Mr. Producer Why the Electric Cleaner? DR. R. G R A H A M M C C A L L methods. * \ \ E L E C T R IC S TO RE E L E C T R I C B U IL D IN G . “ BUY YOUR ELECTRIC GOODS AT AN ELECTRIC STORE.” à your shipments with us we will Office Adjoining Residence Local and Long Distance Telephone The doctor’s phone can be connected with your home phone at night if requested. One long ring Dr. L. A. Wells MULTIPLY the quality. We will proceed to Dentist SUBTRACT Any doubt you may en­ tertain as to our ability, In the same way one can wash without soap. W ater alone will remove some dirt if applied with enough “ elbow grease.” For the s;ime reason people use Electric Cleaners because they clean more easily and far better than other P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g eo n to your profits so that you will want to True, one C A N clean rugs and carpets without an electric cleaner. A broom or carpet sweeper will brush up S O M E of the dirt; and if you like the exercise and have plenty of time and strength a broom and a carpet beater will do the work after a fashion. But people use soap because it cleans more easily and better than water alone. DIVIDE ADD 4 ! PROFESSIONAL CURDS a little sum in arithmetic. There is really no comparison between the ease and thoroughness with which an Electric Cleaner removes dirt and the difficulty of sweeping. I Thursday, 11 December. 1919 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Page Eight WRITE US Associated with Dr. R. Graham McCall) Dr. R. Morse SHIP US P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n Riverview Dairy Company, Inc. 1003 Belmont, i Portland. Ore. CANCER ! NO KNIFE AND LOSS OF BLOOD f NO PLASTERS AND PAINS FOR HOURS OR DAYS TUMORS PILES FISTULA GOITRE DISEASES OF WOMEN SKIN STOMACH BOWELS f Î Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd Residence: Main and 5th Sts. Telephone Connection Mrs. R. Graham McCall Giaduau. x^mcago Musical College. PIPE ORGAN AND PIANO. 10 Years Teac r. „ Portland Physical Therapy Laboratories Attcrney-at-Ldw and Notary Ftblic 412 to 417 Journal Bill#. Portland, Ore, • * Estacece, Fire Insurance in the Home Company and through the Home Agent T H E If vou parts for your Fc rd iacti ry nor U N I V E R S A L C A R use “ bogus” or counterfeit replacements and repairs to car, you can ’t expect satis- durable service from your car. Let Men Who Know Do It Il’s not ,air to the car to repair with poor quality parts. Stick to the genuine Ford m a teria ls a n d have your Ford (; i t d for bv men who know Ford mechanism and how to best keep the car in working order. Bring your Ford car to our shop where y o q ’re sure of the square deal; sure of Ford ma­ terials and sure of Ford low prices. K eep your Ford car running full standard. RAKER & SON KSTACADA. GRESHAM J. W. REED Oregon We Sell and Trade Real Estate Negotiate Loans • Buy Mortgages Rent your Property • Write Insurance In the very best Companies. We CAN GET YGU RESULTS S. E. WOOSTER & SON, Estacada ESTACADA Agent for The Pacific States Fire Insurance Company O. D. E B Y Attorney-at-Law General Practice Oregon City, Confidential Adviser Oregon Gresham 517. HOGS! T h e farmers have found it most practical lo dis­ pose of their fat hogs over the ‘ ‘ H o g Special” route, which has been hitting it up to the tune of three trips a week. One man had to butcher his hogs for he did not keep in touch with the general TAKEN El* A red heifer Eastern Star W ill Hold Election with bell and slit in left e; r. At the neut regular meeting: o f came to niv place December 1st. Mountain Chapter O. E. S., on Owner can ba\e the same 1> fuesdav evening. December 16. coming aftei her and paying all , expanses. I. Rt. 1. 2t. l h * n Wl1 he an electlon of °™' cers for the ensuing year. All Subscribe for the N ews your members shou'd be present. home paper. i Per Order. Experience. E. W . BARTLETT FOUR Y E A R S S T U D Y IN EU ROPE O V E R T H I R T Y Y E A R S EXPERIENCE PLACE YOUR } Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses manager. Better secure your seats early, it’ s easy. Call— Broadway S2. McGUIRK & SCHNEIDER Attorneys at Law. At Gresham Office—Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, First State Bank Building. Portland Office—609-15 Fenton Bldg. Associated with Judge W. D, Fenton. FURS ARE HIGH Everywhere trappers are making big money, Ale YOU one of them? 9» We are pa\ ing top-notrh prices. Try us— you'll be pleased. Send for Free Price List today. E. R. SKINNER & Co. Box F 1121 Front Street, Sacramento, Calif. Fire I nsurance London Lancashire Fire Ins. Co. Great American Fire Ins. Co. Keep your policy in our fire proof vault free o f charge. Fred C. Bartholomew Estacada State Bank Agents