4 OUR SLOGAN: K E E P YOUR Community Cooperation EYE ON ESTACADA.' Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 13, . N umber 13 COLO, GAS AND ONE THING AFTEH ANOTHER The stars in their courses fought against us last week and as a friend of ours would say, “ it was one condemned thing after another.” From various causes, we were behind in set­ ting up m atter for the forms, when the temperature began to fall and the water power became too low to run the press. By Thursday night we had only printed the supplement and one run of the paper. Then the tem­ perature sinking yet lower dur­ ing the night froze the water up completely. The office was so cold that it was impossible to work until things began to thaw out, which took much time and fuel. We negotiated with Mes­ srs. Reed & Shibley for the use of a portable gasoline engine, which was duly installed, but not until Thursday noon was it in running order. We also bor­ rowed an electric heater from Dr. McCall which was placed near the ink disc to keep that warm so that the ink would run and also thaw out the form which was icy cold when taken off the imposing table. And then our troubles began, because no exhaust pipe had been at, tached to the engine, the fumes filled the office and the conse­ quence was our efficient help, Mrs. Ecker, became faint and sick and had to leave. We then fed the press and had al­ most completed the second run, when we collapsed. Miss Hoy- gaard who was distributing type, seeing our condition called for help, J. F. Lovelace and J. C. Hillman responding. Dr. Morse was called who promptly came and rendered first aid to the in­ jured with something reminis­ cent of former times. We have not much recollection of what passed, but knew we were be­ ing taken care of. Our better half had also .been summoned and we sensed her presence rath­ er than saw her. After being a little restored, a sleigh was pro- E stacada , O regon T hursday D ecember 18. 191$ CHRIS1 MAS EXERCISES $1.50 P er Y ear Mustered Out The Methodist Sunday School A distinguished officer of the will give a program and treat to Church Militant on earth, re­ the children on Monday evening, ceived his honorable discharge December 22nd. last Sunday afternoon at 3:30. The Christian church will have The Rev. I\ B. Ford, D. D., Su- a similar entertainment on ! perintendent for t he Salem dis. Christmas eve. Everybody is f trictof the M. E.Church was just cordially invited to both these stepping on to a car at Oregon Christmas celebrations. Ci»y, when thecall came sudden­ ly like a bolt from out a clear sky. The news of his death was Masons and O. E. S. > a great shock to his friends in Will Inst ill Tuesday this vicinity, as only the Sunday Invitations have been issued before he had been here holding for a joint installation of Estaea- quarterly conference and preach­ da Lodge A. F & A. M. No. 145 ing in the morning. He seemed and Mountain Chapter O. E. S. to be in better health than on his No. 108. The same will be held previous visit and in preaching in the 1. 0. 0. F. hail on Tues­ certainly showed no sign of de­ day evening, December 23» 1. clining vigor, even in thought or commencing at 8 p. m. A ban­ speech. Singularly enough this quet will be seived after these last, discourse was a clarion call ceremonies at the Estacada. to sacrifice and service Those present will certainly have it im­ cured and we were takeii home. pressed upon their minds and Before morning the effects of memories. the gassing had worked off so !)»•. Ford was a veteran preach­ that we wmre able to get down to er of the Methodist Church, his the office Saturday early to see ministry extending over fifty what could be done about getting years. Besides holding several the paper out. All through the important parishes, he was’ pro- internal upheaval when we were siding elder, or as it is now lying prostrate, the one dominat termed, district superintendent thought was the getting out of more than once. His last ap­ the paper. On reaching the of­ pointment dated from J91(>. He fice we found Mrs. Ecker had was a scholar and never thought just arrived and about to start himself too old to study the the fire. She was suffering ¿rom great doctrines of his faith,such headache as the after effect of as the Incarnation and Atone­ the gas she had inhaled. We ment, themes which are sadly hunted up S. Pesznecker who neglected by many socalled pop put in an exhaust pipe to carry uiar preachers. He was devot­ aw'ay the fumes so the engine edly attached to his chnreh and could be run without dancer an enthusiast i»i its mission, as may be seen from his official re­ from asphyxiation. By noon we port to the General Conference had the thii d run made and com­ last fall. Stalwart may well ex­ pleted the week after dinner and press him. Stalwart in .body, got the paper in the postoffice by mind ami spirit he was an in­ spiration to his bishop and follow 3:30, heartily glad that at last it ministers as well as to the laity was off our hands. under his care. But there were some compen­ In the ancient litany there is a sations for these mishaps; we petition for deliverance from found we had friends ready to sudden death, but that means help in time of need and we ex­ rather from violent death. It tend our since rest thanks to does not mean a call likf' which them for their kindness, and also I)»\ Ford received. Certainly for the many sympathetic in­ his passing was most .fitting, quiries which came from all seeing he was one who was around. And so w*e conclude ready, his house having been set that All is well which ends in order. We may say of him well,” but we hope it won't oc­ that he ‘‘walked with God, and cur again. ne was not, for God took him.” • OF THE STORM I he N ews office came nearly being flooded out Tuesday morn- itig. A. G. Ames had been thawing out tin* pipes when it proved tnat one had been badly punctured by the freeze. The water began to spurt in all di­ rections and soon the lower part o! the room was covered with two inches of w ater. The < (lice turn key had been borrowed and taken to a house on upper Main street, so it was some time be­ fore the water could be shut off at the main. Mrs. Ecker and ourscll kept valiantly trying with brooms to stem the tide and turn it out at the back dour. At last the water wai shut < J and the flow stopped Fortu­ nately no damage resulted ex­ cept to our patience and feelings. Something, however, has been gained, that half of the floor is cleaner than it has been for many a day. NOTICE I o Precinct (’ommitteemei, and Legal Voters: The County Court at its regu­ lar term in January will appoint judges and clerk.-* for election boards to serve for a period of two years, as by law required. Therefore, it is necessary for the County Clerk to obtain a list of names from each voting Pre­ cinct in the County of those who are legal voters, permanent resi­ dents in the precinct, and who are competent and willing to serve. Lists must be sent to the County Clerk at Oregon City not later than January 7th. 1920. FRED A. MILLER. ¡¿t County Clerk. C hristinas Show To celebrate Christmas Day in a fitting way. Manager Linn of the Family Theater, has secured an extra special attraction, enti­ tled ‘‘The Unknown L ove,"star­ ring Dolores Cassinelli and E. K. Lincoln. You cannot afford* to miss this. On Monday and Tuesday December 29 and 30, th *re will he extra rum; depie • ing tiie PendieLon round p. 0