m ---------- OUR SLOGAN: KEEP Community Cooperation YOUR EYE O N E S TA CA DA ! Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas County V olume 13, N umber 10 E stacada , O regon T hursday N ovember 27. 1919 OBITUARY Sarah E. Bates was born in Niagara Co. N. Y. February 9th, * 1840. When she was three years old her parents moved to Oakland Co. Michigan, whence a few years later, they removed t o Knox Co. Missouri. Here at the age of twenty, she was uuited in marriage to Edwin Bates. They arrived in Oregon January 11th, 1871, first at Oregon City, and later took a claim on the Salmon River i n Clackamas Co. They have lived in this county ever since with the exception of two years s p e n t in Multnomah. During this time they were at different points in this vicinity, coming to Estacada some nine or ten years ago. Four children were born to them, Maud M. Howell of Ashland, Ore., E. N. Bates of Barton, F. W. Bates of Eagle Creek a n d Francis who died at the age of three years. For over fifty-three years their married life was most happily spent together. Mrs. Bates was always in good health until she suffered a stroke a few months ago, from which she never re­ covered, but after a temporary improvement gradually sank un­ til she passed away on Wednes­ day the 19th. The funeral service took place in the Christian Church of which she was a member, the Rev. J. F. Dunlop, pastor of the M. E. Church officiating. The auditor­ ium was crowded to the limit, showing t h e vast respect and affection in which the deceased was held. The sympathy of the entire community goes o it to the bereaved family especially to the husband, to whom the loss must must be most severe. Words are inadequate to meet the situation, but what they lack in expressive­ ness is made up in sincerity, and no doubt afford some s ight con­ solation to the mourners’ hearts. Thanksgiving is a season of appreciation for what has come to the country as well as for what it has escaped. On bom counts the people of America have abundant reason on this day to express their gratitude in ac­ cordance with the national insti­ tution so wisely ordered long ago. $1.50 P er Y ear FOOTBALL SEASON ENDS For dull case broken By sharpest dole, For the dart that is driven Through fle«h to soul; For wrath made sterner By right's eclipse, For brave songs breaking From pain-wrung lips— We praise Thee, O God I For faith that is born From the burning nest, For the spirit's flight On its starward quest, For peace that dwells At the heart of strife, For death that scatters The seed of life— We praise Thee, O God! THE BOND ISSUE WINS OUT Clackamas County through the carrying of the road bond issue by a big majority, has put itself in line with all the progressive sections of the state. The only opposition was from those precincts which had declared themselves opposed beforehand. Their action will react against them. It is to be hoped that when they begin to enjoy the benefits which will accrue to the whole county, from the increased facilities of transportation, which the net work of paved roads will afford, that they will be ashamed of themselves. The result of Monday’s election should put more zest into our Thanks­ giving celebration today, as it is the augury of an eru of great business activity and prosperity. Death of Mrs. B. R. Kimmel born May 6, 1866, in Iowa. On August 30, 1883, she was mar­ Th^ many friends of Mrs. B. R. Kimmel were shocked to hear ried to B. R. Kimmel in Nebras­ of her death last Saturday at th e 1 ka. They came to Oregon two years later, to Portland. In G v * ) d Samaritan hospital in Port­ land. She was taken sick about 1906 they moved to Estacada, a month ago and an operation where they have since resided, was ad' ised, as the trouble was Mr. Kimmel being employed by from gall stones. The operation the P. R. L. & P. Co. They had was successfully performed and four children, three of whom sur­ she began to improve until a day vive, Lillie wife of Robert Mc­ or two before the end came, Clintock, Carl who saw service when a change set in and she Mrs. sank rapidly. The funeral ser­ overseas,, and Arlene. Kimmel will be greatly missed vice was held Tuesday morning at Oregon City, the pastor of in this community whicn extends the Congregational church offi­ its heartfelt sympathy to the sor­ ciating. while Mountain Chapter O. E. S., of Estacada, also per­ rowing family. formed the last rites for their; A large delegation of Eastern Star members. Masons and deceased sister. Her maiden name was Lucy friends went from here to attend Ann Whiteman and she was the fune~al. The concluding game of the toot-ball season was played on the home grounds last Saturday, be­ tween the Estacada and the Ore­ gon City High Schools on the Estacada grounds. As the field w’as very muddy, the game was slow and without any spectacu­ lar features. The home team made the sole touchdown during the third quarter on a .forward pass. Both sides exhibited clean sportsmanship, the visiting team taking their defeat by 7 to 0 in a goodnatu red* manner. The Estacada boys have rea­ son to be proud of their record mis season, as they only lost two games out of seven. They are intending to try for the state championship next year provided they have tl*e services of the same coach J. K. Cossman who is the best one the school ever had. HYMENEAL On Thursday eve, Nov. 20th occured a pretty but quiet wed­ ding in the presnee of a few triends at the bride’s home on Upper Bro’oway which united the lives of Miss Maggie Ellsworth and Mr. John Wolf; S. E. Woos­ ter performing the ceremony. The bride is a popular and well known resident of Estacada while the groom is a wealthy rancher I rom Cal. Best'wishes and con­ gratulations a r e extended b y their many friends. County Teachers Institute A local institute of the teach­ ers of the county, met here last Saturday, November 22nd, under the presidency of Co. Supt. < ’ala- van. It proved to be highly successful and t h e pedagogues combined business with pleasure by adjourning for the football game. A splendid program was rendered a pleasing feature of which wras t h e music by the school orchestra and choir, I’rof. Godfrey may well be congratu­ lated on his work with them, A thankful heart and a good appetite are w hat we want today, to enjoy our Thanksgiving feast.