EASTERN Thursday. December 25, 1919 ♦ V HOLIDAY GREETING! We wish all our friends and pa­ trons a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, thanking them for their past favors. I P a g e Seven Closed all Day Christmas I ESTA C A DA PHARM ACY The spirit of Christmas gives us a keener appre­ ciation of old associations and the value of new friends. T he ^l&XoJUL Store ♦H 4 *MK**X h X m -**X**H**X* v * X »v v CLACKAMAS NEWS I WILL BUY YOUR CATTLE, STOCK HOGS, FAT HOGS, VEAL, SHEEP AND FRESH COWS— May the new year bring you happiness and prosperity. If You Have Any, Let ME Know! I A lso B uy D ressed H ogs M. J. KERKES 354 E 54 St., Portland. Oregon. Telephone: l abor 4123 Call on Henry Githens at Currinsville, if you have any livestock for sale. « ! East Clackamas Supply Co. Your Satisfaction is Our Success E KODAKS- ALL KINDS AND SUPPLIES Remmington Guns-- AND AMMUNITION Fishing Tackle- GET HUNTING AND FISHING ............LICENSES HERE.............. CONFECTIONERY. ICE CREAM AND TOBACCO ED. B O N E R ’S News Stand and Laundry Agency. Mesdames Bass & Hay D R E SS M A K IN G Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing and First Class Dress Making. Notions. , Patterns. Ladies and Gents French Dry Cleaning a Specialty. N O TIC E To Precinct Committeemen and Legal Voters: The County Court at its regu­ lar term in January will appoint judges and clerk» for election boards to serve for a period of two years, as by law required. Therefore, it is necessary for the County Clerk to obtain a list ! of names,from each voting Pre­ cinct in the County of those who are legal voters, permanent resi­ dents in the precinct, and who are competent and willing to serve. Lists must be sent to the County Clerk at Oregon City not later than January 7th. 1920. FRED A. MILLER, 2t County Clerk. R E M E M B E R N. C. ABLON The JEWELER WHEN IN NEED OF FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY! Solid Gold Rings from $1.50 up. High Class Chains at lowest prices. Fine Watch, Clock and Jewelry re­ pairing at moderate prices. N. C. ADLON JEWELER : : ESTACADA, OREGON g. In Closing the Year ¡919 W e wish to thank our many friends and patrons for their liberal support and patronage during the past year, and in wishing you one and all A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year w e do so with the hopes that our relations during the coming year may be as pleasant as they hav< been during the past, and we will further strive to conduct our business so that it will not only be a convenience for you to deal with us, but also so as to effect a S A V IN G to you as well. Yours very truly, BERT H. FINCH, Hardware, Furniture, Implements.