Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, December 11, 1919, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    Pa Re Six
Thursday, Decem ber ) 1, 1919
Just two weeks to do marketing for
Get your list of groceries and “fixins” made out and bring it here. You’ll find everything you want—
quality the finest, prices reasonable.
Don’t forget that we have
We handle
Swans DownJJPrepared Cake Flour
White Mountain, White River and Olympic Flour
for your Christmas cakes.
and Butter Nut Bread.
We have in orders for a car of Alfalfa Hay, also a car of Lillies’ Butterfat.
Don't bring in any more potatoes until further notice.
(Successors to the Estacada Feed Co.)
y W ÊÊiÊÊÊimËM mixtanBKt
“Now Is says the
to D o It”
the Good Judge
Go to real tobacco —
the small chew with
the rich tobacco taste
that lasts a long time.
It will cost you less to
chew than ordinary
tobacco. Any man
who uses the Real
Tobacco Chew will
tell you that.
I have just re6eived my first shipment of
and wish to announce that I am now ready to demon­
strate the Quality Phonograph to all interested.
This ideal Home Phonograph makes your home complete.
The best music for the least money.
R. G. M A R C H B A N K '
Pat Up In Two Styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-3 CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
yrn»fl» 9Vy,tart Corn ftfltnyVHtOj^BrQaidway, N ew York City
Mesdames E. E. Saling and E.
W. Bartlett entertained the Ten­
nis dub and a few invited friends
last Saturday night at the Esta­
cada hotel, the home of the for-
mer. The spacious room in
which the quests assembled, pre­
sented a most charming appear­
ance, with tlu* bright tire in the
large tireplace and numerous cut
Howe"« and potted plants which
adorned the room in profusion.
Each guest was supposed to have
a hob >y which was acted out,
some of which proved unique in
the extreme. Guessing contests
in which .prizes were giver,
Caused >nte deep thinking and
amusement, but the main fea-
’ are of entertainment was pro­
gressive anagrams. There -were
live tables and this unusual way
of entertainment was exceeding­
ly amusing. At the midnight
hour t lie tables were artistically
spread and a delightful repast
served consisting of hot tamales
and other delicious viands. Mu­
sic and dancing concluded the
evening’s pleasures and all de­
clared that the hostesses were
delightful entertainers.
A well known Portland de­
partment store advertised in
Sunday’s paper a five pound can
of the Golden West coffee for
52.55. In last week’s N ews the
East Clackamas Supply Co. ad­
vertised the same coffee in the
same sized can for $2.50, being
five cents cheaper. Moral: Look
up your home prices before buy­
ing elsewhere.
Ken Bartlett to Solicit for the new
Women’s Building at the U.
Notice has been received from
the University of Oregon that
Ken Bartlett has been appointed
to represent the Greater Oregon
student committee in handling
the local end of a $30,000 cam­
paign the students are starting
to complete the unfinished Wo­
mens Building on the Universi­
ty campus.
Do your Christmas shopping
Miss Sadie Ingram sister of
Mrs. Lee Bronson, who has been
ill jfor spme time was*taken to a
Portland hospital Wednesday ac
companied by Dr. Morse.
No Spare Time.
“Tie bought a motorboat t" -jcetipy
his spare time."
"Non ?"
“Now he'« so busy t r y ’ n p erf the
thing In « I n p e to run that he never
bas any spare time to go riding In
“p c von believe In the dot......
m o ti r . p s y c h o s i s ? "
“I refuse to be diverted." replied
Senator Sorghum. ‘‘One doctrine nt a
time 1 « ni>u"b an i lust now Pm en
miro ' 'n «ticking tip for th * Mwtme
docti it ."
S h e s a t on a c r a g In the g le a m i n g ,
A n d s n u g to th e s o ld ie r below.
T h e b ir d s to the forest w e re h o m in g .
A n d t Ke e ’m u ’ s h e ld a w a r m a f t e r g lo w .
T h e K l ine flowed m a j e s t i c , e te r n a l.
T o the a r m s o f the
in U s flight,
A n d v i c e o l i d the h i l l s in th e ir v e r n a l
U r e e ” d r e s s were a ll h u - h v i for th a
n 'g h t.
**0 Unger, a n d le a v e not f o r e v e r ,
f a i r y o u t h w ith ttie c l e a r s t e a d y e y e s !
8 <■ lo n g h a v e I sa t b y th e r iv e r
A n d w atted th y c o m i n g w ith sig h s.
C o m e , rest In m y a r m s a n d r e m e m b e r
N a u g h t , n a u g h t but o u r m o m e n t s of
b li s s !
A n d the s n o w s a n d ic e o f D e c e m b e r
W 111 d i s s o l v e in th e fire of o u r ’- ' - s . ”
; H e h a r k e d to the T.oretet’s wooing.
T u t s m ile d , q u it e u n m o v e d b y h e r p 'e a —
w h a t do yo u t h i n k y o u a r e d o i n g .”
TTe sa id , “ s p o u t in g K e r m a n to m e ?
T d o n ' I'V e v o u r toe*-« o , y o o r m a n n e r
W h ' t e a s f o r the R h i n e , it tan' s s t v ’e!
A n d the g i r l s of the S t a r S p a r . - l e d B a n ­
ne r
H a v e v o tir k i n d s k i n n e d b y a mPe.'*
—New Y o r k S u n .