Page Two EASTE k N CLACKAMAS NEWS Thursday, November 27. 1919 N otice o f R oad D istrict M eet­ ing to V o te S p ecia l R oad T ax m Notice is hereby given, pur­ suant to Sec. 15 Chap. 299, Gen­ eral Laws for Oregon, for 1917, that a Hoad District Meeting of the legal voters of Road Dis­ trict No. 17 Clackamas County, Oregon, will be held on the 28th day of November, A. I)., 1919 in said Road District, at the hour of One o’clock P. M. in Sandy, to vote upon tin* question of levying a special tax in said Road District for road purposes j . s by law provided. H. S. ANDERSON, 10-20-27 County Judge. —, ■ sin ce w e took hold o f th e b u sin ess, an d w e ta k e this op p ortu n ity for e x ­ p ressin g our sin cere th an k s an d a p p reciation o f th e sam e. W e do all k in d s o f w ork , b ra zin g or b attery, w ith all w ork p o sitiv ely g u a ra n teed . • CASCADE GARAGE, i Our Motto is SERVICE. N o tice For P u b lication U' S. Land Office at Portland, i Oregon, October 21st, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Henry W. Larson of Cherryville, Oregon, who, on August 3, 1914, made Original Homestead Entry No.' 04202, for the E % NEb*. Section 30. and on Dec. 22. 1916, made additional lid. Entry, No. 64834, for the SL SYV'.f SW NYV \ i SW 1-4 SW '4, Section 20, and N W -4 N W % and N ^ SW % NWj.{, Section 29, Township 2 South. Range 7 East. Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of in­ tention to make Final three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver of the United States Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, on the 9th day of December, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Glen McIntyre, of Cherryville. Oregon, J. T. McIntyre, of Cherryville, Oregon; Roy Hen- on. of Welches, Oregon, and Charles Larson of Bull Run, Oregon. Proof made under the acts of June 6, 1912 and June 11, 1906. Alexander Sweek. 10-30-11-28 Register. ( ’ounty Judge. N otice of R oad D istrict M eet­ ing to V o te S p ecia l Road T a x Notice is. hereby given, pur­ suant to Sec. 15. Chap. 299, Gen­ eral Laws of Oregon, for 1917, that a Road Distr ict Meeting of the legal voters of Road Dis­ trict No. 18 Clackamas County, Oregon, will be held on the 28!h day of November, A. 1). 1919, in said Road District, at the hour of One o’clock P. M. in Esta- cada to vote upon the question of levying a special tax in said U »ad District for road purposes as by law provided. H. S. ANDERSON. 11-20-27 County Judge. N O T IC E All bills owing to us are paya­ ble at the old ••! 1 e. Please call and si-ttle the same. 1 Cl. i ada Feed Co. D O V E R IT E M S (Omitted last week) How’s This? W o nffor O n e H u n t! r e d l><>llnrn R e w o r d fo r an y ca se of C a ta rr h th a t c a n n o t be c u r e d h y H a l l 's C a t a r r h M edicine. H all':. C a t a r r h Modi it'.- h a a b e e n t n k e n b y c a t a r r h s u f f e r e r ' fot ti e p a s t t l i l r t y - flve \ \ t r a . a n d h a » l i o oinc k n o w n n s t h e m e e t r e l i a b l e r e m e d y f o r i a t a r r h . H a l l ’s C n t a n - h M e d ic in e a c t * t h r u t h e lllo o d o n t h e Muooi..s a u r f a c e e . e x ; dlinir t h e Pol* e o n fr.'in t h e H lood a n d h e a l i n g t h e d ie - en si 1 p o r tio n s . Af v m h a v e t n k « n H a l l 's C a t a r r h V*».' t .r a s h o r t t i m e you will s< e a et t 'i p r o v e n e n t In your general In iliti S t a r t t a k i n g T> !'' ^ C n - 'i r r h M e d i­ cine • e r 1 .