Page Two EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Thursday, November 20. 1919 N otice o f R oad D istrict M eet­ ing to V o te S p ecia l R oad T ax Notice is hereby given, pur­ suant to Sec. 15 Chap. 299, Gen­ eral Laws for Oregon, for 1917, that a Road District Meeting of the legal voters of Road Dis­ trict No. 17 Clackamas County, Oregon, will be held on the 28th day of November, A. I)., 1919 in said Road District, at the hour of One o’clock P. M. in Sandy, to vote upon the question of levying a special tax in said Road District for road purposes as by law provided. H. S. ANDERSON, 10-20-27 County Judge. N otice os R oad D istrict M eet­ ing so V o te Special R oad Lax Notice is hereby given, pur­ suant to Sec. 15. Chap. 299. Gen­ eral Laws of Oregon for 1917, that a Road District meeting of the legal voters of Road Dis­ trict No. 4 Clackamas County, Oregon, will be held on the 28th day of November, A. D., 1919 in said Road District, at the hour of One o’clock P. M., in Eagle Creek to vote upon the question of levying a special tax in said Road District for road purposes as by law provided. H. S. ANDERSON, 11-20-27 Cdunty Judge. N otice of R oad District M eet­ ing to V o te S p ecial Road T ax Notice is hereby given, pur­ suant to Sec. 15, Chap. 299, Gen­ eral Laws of Oregon, for 1917, that a Road District Meeting of the legal voters of Road Dis­ trict No. 18 Clackamas County, Oregon, will be held on the 28th day of November, A. D. 1919, in saiil Road District, at the hour of One o’clock P. M. in Esta- cada to vote upon the question of levying a special tax in said Road District for road purposes as In law provided. H. S. ANDERSON, 11-20-27 County Judge. Si. yv IrVJhb: & // ■ a c t',. y T i i e M ost F a ir ly P r ic e d F in e C a r ^T^HE Chandler Six leads the whole medium priced JL Held of motor cars so distinctly in popularity, because it gives such extraordinary value at such a moderate price. We firmly believe, and so do great hosts of people pi! over America, that the Chandler Six is the most fairly priced fine car built. It is quite as distinct in the excellence of its design and construction as it is in the fairness of its price. And th a t is w hy th e C handler has com e in to its p osition of u n d en iab le leadership. T he C handler Six is d istin gu ish ed for its m arvelous m otor— th e exclusive C handler m otor now in its seven th year of c o n sta n t refinem ent and for th e sturdy stren gth and sim p licity of its entire ch assis, and for th e beauty and com fort of its several types oi body. 0 0 ,0 0 0 Chandler Owners Testify Their Satisfaction S u m rascengrr T «ring Car, S I W S Four-Passenger Roadster, S179S tour-Passenger Dispatch Car, f l 8 7 S Seven Passenger Sedan *27*6 to u r Passenger Coupe, S2b95 Limousine. $3295 A U pria'ssf o. L. C hvtlanJ CASCADE GARAGE ESTACADA, OREGON CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OHIO NOTICE I'lus O to notifj the public that the meat market will be cl-»ed all day thanksgiving. I C. Hillman. How’s This? TTf ofTor O n * H i P o l l a n R*W»!\1 f o r a n y r a a * o f C a t a r r h t h a t o a n o o t b* c u r e d b y l l a l l ' a C a t a r r h M edicine. H a l l 's C a t a r r h Me,li n, h a s b e e n t a k e n b y c a t a r r h auffer« t s ; tl .■ p a s t t h l r t y - A\*> y - a n , a n d h a s be. m> k n o w n a s t h e m u s t r e l i a b l e r e m e d y toi C a t a r r h . H a l l ’» C a t a r r h M e d ic in e t u t s t h r u t h e H lood o n t h e M u c o u s s u r f a c e s . »s p e l l i n g t h e P o i ­ r e n ft m t h e B lo o d a i.d h a l i n g t h * die- * t- e d p o r tio n s . Vftf-r y o u h a v e t a h e n H a l l 's C a t a r r h Me-! m e f o r a s h o r t ti m e \ o u w ill s e e n n prove m en t \ cur genet 1. h St *rt t s k t n g H i t a r r h Med* cln.- a t ortee a n d s e t rid .-f . t t a r r h . S e n d f o - t e s t l r ..r>'al« f r r ^ * i ' tirX 1 v x Sold b y -Ol P ru g g 1 « ts . : O lila N o tice For P u b lication U* S. Land Office at Portland, Oregon, October 21st, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Henry W. Larson of Cherry ville, Oregon, who, on August 3, 1914. made Original Homestead Entry No. 04202, for the ES- N E h . Section 30. and on Dec. 22. 1916, made additional Hd. Entry. No. 64834, for the S ' j SW 4 SW '4, NW 'i SW 1-4 SW L. Section 20. and NW b NW h and NG SW b S W 1,, Section 29. Township 2 South. Range 7 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of in­ tention to make final three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver of the United States Land Office, at Portland, Oregon, on the 9th day of December. 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Glen McIntyre, of Cherry ville, Oregon. J. T. McIntyre, of Cherry ville, Oregon; Roy Hen­ son, of Welches. Oregon, and Charles Carson of Bull Run, Oregon. Proof made under the acts of June 6, 1912 and June 11. 1906. Alexander Sweek. 10-30-11-28 Register. Mountain Chapter No. 108, 0. E. S.. had a very pleasant meet­ ing Tuesday night. Out of town members present were Mrs. N. S. Lauryy, Mrs. E. D. Allen and J- G. Greenwood. A most tem pt­ ing luncheon was served at 6:30, after which the Chapter assem­ bled in the lodge room and the regular order of exercises taken up. Three candidates received the degrees and became mem­ bers of the order. Aftention is called to a number of new ails, in this issue.