OUR SLOGAN: KEEP Community Cooperation YOUR EYE ON ESTACADA! Eaatmt (Clmkantaa N pmjh Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 13, t\ 4 .» k N umber 11 DISTRICT I FAULTS O N J O LEVY Out of the 11 road districts, ex­ clusive of the incorporated cities in Clackamas county, 10 of them made special tax levies of 10 mills at district .meetings Friday. Ten mills is the maximum tax that may be levied by a road district as a special levy. The lone district refusing to levy a special tax for its roads is District No. 1, formed of the old districts Nos. 1, 38 and 47. This district v o t e d almost solidly against the road bond measure appropriating $1,700,000. f o r paving county roads last week at a special election, on the ground that none of the funds appropri­ ated were to be expended within the boundaries of that district. A Live Wire Weekly We have received a copy of the special 10th Anniversary edition of the Malheur Enterprise which is published at Vale, Oregon. It is i n two sections containing fourteen pages 7 columns folio, brimful and overflowing with in­ teresting and pertinent matter. We are all the more interested in it, because we have known the editors George Huntington Curry and Olive M. Curry his wife for a number of years past, in fact since they were pupils in the grammar school at La Grande. We used to watch them going back and forth from school, as even then coming events cast their shadows before. George was born to the profession, for \ his father and uncle were editors and proprietors of the La Grande Observer, so he was brought up in a newspaper office. Since tak­ ing hold of the Malheur Enter­ prise he has developed it in a marked degree, and it ii now the leading paper in the county and the best weekly in Eastern Ore­ gon. He has a thoroughly mod­ ern plant equipped with linotype etc. and is prepared to do all kinds of printing. We congrat­ ulate him and his associate edi­ tor on their success and predict that soon they will be thinking at out establishing a daily edition. E sta cad a , O regon T h u rsday D ecem ber A Delayed Thanksgjving Party Last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Harkenrider had the pleasure of a family reunion at their home in this city. The affair was or­ iginally planned f o r Thanks­ giving Day, but owing to the fact that their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Richards of Echo, Ore., were de­ layed at Hood River-by car trou­ bles, it had to be postponed. However this mishap was not allowed to cast a damper on the festivities and all had a most en­ joyable time. T h o s e present from outside in addition to Mr. and Mrs. Richards, were Lena and Josie Harkenrider Msssrs. Walter and August Paulsen of Portland, and Julius Paulsen of George who were accompanied by their respective wives who are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Harkenrider. Six grand child­ ren also were included i n the gathering. Mr. and Mrs. Rich­ ards will remain about a month but the others returned to their homes. The Lost Is Found Readers of the News will re­ call an advertisement running in its columns September and Oct­ ober, also in the Portland papers asking the w hereabouts of John Fields brother of Mrs. George Walters of Currinsville. A short time ago, his father received word from him in Washington. It seems that on leaving here he w’ent to Montana where he work­ ed for sometime, and then left for Washington State. It is a pity he did not think to notify his friends when he left Oregon so as to save them undue anxi­ ety. “ However” all’s wrell that ends well. E. C. C. C lu b The meeting of the Community Club last Friday night was turn­ ed into a road meeting for voting the special 10 mills tax levy for road purposes. After some dis­ cussion the question was putjand carried unanimously. No other business being before the club the remainder of the evening was devoted to a social time. 4. 1919 T o C a rl B ro w n From the Eagle Creek Loyalty League, in grateful appreciation of a good son, a true friend, and a loyal citizen, and a good soldier. When you ca:ne home from Arragone with service honors high, A ready smile, a happy laugh, ami gladness in your eye, We all were proud to claim you. and happy in your joy; Y et now you lie all still and cold. Farewell, dear soldier boy! Hut no. Somewhere the courage, the mind, the heart, the will, That faced life’s tasks s o cheerily, must wait to greet us still; And as we soon shall follow, on the Long Trail all alone. We each will wish to be as I rave, as you at Arragone. Signed for the Eagle Creek Loy­ alty League by C. L. Meyers, Pres. C. L. Chambers. Eagle Creek, Oregon, Dec. 2 1919. F o rm e r R e s id e n t H e a r d F ro m Santa Ana, Cal. Nov. 27, 1919. Editor Eastern Clackamas News, Estacada, Oregon. Dear Sir; I enclose $1.50 in pay­ ment of one year's subscription. I came to Santa Ana as superin­ tendent of the Mission Woolen Mills, shown in the above cut. Like it very much here; this is a fine country and a fine climate. This Mill was on Government work during the war and 1 got acquainted w ith them i n that way. It is a business I learned and followed for years back east, but quit it temporarily for the out of doors in Oregon. Very truly yours, Ren S. Patton. NEW EPISCOPAL l " N B I S H O P CONSECRATED San Franolpco—What of thr Protect >nt Eplsconal Phil roll pro­ nounce the most Important and it tbn sam»> time beautiful rprernonv hold !o the Diocese of California sinm» the year 1901. was that whleh attended upon the consecration n f Rtnht It-ver end Edvard T.amhe Partin- , i • St. Mark’a Church, Berkeley, as C ;>dj it .• Bishop of the Diocese, dmlng tl last week. The lllshonn of eight W estern d o- reses nf the ' ’h-.iroh, a i well as more Important trn mbers of the clergy, par­ ticipated In the consecration service, which v is held at Grace Cathedral, Pan F reef co. ’ < ihop William Ford Nichol: I). of the Diocese of Cali­ fornia, v, the ;■:« ¡ding Bishop $1.50 E. U. S. P er Y ear 10 STJGF PUT The cast of three act comedy, “ Blundering Hilly,” to be given in the High School auditorium, December I2th, is as follows: Dorothy Tuttle - - - Lydia Mataon Billy Butler - - Raymond Lovelace Lieut. Griswold - - Joseph Woodle Sing Toy . . . . . Douglass I>iill Woyo San . . . . Naomi Paddison Ezra Tuttle . . . . Perry Murphy Clariaa Burnham - - Audrey Miller Hank Dibble - - Steve Pesznecker. Admission, - Reserved Seats 8:00 p, H, - 25 and Hoc - - - 50 • Orchestra. A F ootk sp Star Estacada can boast that one of its sons has acquired a stellar reputation on the football field. Ken Bartlett played last Wednes­ day for the U. of O. against the Multnomah club and so brilliant­ ly did he acquit himself that both Portland papers gave him special mention as being the best tackier and the Oregonion picked him for an All Star Pacific Intercol­ legiate team. M. E. District S u p t.W ill P re a c h The Rev. T. R. Ford, District Superintendent of the Salem