+ + + + + + + < . + + + + + + 4 * 4 * 4 - + + + + + + + + + * * + * * 4 - + + + + * * * 4 > + * * * -----IF YOU NEED A----- Machine Shop‘and Oxy-Acetylene Welding S. P. P E S Z N E C K E R . 4 * ♦ 4 * + SEE 4 » * + 4 * + Plumbing, Tinning, Pipe Fitting and Repairs of all Kinds in Metal Branch. 4 * 4 * Pa ¿ • Three EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEvVS Thursday, January 22, 1920 * S cents per line. Cash in advance 4 - 4 * FOR RENT 35 acres, 25 in cultivation. W. VV. Christensen, 1-21) Estacada, Route 2. I*C^R SALE Good s a d d l e or driving horse, tor $50.00. Al­ so 14 good pigs. One-half mile east of Alspaugh Si a. S. ('. Richmond, 1-22 Eagle Creek, Ore. FOR SALE Seven shoats 4 months old; also brood sow to farrow April 1st. Above Jack Brown’s on Clackamas river, at Miller’s Siding. 1-29 Chas. H. Fantz. FOR SALE Two white Emb- den geese and one gander. Trio $10. Mrs. John Githens, 1 2‘.) Eagle Creek, Ore. WANTED A good gmtl* horse or pony for a small hoy. Rhone C. A. Miller, Estacada, Oregon. . 1-29 + 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 - + 4 * + Wiring-fittings and supplies + 4 Irons and Heaters + 4 - Toasters and Hotplates 4 * 4 * Sewing Machines and Vacuum Cleaners * Wash Machines, Etc. 4 * + + WESTERN ELECTRIC CO. FARM LIGHTING OUTFITS + + MAZDA LAMPS—All sizes ar.d colors + 4 * 4* , | , * * + * * + * * + + 4 ' * + + 4 ^ 4 » + * * + * + + * 4 * * + + 4 » + * + 4 * + 4 - 4 » * + * * 4 ' Electric * Y* V V V , x . . : . . ; ~ : . . : . . : . . x . . x . . x . v . x ^ " : . ‘X “ X ,v v W % “ X K * v v d 'v v v '/ ,:,v v v ; ,v -;" : L O S T A lig h t red J e t •sey h e ife r. T. Y ocum , R t. 1. 1-29 V i y i VyV L O ST 1920 A u to license. No. 40SG8. F in d e r p lea se Itav i * a t th e N ’ office. It w as lost he- tw e e n E s ta c a d a a n d th e C ro m e r m ill in G arfield . 1. M P a rk . 2t. Don’t let your Shoes pinch. W e carry lasts and w idths your feet require and will be responsible for the fit you throw, if they pinch. VV Y Y Y Spring Goods fa ys There will he a dance at Cogs­ well’s hall at Eagle Creek, on Saturday night. Jan. 24, Good music and supper at midnight See posters. Prize For New Name The Oregon Growers Coopera­ tive Association announces a prize of $100.00 for t he best sug­ gestion for a trade name, amU $50.00 for tlx* second best. This name should he of such a nature that it will apply to all and any parts of the state, including tin* eastern as well as the western part. Such names as Skookum, Phez, Sunkist, Sunsweet, etc., are typical wellknown fruit trade names. The contest is open to all, and will be closed April 1st. Arriving Daily 1 Lot of Men’s Khaki Pants, all sizes, $2.50 per pair. 1 Lot of part wool Shirts at * $3.50 1 Lot of Maroon Jerseys at - $2.50 k Complete Stock of Groceries and you will find m any things just a little bit less at i ! * *vi • V.' V I Want and For Sale Column H. ;B.‘ SNYDER Proprietor X “:-:»X“X“X“X":-X”W“;“X*X-'X^' x*<-v •••: *x~:~x ; •: : x.x~!»:..:.x..:.,; t ¥ I . * f Y Y Y Y i ï W o.ld's Large-U C ’ty. A cenni!Il jr tn stufisi Ics. New York In Mtiirer in popiilntinn ihnn l.nndnn *>y it rpm rlcr nf n nillliun. Otc l i / n r f n r 11)1!» 1 i«‘i ii lt N.»r>,0!M» In New York njjnlnst T.nndun’s 7.7 ■>7..,VJ»5 F n r in un.v yenfs befnre ilic \v:ir the lire» nini popi il n I i. >n nf New York wns Htomlily Inemnsinj; nini tilt* mnrgin In* tween thè slzc nf th<* twu cntnmiinIMcs irrowlng less nini Icss nntll. In UH7. New gnlned tlic lenii. T h e lumi urei» nf Urcnter l.ninlnn I h squure inllcs, \\lille Orenter New York Cnvi>rs CSM) «(pinre tnlles, nf wh'eh, hnWever !>."» sqimrk mlln* is unlnlmhit «•»! innrsli lumi. l.ik e ’ .Lnmlnn. rht»- pnpulntinn nf the Inmlness enpltnl nf the nel y nrld H ih nsest nt thè Center, whem tllere lire T' 'ì.000 people t<’ th* -quare mile rmnpaiVd witli Lnndnn'« Vnrk SI). OOO.