Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, December 25, 1919, Page Page Four, Image 4

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Eastern Clackamas News
Entered at the postoffice in Estacada,
Oregon, as second-class mad.
Published every Thursday at
Estacada, Oregon
Eilitor and Manager.
S ubscription R atios
One year
Six months
Thursday, D ecem ber Z5, 191b
Fa<?e Four
Thursday, Dec. 25. 1919
)C v O '
' C h r i s t m a s Carol
"What moans this filoni round
our p r t . "
77i, Until mu sad. “moro brillili
th nu m o r n !”
Anti l'oit't’S I Imnt< il alaar owl
‘ SWOl't,
- rotimi tha P r i n f f of P r a m
is born !”
" W h a t intanfì lh" l s t a r ” tha
Ji I lib c : ih: sit <1.
" T h a t hti.rhti ns th ro u y h thn
rot i n flit'll!"
Anti ttiit/i’ls anstrorino onorhoad.
Stum "Pratt' tin rarth. good-
v i l i to m a n ! ”
'Tis > ¡(ihtnrn hunilrrd i/atirs anti
vi ra tin m b :
UV mail for Hun, likt' H u m of
scams so slow to
.Mas, Ih
m in of
llul t was suiti, in words Of
NO t.mn or sot row a't r shall
Thai Itlllt t laid ran in itili t In
In par fat 1 L u s t lo a tuna lo
All round about our fail shall
s hi n a
A luilit M r that thn wisa
virn stun.
I f un our loving wills itmlina
To that smart Lift irh.ah is
Urn l,aw.
So shall ut' Irai n ta u rid or stand
Th' si ni ilia faith of shoyhards
Anil, rlaspintf k i n d l y hand in
S u m , "Patint on north, flood-
will to m a n ! ”
Hut limy who tin thoir SOU is no
Ilut left l> <it art thn fa th of
Shall daily hntir ttm an pal-son ft,
"Tod'tu th' Pri nr > of Pa.too is
bat n !”
■lanus I ’assail l.owall.
The Sign of the Babe
“ At o this shall he a sign unto you:
ye shall find the Italic wrapped in »wad­
dling clothe» lying in a m anger,”
St. Luke 2:12.
Each year we read the Christ­
mas story of the angels and the
shepherds on the plains of Beth­
Let us follow the ex­
ample of the latter on hearing
the tidings of great joy, and go
with them to the village. Let us
stand in reverence behind them
and worship the Fa be and learn
of HIM. What is it that He
teaches us?
That God is love, because
not only is the Babe the unspeak­
able gift of God, but God is seen
in the lace of Jesus Christ. And
what does a mother see in the
face of her child, but the evi­
dence of love?.
2. Humility; the Son of God
humbled Himself to be born of a
virgin, making Himself of no
reputation and taking upon Him
the form of a servant and was
made in the likeness of men.
Let none of us think then, more
highly of himself than he ought
to think. If He Who is God In­
carnate lived on this earth as one
of the poorest and humblest, let
none dare presume on a high
social position or fret because of
the want of it.
3. A man’s true value de­
pends on what he is in himself,
not in his possessions. Neither
riches, nor lordly estate, nor
golden crown, nor brilliant reti­
nue can make a monarch a great
(Vie. A nobleman may be made
by a king, but a noble man is the
work of God.
4. That spiritual and heaven­
ly forces are si p>eme over the
material and the worldly. The
Babe exercises a persuasive in­
fluence on the hearts of men,
irradiating, softening, purifying,
capturing and binding them with
the cords of love
Such are some of the chief les­
sons taught by tin1 Babe of Beth­
lehem. If we take them to heart
and act on them, wo shall find
thorn of inestimable value for-
bringing contentment into our
lives, and as far as we are con-
corned. peace on earth, goodwill
towards men.
The N ew VA H. P. “Z” Engine
successfully uses KEROSENE
^ T 'H E lx E is mucli to interest every farmer in tins an­
nouncement, because adding tins recently perfected
small size completes a line o f engines— 1 / 2 -H . P . to 1 5
H . P . — all o f w hich successfully run on*
— also run on D istilla te , C oal 0 . 1 , T o p s or G asoline.
T h e larger "Z j " enginea always have cuccessiuiiy used
K erosene— now the new 1 j 2 t l . P . eize does to o — thereby
completing the most practical end efficient engine line ever
offered. B u t y o u cannot knew the / j by reading about
it. Coma in and see it. L et us tejl yo u w h y w e add our
reputation to that o f Fairbanks, M orse O C o . w hen selling
a / j to y o u .
Throttling Governor — Built-in Oscillating Magneto
Prices— V /2 H. P. $61.00— 3 IT. P. $100.00
6 H . P. $179.00 F. O. B. Factory.
R eed & S h ib le y
Wo want you to know we are still m business, selling
CARS. Also agents for several leading TRUCKS.
At present time we are busy putting in Freshwater Systems,
Electric Light Plants, Plumbing of all kinds and installing the
farmers Z ENGINE, now being equipped with the Bosh Magnetto.
Anybody contemplating worn in our iine, we would be pleased
to have them call on us for specifications and prices. Work guar­
anteed. Office at rear of drug store.
Reed CBb Shibley
9-, "«L*
C ounty Election Talk
The Oregon Citv E n te r p r is e
s-ivs that “ County politics in
t lackamfts is ^eginnintr to warm
up for the May primary.” Among
the names mentioned as possible
candidates, we find that of E.
W. Bartlett for representative
in (he legislature and J. W. Reed
'or countv commissioner. We
have not interviewed the«o ge"-
tlemen but probably they would
say they are in the hands of
their friends. It is very fitting
that Estacada should be r e p r e ­
sented among the state and
countv officers.
The Christmas issiih of the
Gresham Outlook is a very hand­
some number. It has a co ored
cover in red and green, and its
inside pages are filled with per­
tinent news matter and special
stories. The display advertising
is most artistic and shows a gen­
e r o u s patronage on the part of
the business men. We extend
li -arty congratulations and the
season’s greetings to Bro. St.
v lair and his staff.
Ù .
I have just received my first shipment of
G0 [fiEifTiiBD ATEfi CLAXT0M0LA5
ana wish to announce that I am now ready to demon­
strate the Quality Phonograph to all interested.
This ideal Home Phonograph makes your home complete.
The best music for the least money.
Mrs. Hilyard, principal of the
school here, has resigned and as
yet there has been no one ob­
tained to take her place.
Misses Li lian, May and Har­
riet McLt nr.an are sj ending the
holidays with their parents, R-v.
and Mrs. J. 1). McLennan here.
School closed Friday for the
holidays. Miss Mann and Mrs.
Hilyard going to their homes.
J. E. Shibley has just finished
putting in an electric lighting
system for J. A. Shibley.
Mrs. .1. E. Shibley and chil-
i t
dren Mary Elizabeth and Nor­
man have been visiting at the
Shibley home.
Joe Erickson came home from
Eugene where he is attending
the University.
Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Tenny
went to Portland Friday.
A dandelion flower was picked
in one of the garden* in town,
W. W. Dillon is home to spend
the holidays with his family.
Thn town is filling up with Hol­
iday visitors.