i OUR SLOGAN: KEEP Community Cooperation YOUR EYE ON ESTACADA! adulatasi Ni'tus v Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County \ V olume 13, N umber 14 E stacada , O regon T hursday D ecember 25. 1919 $1.50 P er Y' ear *• MASONS AND STAR HOLD INSTALLATION CHRISTMAS DOINGS AT M. E. CHURCH The public installation and an­ nual banquet of Estacada Lodge No. 146, A. F. & A. M., and Mountain Chapter No. 108, O. E. S., Tuesday night, was the most elaborate affair on the sea­ son’s social calendar. The cere­ mony of installation was held at Odd Fellovtfs Hall, the Masons being first on the program. Af­ ter a short intermission the Eastern Stars installed their officers. The spacious l o d g e room was filled with members of the orders and invited friends, to witness the beautiful and im­ pressive ceremony. A1 Drill was the installing marshal for the Masons and Mrs. Susan Greenwood gracefully escorted the newly elected officers of the * Star chapter for installation. At the conclusion of these ceremo­ nies, all repaired to the Estacada Hotel to enjoy the banquet. The large dining room pre­ sented a most charming and Yule time appearance, with the long tables arranged in the shape of a cross, in the center of which was a large Christmas tree beautifully trimmed and lighted with tiny colored electric lights. Festoons of red crepe paper extended from the top of the tree to the chandeliers and ended in green foliage. Small green leaves decorated with a red bud, marked the places for each guest at the long tables . where the beautifully appointed repast was served by a bevy of young ladies. * At the conclusion of the elab­ orate repast, the guests lingered to listen to n program of music and short speeches. J. G. Green­ wood, the retiring W. M., acted as toastmaster. Miss Ruth Dil­ lon was first on the program with a vocal selection and her rich sweet voice was at its best. Dr. and Mrs. McCall and T. Ahlburg furnished the instru­ mental music which was grertly enjoyed by all. The occasion will be a memorable one on ac­ count of there being present so A very delightful program was rendered by the Sunday School of the Methodist Church, Mon­ day evening in honor of Christ­ mas. The proceedings passed without a hitch, the children go­ ing through their parts it. a most creditable manner. They presented a very pleasing ap­ pearance as they stood on the platform with their faces beam­ ing with smiles and happy ex­ pectations. Songs end exercises constituted the program, which was concluded with three very pretty tableaux. The subjects of these were “The Shepherds,” “The Three Kings” and “ The Madonna.” Mrs. Rachel Dem- ingand little son represented th*1 last and a very beautiful picture they made. After the exercises were concluded J. K. Ely spoke briefly and each child received a sack of candy. t * Christian Church State Teachers’ Association Final arrangements for the State Teachers’ Assoc i a t i o n, which is to meet in Portland, December 29 30 31, have been made by President A. C. Hamp­ ton and the complete program for the three days’ session has been prepared. Of special interest to county school superintendents, rural teachers and club workers, will be the address of Professor O. J, Kern, who made a national repu­ tation in rural school work as many of our boys who were in county superintendent of Win­ the service and for whom the nebago County, Illinois, and who courtesies of entertainment were now holds a professorship in the extended. The committees in University of California. charge for this splendid affair, The business of the session may feel well repaid for their will be transacted by the Repre­ efforts, as this annual Masonic sentative Council, which will 1 e banquet was a most decided suc­ in session all day Monday, Dec. cess and will long be reminis­ 29. Important reports to con e cenced with pleasure. before this council are on retire­ The Masonic officers installed ment fund, salaries, state mil- were: Thomas Watson, W. M.; lage tax, promotion of thrift, E. D. Allen, S. W .; C. O. Nor­ health program, county unit, ris, J. W,; C. S. Allen, treasur­ national legislation, local legis­ er; Wm, Dale, secretary; Then. lation. Ahlburg, S. D .; S. E. Wooster, Tuesday morning, Dec. 30, J. D.; R. H. Keith, S. Steward; teachers will all meet in general -•R. H. Carter, J. Steward; trus­ assembly. Tuesday afternoon tee, 3 years, R. H. Carter. and Wednesday morning will be The Star officers are. Mrs. devoted to department work and Elizabeth Womer, W. M.; C. S. • the convention will »'close with a Allen, W. P .; Ida Norris, A. M.; general assembly Wednesday Catherin Alien, Secy.: Elizabeth. afternoon. Great interest is be­ Sparks, Treas.: Susie Green­ ing shown by teachers in all wood, Chaplain; Alice Lauryy, parts of Oregon, and it is esti­ marshal; Elena Drill, warder; mated that not less than three Chas. Norris, Sen.; May Reed, thousand teachers will be in at­ escort; Maude Sturgeon, A. E. tendance at these sessions. The star points are, Cordelia Carter, Elizabeth Allen, Ruth “ Glory to God in the highest, Keith, Jennie Krieger and Mary and on earth peace, gf>odwill to- Smith. \ ti( men.” S:. Luke2:14. Owing to a misunderstanding the Christmas exercises of the above church were announced in last week’s issue for Christmas eve. They were held however on Monday night. A suitable pro­ gram was given by the members of the Sunday School and a tree for the children. Needless to say that a very enjoyable time was passed by all, for to old and young alike, Christmas is Christ­ mas. \ The Family T heatre 1 wish to express my sincere thanks for the generous patron­ age which has be**n given me by the public. On Christmas night 1 will run an extra special film, “The Unknown Love,” with Bror.son Bros, ’orchestra to give it fitting musical accompa­ niment. Saturday, Sessue Hsy- akawa will star in, “ The Coura­ geous Coward” and Monday and Tuesday “The Pend'eton Round U* j ” will be put on, with Char­ ley Chaplin in “ A Nightmare Comedy.” Wishing everyone a very Me - ry Christmas and Happy N»*w Year, Yours truly, W. E. Linn. COMMUNITY CLUB A grod time Friday evening is assured at the meeting of the Eastern Clackamas Community Club, at the Hotel Estacada. An interesting program is being ar­ ranged and good fellowship will abound. Come out and help jolly things along in accordance with the Christmas spirit.