Page Six I ASTERN CLA CK AM AS NEWS Thursday, January 22, 1920 ÈtyiM U .S . M O R G A N D. H. M O R G AN Come and inspect our line of Feed! Oats, Wheat, Corn, Barley, Ground or whole Scratchfood, Egg Cocoanut Meal, Producer, Holstein Soy Bean Meal. and Carnation Peed, Alfalfa Meal, Millrun, Middlings, Lilly’s Butterfat, 1 r 1 4 Fisher’s Calf Meal, Lilly’ Calf Meal, Tankage, Fish Meal, Meat Scraps, Ground Bone, Oyster a G + * * * * * * * * Shell, Grit, Chickenfood. Alfalfa, T im othy, Ciover H a y and Straw for bedding. We also carry a complete line of Groceries at reasonable prices. 15c per loaf. Butternut Bread 10 and Cash paid for all kinds of produce. Our store at Viola will be open Saturdays. ¿MORGAN BROTHERS ( Successors to the Estacada Peed Co.) H rui VU'AJEAd ■ T A ./W l r - V o * .-.* Aluminum Cement FOR Repairing aluminum, tin and gran­ ite ware, radiators, steam pipes, water jrckets, crank cases and leakage o f all kinds. ESTACADA ■ Harvest With a Case Kerosene Tractor This is the new and better way. It For belt work it is very practical. It means more work, easier work and done will easily drive a Case 20x28 Thresher with feeder and wind stacker, a No. 12 exactly when you want it. The Case 10-18 Kerosene Tractor pic­ Case Siio Filler with 40-foot blower, tured above is especially recommended Baling Press, Feed Mill, Small Corn for haying and harvesting. It is the Husker or Sheller. This tractor is used by progressive smallest of oqr four sizes. farmers all over the land. It is made by It is the simplest, most powerful trac­ the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Com­ tor built. It will pull two 14-inch plows pany, famous for 77 years among farm­ under all reasonable conditions, two 6- ers. No tractor is its equal. No finer foot binders, a 22-shoe grain drill, a 5- can be built. section spike-tooth harrow, an 8-foot - W e will be glad to tell you all about double action disc harrow or a large ma- this and other Case Tractors if you will i nure spreader. give us the opportunity. TT' The ttsdlk* jtv re ! WILL BUY YOUR CATTi E STOCK HOGS, FAT HOGS, SEAL, SHEEP AND FRESH If You Have Any, Let ME Know! I • A ls o B u y D ressed H o g s M. J. K E R K E S 354 E 54 St., Portland. Oregon. Telephone: Tabor 4123 Call on Henry Githens at Currinsville, if you have any livestock for sale. c& KODAKS- T8 4 2 PHARMACY ALL KiC.-S AND SUPPLIES Remmin^ton G uns- H 9 1 9 AM> AMMUNITION TfsHnS Tackle— GET HUNTING A' I) FISHING .......... I ICFNS* S HERE........... TRACTORS (S 6 ?> CCNF EC TION ERY . ICE CRr-.AM A N P TOBACCO Mi s Florence K " k »11 w; Lee Bronson is clerking in Or- horo from Gre-ham last Sunday egon City, vL i’ ing ft ends. ------------------ O. l*. V side has bought a Mis- Gertrude Alexander of chid e > ranch near Or-'gor. City Gresham, who taught here in and in e Is to engage in lit» the grades last fall, has recent l> «•hi< ket bnh^try mere extei w - lost h* - father, Harvey S. Ale\. ly t o in oefe e. ] am er, who died at Gresham Sat- Miss Grace Denny spm t the urduy. after a long illness, w eek end with her mother at There were private services at this place. M ss Denny is h the horse Sunday afternoon and! nut o in training at the Good j th body was taken to Emporia. Samaritan hospital, Portia’ d. ; Kansas, lor burial. ED. ¡ O N E R ’S T a m a le S u p p er The Ladies Aid \v:il give a a tamale supper at the Me»h- o list Church dining room, Friday evening. J,m. 30. fu»m ->:• 1 to 7;30. Price 50c, 35c for students. New. St, rd anil Laundry Agency. V. Mesdames Bass & May DRESS M A K IN G W. H. Kellendonk, t h e brniher of IVlr>. A. G. Ames and Mrs. Lena Underwood, is sick with muscular rheumatism in St. Vincent’s hospital in Portland. ("tanins, Notions. Pressing, Repairing amf First Cta^s Dress Making. Patterns. Ladies ». rd C n i i I k t i I I t \ Ckurirg a Sjetialty.