Estacada, -:- Oregon We Sell and Trade Real Estate - Negotiate Loans * Buy Mortgages Rent your Property * Write Insurance In the very best Companies. We CAN GET YOU RESULTS S. E. WOOSTER & SON, Estacada O. D. E B Y Attorney-at-Law General Practice Confidential Adviser Oregon City, -:- Oregon Gresham 517. Broadway 32. X uoui j b h uu u.vvop p.uu’ i o p ,0 ipuj.w op 3U|jq ul 0UA.U3 SI— uioqB — jup soiu»3 mop ,o ouo iq a.isoj op »>111 AMP» **1 ,oqs lloA‘ ‘t|Ws Aipiul s . uua ,u|\i!s 4,U|K Uos.iHU oq | PI US V 7. S . 8 . L A H N S C O M M O N SENSE l Y ear Usual price lor both papers - — Thursday January 2 2 , 1 9 2 0 State o f Ohio, City o f Toledo, L u a is County, ss. Frank J. Cheney m akes oath that he Is senior partner o f t lie Arm o f F. J. C heney & Co., doing business In the City o f Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said Arm will pay the sum o f O N E HUN DUEL) D O L L A R S for each and every ease o f Catarrh that ca n n ot be cured by the use o f H A L L 'S C A T A R R H M E D IC IN E . F R A N K J. C H E N E Y . Sworn to before me and subscribed In m y presence, this 6th day o f December, A D 1SS6. A. W . O L E A SO N , (SeaP N otary Public. H all's Catarrh M edicine Is taken In­ ternally and acts through the HI >od on the Mucous Surfaces o f the System. Send fo r testim onials, free F. J C H E N E Y A C O , Toledo. O. Sold by all druggists. 75c. H a ll's F am ily r ills for constipation. McGUIRK. & SC H N E IE E R Attorneys at Law. At Gresham Office- Tuesdays, Ihursdavs and Saturdays, First State Batik Building. Portland Office—609-15 Fenlon Blug. Associated with Judge W. D, Fenton. T A C O M A G U N STO R E, INC. T acom a, W ash . Largest Stock of Hunters and Trappers auuplies in the Northwest. ESPECIAL atten­ tion to mail orders. Send one cent stamp for catalogue. Fire Insurance London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Great American Fire Ins. Co. Keep your policy in our lire proof vault free of charge. Estacada State Bank Agents