Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, December 11, 1919, Image 1

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Community Cooperation
tern (£ Utrkamae Nruin
Devoted to the Interests o f Eastern Clackamas County
V olume 13,
N umber 12
If the plans o f some of our
business men do not miscarry.
Estacada will see a buildimr
boom next spring. As mention­
ed in the News two o r three
weeks ago, J. W. Reed intends
to erect a fireproof block on the
lots now occupied by Wooster’ s
real estate agency, McWillis’
grocery and the pharmacy, J. W.
Lovelace a n d Harold Wooster
bought last fall the vacant lot ad­
joining Wm. Dale’ s store and a
half interest in the wall and will
erect a two story fireproof build­
ing on it. J. C. Hillman bought
the lot and the building he now
uses as a meat market a short
time ago, and it is in the wind,
that he may join forces with
Messrs. Lovelace and Wooster in
putting up a building to cover
both lots. There is a strong feel­
ing that the coming year will be
one of marked growth for Esta­
cada. A number o f new families
are planning to move here, and
it only needs one or two advent-
ursomeand progressive spirits to
lead tne way, in making substan­
tial improvements for better bus­
iness an i housing accomcdations.
E sta c ad a , O regon T hursday D ecember 11. 1919
The Western W inter
Mrs. Mary Louisa Brown died
December 3rd, at “ the Maples,’ ’
the home in Eagle Creek, o f her
son A. J. Brown, after a linger­
ing illness of some months. The
deceased was born a t Martin-
burg, New York state, in 1837,
so she was eighty-two years of
age. When she was a child her
parents removed to Illinois set­
tling a t Richmond, where she
was married to John G. Brown.
In 1884 they came t o Oregon
near Currinsville, where she lived
until a few months ago when
she went to her son’s, home.
She was well a n d favorably
known to the old pioneers around
here. The funeral services were
conducted by the Rev. J. F. Dun­
lop last Friday and the interment
took place in Lone Oak cemetary
under the direction o f Under­
taker Carlson o f Gresham.
The Oregon Poultry and Pet
Stock Association will hold its
tenth annual exhibition at the
Auditorium next week commen-
■ cing Monday and continuing to
Saturday. Edward Shearer o f
Springwater, is superintendent
and was in Portland Monday on .
business in connection with it.
He says it promises to bo the
biggest of the kind ever held in
the northwest. The guaranteed
cash premiums amount to $1,500
and there are already 1,500 en­
tries with many more to come.
A n Apology
Owing to a variety ot causes,
partly owing to the weather, the
News is l a t e this week. We
offer our profoundest apologies
to our readers asking forbear­
ance. Accidents will happen in
the best of regulated families.
The American Legion
The Odd Fellows ha'*e kindly
lent the use
% of their hall for the
use o f the American Legion.
There will be a meeting o f the
Legion in this hall on Monday
night, beginning at 8 o ’clock.
A Letter from
Public Health Nurse
Got’ * im
New York City Dec. 2, 1919.
Editor, Eastern Clackamas News
Dear Sir, I am sending a money
order to pay for the News from
Aug. 1919 to Aug. 1920.
The Eastern Clackamas News
is always welcome and the read­
ing of it never fails to bring love-
ing memories o f the years spent
in Estacada.
I wish you success in your
work among such splendid people.
Very Sincerely
Mrs. W. A. Wash.
Miss Jane C. Allen, R. N.,
State Advisory Nurse, was in
t o w n Friday accompanied by
Miss Elizabeth Weinhold who
has just been appointed public
advisory nurse for the county.
She is appointed by t h e Red
Cross and her salary is paid out
o f the proceeds o f the sale o f I he
Christmas Red Cross seals. She
visits the schools o f the county,
inspects the children and gives
hygienic talks. She visits the
homes and advises the parents.
The examination o f the children
is not compulsory, so that if any
parents object their children are
not examined. Miss Allen comes
from New Jersey and is thor­
oughly qualified for her position.
She expects to visit at t his end o f
county one week in each month.
As her advice and examinations
are entirely free, this should be
an additional inducement to in­
vest in the Red Cross seals, as
what is expended in this way, is
returned by the services of this
competent official.
The announcement o f the mar­
riage o f Philip F. Standish to
Miss Edna Irene Deming o f New
York, has been received.
happy event took place at Salt
Lake City, Utah, where Mr.
Standish met his bride on her
journey from the east.
proceeded afterwards to San
Francisco where a brother of the
groom is in business. Mrs. Philip
Standish is no stranger here as
she has visited in Estacada with
her brother, Koscoe F. Deming.
The many friends of the bridal
pair extend to them hearty con­
gratulations with best wishes for
their future career, in which the
N e w s jo in s
con amore.
Apron Sale
Red Cross Seals
The campaign for the sale ot
these seals is being pushed with
vigor. The school children are
actively engaged in it, and all
the business houses have a sup­
ply on hand.
It is hoped five
thousand will be disposed o f in
this locality.
The Ladies Aid Society of the
Methodist Church will hold an
apron sale all day at the store o f
Ely & Son, Saturday December
13. Cake and coffee will also be
served. This will be an oppor-
tunity for procuring a useful and
inexpensive present for the good
$1.50 P er Y ear
The tickets for the Junior play
in the auditorium at the High
school, have been selling like hot
A good audience is
therefore assured them.
date, owing to the weather, has
been changed to next Wednes­
day, December 17th.
The fol­
lowing is the cast:
Dorothy Tuttle - - - Lydia Matson
B illy Butler - - Raymond Lovelace
Lieut. Griswold
- Joseph Wotxllo
Sing Toy - - - - - Douglass Drill
Woyo S m - -
- Naomi Pnddison
K/.ra I little - -
- Perry Murphy
Claris»! Burnham - - Audrey Miller
Hanl Dibble - - Steve IVs/.neckor
A d m i s s i o n ................................ 2ft and Sftc.
Reserved s e a t s ...........................,r>0e.
Curtain rises at H o ’ clock.
M. E. Quarterly Conference
The Rev. T. R. Ford, I). I)., o f
Salem, District Superintendent,
arrived Saturday to hold quar­
terly conference. He preached
a very powerful sermon Sunday
morning to a large and apprecia­
tive congregation. His subject
was “ sacrifice and service,”
drawing these lessons from the
myracle o f feeding
the live
showing that the
church has enough to supply the
hungry multitudes but it requires
sacrifice and service on the part
o f the members in its distribu­
tion. After the service (he con­
ference was called to order, hut
soon udjourned for dinner, which
was served by the ladies o f the
chureh in the basement rooms.
This was a very happy affair as
the tables groaned under the
weight of the good tilings pro­
vided for the occasion.
hungry having been fe I. the
conference was resumed and fin­
ished its business. The prospect
for the coming year is bright
and with its pastor and people
working with one mind, there
can be no doubt as to the out­
Albert Lichthorn had the mis­
fortune to break his collar lame
while skiing today, Thursda. .