Thursday, PajT“ Three EASTERN CLACKAMAS NE\VS December 4 , 1919 4* Want and For Sale Column 5 cents per line. Cash in advance 4 * ! FOR SALE ( HEAP Light j driving team and harness, both 4 fine saddle horses. Write L. A. Derry. Rt. 1. Hunt’s place, or 4 phone O. \V. Failing. 11-27-1 + ❖ * S. P. P E S Z N E C K E R , Propr. * SAFETY FIRST. * ❖ + ❖ 4 * I handle in connection with Roy Meyers, the 4 * 4 * M ILW AUKEE AIR POWER WATERSYSTEM * The best outfit made with a guarantee o f 5 years. 4 * * 4 * * 4 - * 4* Oxy-Acetyline Welding Outfit 4 * * * ❖ * * * ❖ 4 « I have a new * _--------- 1__________________ 4 * 4 * I 4 - 4 - and am prepared to do all work in that line and brazing. 1 also am agent for the 4 * 4 4 * WESTERN ELECTRIC CO. FARM LIGHTING SYSTEM •> 4 * Either one o f these systems put up by us will have my personal attention, and ad­ justments will be made free o f charge and the batteries looked after for one year. Agent for Mazda Lamps. * 4 » Pumps and fittings. 4» 4 > 4 * 4 ‘ 4 * 4 > 4 * 4 * 4 < 4 * 4 ‘ 4 > 4 * 4 > 4 ‘ 4>4> 4a 4 * 4 * 4 > 4 ' 4 * 4 * 4 < 4 < 4 - 4 . 4 . 4 . * 4 * + 4 , »S*4*1fr4> + + *l*4* + + + V V t V f Y I ? Y ? ? Y ? ? y ? Y Y Y ♦ ♦ Y ? UNEERW EAP Kleen Made and Betsy Ross BREAD For Men, Women and Children Blankets Automobile Robes From the Royal Bakery Mackanaw Coats Country Club Coffee Steel Cut 3-lb can - $1.39 Comforters , # M ens Trousers in Corduroy, Rain Test, Aquapella, Khaki, Whip Cord \ Large Stock of * i ! ! X Ink and Pencil Tablets Lead Pencils, Pen Holders Ink, Mucilage and Library Paste At Cut Prices Men, Women and Children’s Rubbers ! Granite W are, Heavy Steel ? ? I ? YOU GET IT FOR LESS AT THE ? The Peoples’ S to re ! Y ii ? H. B. S N Y D E R , Prop. ? Y Y „ V h V V •I' X**!* *X •! v v X v*!-!* I !• :• •; •> '>*W m X » * X v v * X m X - X * * > < • * > > ♦ > v • FOUND A gold ring on the Springwater road. Owner can have the same by describing property and paying for this no­ tice. Kiva Shibley. Rt. 2. WAN LEI) A salesman who has automobile and telephone. Must reside in some town located in Clackamas County. Write to Ralph Ackley Land Co., 527 Cor­ bett Bldg., Portland, Or. 12*4 TAKEN UP A red cow with a calf, came to my place in Springwater, about the end o f September. The owner can have the same l>.v coming alter them, proving property and paying ex­ penses. John Trachsel, P. O. address, Estacada, Or. FOR SALE Brood sows i)u- roc-Jerseys, will farrow soon, also young pigs. W. J. Corbin, Rt. 1. it, FOR SALE A Saxon Roads­ ter. lrquire at Raker’s garage. LOST Between Springwater and George, one tire and rim for Chevrolet car, finder please leave at Cascade Garage. ! * v*:-;..;./. Three little pigs six weeks old weighing about 21 lbs. each. P r i c e $fi.00 each., Phone Leo Rath. Carl A. Rath George, Ore. It. y ! V ? V v-X~X- MONEY TO LOAN A few thousand dollars on good securi­ ty. Inquire o f Wooster »S: Son. 11-27-4 FOR SA L E All sizes ■ FOR SALE 4 full blooded Rhode Island cockerels. G. A. Masse, Estacada. 2t. J. D..MCLeonon. Y Y Y OUR SLOGAN: 1 V V V i Enamel Assortment * 1 * i i Covert and Blue Deming Overalls SCHOOL S TA TIO N ER Y WANTED Small or cull po­ tatoes for feed. 0 . P. Mishler, Rt. 3, Estacada. Phone. 11-27-4 S FOR SALE A pure bred Jer­ sey bull calf