*•>( rid * c a t a r r h S e n d f o r ' >i'n ’ l l « fr* r .1 ' M I 'N T . V * C 1' >le«lo. O h io . ill D r i u a : Chandler, Buick, Chevrolet and Bodge Cars Notice is hereby given, pur­ suant to Sec. 15. (’.hap. 299, Gen­ eral Laws of Oregon for 1917, that a Road District meeting of the legal voters of Road Dis­ trict No. 1 Clackamas County, Oregon, will he held on the 28th day of November, A. I)., 1919 in said Road District, at the hour of One o’clock P. M., in Eagle (’reek to vote upon the question of levying a special tax in said Read District for road purposes a by law provided. H. S. ANDERSON, Sold »iv : W e are a g en ts for ing so V o te Specia' R oad T a x t © W e h a v e rea so n to b e thankful for th e g en ero u s p a tro n a g e a ccord ed to us N otice os R oad'D istrict M e e t­ 11 20 27 0 . i The young folks of the Ep- worth League met at Mr. Outh- vrie’s Tuesday evening, to dis­ cuss plans for the Christmas en­ tertainment. All enjoyed a pleasant evening. H. H. Udell had several men .‘pairing the Jones Creek bridge last week. Mr. and Mrs. Akin were call­ ing on Joseph Do Shazer Friday. Mr. and Mrs. (’hades Dpde- WILCOX BROS. Proprietors. Fireproof Garage Protects Your Cars. grave were visiting friends in Portland, Saturday. Baby testing day at Sandy was held last Saturday. Several mothers from Dover took their babies there to have them tested. Arthur Evans is setting out a large strawberry patch on his ranch. O. A n d C. R. R. L ands Department of the interior Com­ missioner of the General Land Office, Washington. October 21, 1919. Hon. W. C. Hawley, House of Representatives. « My dear Mr. Hawley; Referring to your letter of the 11th inst, relative to the opening . G E O R G E IT E M S of the remaining agricultural (Omitted last week) lands in the Coos Bay and 0. and Mr. and Mrs. H. Reimer and C. railroad grants, would say Ed Scheel motored to Canhv last that I canvassed this situation Sunday to attend the wedding of pretty thoroughly when I was in Mrs. Reimer’s brother, Mr. the West recently, and it seemed Ricks. They returned Monday. to be the consensus of opinion, in which I concurred, that if we S. Mueller of Portland, is help­ should start to . open these lands ing his son-in-law Mart Doryland at the present time, it would dig potatoes this week. bring the filing and entry time Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horge right about the middle of the of Portland, visited the latter’s winter w hich would be inadvisa­ mother, Mrs. Marie Klinker of ble, and that we had best get George over Sunday. | out our maps and data early, say Miss Irene Paulsen went to by the latter part of December Portland Monday, where she in­ or early in January, with a view tends to work for a short time. to the opening in the early Mr. Ghaine of Portland, came spring, and this is our present out to his farm at George, Satur­ plan. day evening returning Sunday. Cordially yours, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson CLAY TALLMAN. were transacting business m Or­ egon City last Saturday. Card o f I hanks Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klinker and mother visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Almert last Sunday. Chris Johnson. Peter Ruhl. and T. Harders and wife were transacting business in Oregon City las Sat unlay. J. 1 . Peterson was called to Everei'. Wash., last Thursday on account of the death of his si n-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer burchased a new graphonola last week. A number of the George peo­ ple attended the show at Estuca- da last Thursday night. We wish to offer our sincere thanks to our many friends for their kindness during the sick­ ness and death ol our beloved wile and mother. We also wish to txpte.-s our appreciation of the beaut it ill flo. al offerings, es­ pecially those of the Grange and the* Rebekahs. Edwin Bates and Family. Miss Ida Wagner who has been very ill at the Good Samaritan hospital is better. An operation . however, will he necessary when she is sufficiently strong enough for the c: deal. .A