Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 20, 1919, Image 1

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Community Cooperation
Devoted to the Interests of Eastern Clackamas Counti/
V olume 13,
N umber 9
The road meeting last Monday
night, showed that the people in
this vicinity are highly in favor
of bonds. Owing to the fact that
the school meeting for the cqn-
sideration of the budget for the
coming year was scheduled for
that evening, the roadmeeting
was postponed to immediately af­
ter the former was ended. A
good and representative audience
was assembled which was called
to order by H., C. Stephens, who
introduced the subject by deal­
ing with its financial side, ex­
plaining how the bonds are to be
paid. He m a d e an excellent
point in showing that the inter­
est and principal w o u l d only
amount on a $1,000 valuation'.to
$4,45 per year during the term of
the issue. This is almost a neg­
ligible sum, as that amount will
be saved in wear and tear, time
and convenience several times
over during the year, by paved
roads. Owing to a mix up in
dates, the Oregon City speakers
could not be present, so volun­
teers were called upon. The
Rev. J. F. Dunlop made a gener­
al good road speech which elicit­
ed warm applause. The editor
of the News followed, stating
that if he had had any hesitancy
about voting fcr bonds it was re­
moved the day before, when he
was taken for a ride which took
him over into Multnomah county.
The difference between the roads
in Multnomah and those in Clack­
amas county would be obvious to
a blind man much to the discre 1-
it o f t h e l a t L r Mayor Bartlett
was the last speaker, who in an
exhaustive speech related his ex­
periences this summer in Calif­
ornia, which state has expended
so much on paved ria ls and has
voted an additional forty millions
for this purpose. If this meet­
ing is any indication of the final
result next Monday, the road
bond issu.e will carry' as it did
lately in Union county, by a vote
of 4 to 1.
Much interesting m atter has
to be left over to next v eek.
E stacada , O regon T hursday N ovember LfD 1919
M odern W o o d m en
T h e S ch ool M eetin g
Estacada is becoming quite a
lodge town. The Modern Wood­
men of America is the latest
fraternal order to be represent­
ed here. Last Thursday even­
ing, in the I, 0. F. hall, a camp
was organized by the State I)ep-
iuty Consul, A. P. Martin of
Portland, assisted by Mr. Gester,
clerk of-the liernvvood Camp,
A class of twenty members
was presented for initiation in
the mysteries of woodcraft,
while a number of old members
joined by transfer. Several ma­
chine loads of Neighbors came-
over from Gresham and Damas­
cus to help in the work and give
the new camp a propitious send-
off. •
The following officers were
elected and installed with ap­
propriate ceremonies:
Consul, Hugh S. Jones; Vice-
consul, James Park; Banker, C.
S. Allen; Clerk, P. S. Stamp;
Escort, Sam Barr; Watchman,
Grover Kiggins; Guard, Harry
Pitching; Past Consul, Walter
Campbell; Trustees, LeeS.»Bron-
son, Dinnis Kinsey and Charles
Refreshments were served at
midnight and all reported that
they had the time of their lives,
while the visiting members got
home in time to get breakfast.
The meeting at the High School
Monday evening, for the purpose
of voting a special district tax to
raise the necessary amount ri -
quired to meet the school expens­
es for the fiscal year, was a very
harmonious one.
All three directors were pres­
ent and the assemblage was call­
ed to order by the chairman, J.
K. Ely. After some discussion
of the special tax to be voted, it
was moved by S. E. Wooster and
seconded by H. C. Stephens that
the district vote a special 13 mill
tax. This was unanimously car­
ried. The budget calls f o r a
$14,445 appropriation, t h e 13
mills special tax will bring tins
up to $15, 291.87.
The desireability of disposing
of; the motion picture machine
owned by the school was discuss­
ed. The motion was made by 11.
C. Stephens and seconded by E.
W. Bartlett that the machine be
left to the school Board to be
used as they think best for the
benefit of the school.
No further business being on
hand, the meeting adjourned.
Mrs. Susie Sarver,
Firm C h a n g es H an ds
O r g a n iz e C am p
As will be seen by his adver­
tisement, Mr. Harry'Snyder has
bought out the genera! store of
I. M. Park. Mr. Snyder is well
known here as an energetic busi­
ness man, having clerked for­
merly for Cary Bros. He is in
for going ahead as he thinks this
community is as good and re­
sponsive as any other, and we
predic- he will give it what it
wants. The former owner has
not yet decided |n what line he
w 11 engage, but he does not in­
tend to remain out of business.
This town would seem strange
without the name of I. M. Park
as one of its firms.
F ootb all G a m e
Estacada High will play Ore­
gon City High on Saturday after­
noon on the local field commen­
cing at 2:30 p. m. As this prom­
ises to be the game of the sea­
son all fans are expected to be on
deck to root for the home team.
T h e Junior debating stars,
Douglass Drill, Jack Smith, and
Bruce Randolph have challenged
the Senior class to a debate to be
given in the near future. The
question will be Resolved “ That
women should lie paid the same
wages as m e n for the same
The different classes are busy
selling tickets for the Oregon
City vs E. H. S. game to be play­
ed Saairday Nov. 22, 1919. Do
Your Bit “ All you need is fifty
cents ano a heart."
The Domestic Science Depart­
ment has recently made the ad­
dition of six new electric plates
to their equipment. At the pres­
ent they are serving from 25 to
40 hot liinches every day. In
addition to this regular work
they are also going to serve a hot
dinner at the Teachers Conven­
tion which is to be held at the
High School next Saturday.
The Freshmen and Sopnomore i
classes now possess t w o new’
class pennants of which they are
very p.oud.
$1.50 P er Y ear
The Eastern Clackamas Ladies
Community Improvement Club
passed the following resolutions
last Monday afternoon.
Whereas it has come to our no­
tice that certain people living in
what is now Road District No. 1
are opposing the Road bond is­
sue and are making many mis­
leading statements to fool and
delude the voters, and
Whereas such District No. I
has received in th“ past few
years pracrically all of the road
money expended for the hard
surface roads as the same has
been appropriated at the Budget
meeting, ami as a result thereof
have secured a large amount of
hard surface roads in that dis­
trict at the expense of the coun­
ty at large, therefore be it re­
That in our < pinion it is a very
narrow and selfish stand taken
hy certain people of said district
in opposing good roads, and be it
Resolved that we do most
heartily endorse the Road Bond
Issue and the efforts of those
public spirited citizens of the
county who are striving so ear­
nestly to secure the passage of
the measure, and we declare our
belief to be that the action of the
people referred to in District No.
1 is resulting in uniting the vote
of the county in favor of the
Mrs. J. W. Reed,
Mrs. II. C. Stephens, Sec’y.
Mrs. E dw in B at?s P asses
Mrs. Sarah E. Bates died last,
night at 10:30. after a lingering
illness of some weeks. The fu­
neral will be held in the Chris­
tian Church sit 1:30 p. rn. Friday.
Particulars will be given next
week. 'The bereaved familj has
the sympathy of the community.
T h a n k sg iv in g S ervice
A special Thanksgiving Day
service is being arranged to be
held in the M. E. Church at ten-
thirty a. m. Addresses will he •
made by Revs. J. F. Dunlop and
U. H. Gibbs.