Thursday, December 1 ), 1 9 19 LOCAL B R E V I T I E S AND NEWS ITEMS Mrs. Wm. Karasch of Portland was the guest of Mrs. E. E. Sa- ling this last week end. No school for two days on ac­ count o f the cold and snow to the delight of the children. Miss Orpha Clester of Aurora, arrived Saturday, to visit at ihe home o f her sister, Mrs. Ed. Douglass a few days. Mrs. M. H. Evans is in Port­ land, having gone there last Wednesday to visit at the home o f her daughter, Mrs. R. M. Standish. ' Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Posson and daughter went to Portland last Saturday night, to visit at the Fred Jorg home. They returned Sunday evening. Mattie Lonsberry of Vancou­ ver, Wash., visited his cousin E. W. Linn this past weekend, and Mr. Linn accompanied him home to spend a few days. Banker Stephens was confined to the house last Tuesday, and he did not feel like going out the following day. But needs must when business drives. Mrs. R. G. McCall went to Portland last week to attend a meeting of the Daughters of the Nile. This is an order composed exclusively of the wives of Mys­ tic Shriners. The Family Theatre THURSDAY NIGHT, DEC. 11th BESSIE LOVE -IN - “ Carolyn of the Corners’ and PEARL WHITE IN “ The Lightning Raider f 9 SATURDAY NIGHT, DEC. 13th See DESMOND in 9 9 “ The Blue Bandanna’ peeling onions, making up beds and dealing the soup to the din­ ner hounds. If your sweetheart knows you can do housework, you are as good as mairitd. FIRST PICTURE AT 7 P. M. ADMISSION'- Adults, 22c. War ta <3 : children 10c War tax c. W E Linn, Manager. EASTERN C L A C K A M A S NEW S Miss Minerva Page is employed at the post office when not in school. Mrs. A. E. Sparks went to the metropolis Monday, returning on Tuesday evening. Those who represented the Es- tacada schools at the teachers’ meeting at Oregon City last Sat­ urday, were Supt. Burns and Miss Leila Howe. J, C. Valentine injured his right hand severely Tuesday, while cranking a machine at the Cascade garage. One finger was broken and another one mashed quite badly, Mrs. J. C. Valentine has re­ turned from a visit to her mother at Myrtle Creek, and is,again in charge of the library. Her rheu­ matism is bette, but she still has to use a crutch while walking. A card from our late towns­ man A , C. Cooper, informs us that he has accepted a very good position in Oregon City and will be found at 609 10th St. He sends his regards to all his friends. Mrs. B. O. Sarver entertained her Sunday school class last Sat­ urday afternoon, in honor o f her son Benton’s fifteenth birthday. Eleven boys were present, who all seemed to enjoy themselves greatly. Mrs. Lena Underwood return­ ed home last Thursday from Underwood, Wash., where she has been helping pack apples for the l a s t three months. She broke her record this time with a score of 5,550 boxes. “ The winter of our discontent” brings business to the plumber. The barber shop was put out of commission for a time Wednes­ day, as D. B. Bass was fully oc­ cupied with torch in hand, thaw­ ing the water pipes which had frozen stiff. S. P. Pesznecker is rapidly equipping his shop with the la­ tent machinery. He has just in­ stalled a metal turning lathe from the Canedy Otto Mfg. Co. of Chicago. With this he can turn out a shaft eight feet long and fifteen inches in diameter. Re­ pair work of all kinds can be done here and very little if any, needs to be sent away. Bob Marchhank’s $1.000 corn popper is attracting much atter- tion when it is in operation. It is a very elegant affair, and there is a fascination in watching the streams of snow white kernels playing like a fountain. It is a far cry from the old fashiond iron kettle o f former days, to this iatest model which works automatically and the corn is not touched by the hands except those o f the purchaser. Page Five Hours of Sunrise and Sunset DECEMBER 11 7:35 4:26 12 4:26 7:36 13% 4:26 7:37 14 7:38 4:27 15 7:39 4:27 16 7:40 4:27 17 7:40 4:27 Date Sunrise Sunset Shooting begins one-half hour before sunrise and stops at sun­ set. The thermometer registered 8 above this Thursday, morning. A COMPLETE 1,1 NE OF W atches Clocks and * Jewelry at reasonable prices, Every article guaranteed as represented. Fine W atch Repairing. \ Q Jewely Made to Order. H. D. OLIVER. 122 Second St., *'or. Washington PORTLAND, ORE. ) ^ You are invited to tail and secure one of our popular 1920 ! ! Calendars which have just arrived. Y I ! And Lei Us Remind You that this bank is prepared every to meet proper banking need of this thriving community. : ! : : “Safety and Service’ Estacada State B ank 1 i 1 ! T FOUR PERCENT INTEREST ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSIT ! Y