Why the Electric Cleaner? 4 4 4 4 4 Thursday, November 6, 1919 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Page Eight There is really no comparison between the ease and thoroughness with which an Electric Cleaner removes dirt and vthe difficulty of sweeping. True, one CAN clean rugs and carpets without an electric cleaner. A broom or carpet sweeper will brush up SOME of the dirt; and if you like the exercise and have plenty of time and strength a broom and a carpet beater will do the work after a fashion. In the same way one can wash without soap. Water alone will remove some dirt if applied with enough “elbow grease.” But people use soap because it cleans more easily and better than water alone. For the same reason people use Electric Cleaners because they clean more easily and far better than other methods. ELECTRIC STORE ELECTRIC BUILDING. ‘BUY YOUR ELECTRIC GOODS AT AN ELECTRIC STORE.” Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 108 of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, that a School Meeting of said District will be held at the Eststcada High School, on the J 7th day of November, 1919, at 8 o’lock in the P. M. to vote on the proposition of levying* a special district tax. The total amount of money needed by the district during the fiscal year be­ ginning on June 30th, 1920 and ending on June 30, 1921. is estimated in the following budget and 'includes the amounts to be received from the county school fund, state school fund, special district tax, and all other moneys of the district: 4 i c í 4 t t à y 4 f 4 4 4 * À THE U N I V E R S A L CAR If you use “bogus” or counterfeit parts for replacements and repairs to your Ford car, you can’t expect satis­ factory nor durable service from your car. Let Men the h ’s car not to fair repair to with poor quality W ho Know parts. Stick to genuine Ford Do It the materials and have your Ford car cared for by men who know Ford mechanism and how to best keep the car in working order. Bring your Ford car to our shop where you’re sure of tht' square deal; sure of Ford ma­ terials and sure of Ford low prices. Keep your Ford car running full standard.’ RA K ER ESTACADA. & L Notice of School Meeting SON GRESHA M BUDGET ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Teachers’ salaries - $14,000.00 Furniture . . . 150.00 Apparatus and supplies, such as maps, chalk, erasers, stoves, curtains, etc. - 500.00 Library books- - - - 100.00 Repairs of schoolhousfes, out­ buildings or fences - - 600.00 Improving grounds - - 25.00 Playground equipment - - 25.00 Janitor’s wages - 1,500.00 Janitor’s supplies - 50.00 Fuel - . . . 500.00 Light - - - - 150.00 Water - . . . 100.00 Clerk’s salary . . . 100.00 Postage and stationery - 50.00 For the payment of bonded debt and interest thereon, issued under Sections 117, 144 to 148, and 422 of the School Laws of Oregon, - 2,605.00 Manual Training and Dom­ estic Science - - 250.00 Insnranse - 200.00 Printing . . . 50.00 Total estimated amount of money to he expended for all purposes during the year $19,955.00 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS From county school fund dur­ ing the coming school year $1,435.25 From stste school fund during the coming school year 353.35 Estimated amount to be re­ ceived from ali other sources during coming school year 3,711.40 Total estimated receipts, not . including the money to be received from the tax it is proposed to vote - $5,500.00 RECAPITULATION Total estimated expenses for the year . . . $19,955.00 Total estimated rceipts, not including the tax to be voted 5,500.00 Balance, amount to be raised by district tax - - $14,445.00 Dated this 28th day of October, 1919. Attest: Mrs. Susie Sarver, District Clerk. John K. Ely, 6 .1 1 r n i i B > i • 1 >f .) rectors. 10-30 It-13 ROLL OF HONOR U Ç D R . R. G R A H A M M C C A L L P hysician and S urgeon Office Adjoining Residence Local and Long Distance Telephone The doctor’s phone can be connected with your home phone at night if requested. One long ring Dr. L. A. Weils Dentist Associated with Dr. R. Graham McCall Dr. R. Morse P hysician and S urgeon Tests Eyes and Fits Glasses Office on Main Str. between 1st and 2nd Residence: Main and 5th Sts. Telephone Connection Mrs. R. Graham McCall Graduate. vmieago Musical College. PIPE ORGAN AND PIANO. 10 Years Jenc i . „ Experience. E. W. BARTLETT Attorney-at-Law arc! Notary Public Estacada, -:- Oregon We Sell and Trade Real Estate Negotiate Loans • Buy Mortgages Rent your Property - Write Insurance In the very best Companies. We CAN GET YOU RESULTS S. E. WOOSTER & SON, Estacadn O. D. E B Y Attorney-at-Law Gencal Practice Confidential Adviser Oregon City, -:- Oregon Broadway S2. Gresham 517. McGUIRK & SCHNEIDER Attorneys at Law. At Gresham Office—Tuesdays, ihursdavs and Saturdays, First State Bank Building Portland Office—609-15 Fenton Bldg. Associated with Judge W. D, Fenton. CAHiLL BROTHERS, T A X ID E R M I S T S Write or phone to Eagle Cree k, or l ave your at W :n . D a le ’s store, cLtaeaJa. Prices on request. s p e c . mens November NOTICE All parties indebted to Reed & Shibley are requested to call and settle at once. Pay to Mr. Har­ ry Snyder at the obi barber shop. Reed & Shiblcy. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cooper leave tomorrow for Portland, to remain till March, when they in- tend to return here, in spite of rigid prohibition. Jupiter Pluvius keeps Oregcn wet. Ernest Ryneg, Lejrge Walters, Wa ter Douglass. Mrs. Grace ?, c Cinnoy, Bob McClintock, John B. Bowman. Our thanks are due Phil Ma- quam foradjzen eggs from his record laving hens. Considering the market pi ice it is some gift. i 11 Ii N E W W E S T M A 6 A / 1 N R "Building The W est" Extab! shed 1910- For the developm ent ot W estern industrial, agriculture, m ining oil. and nr-> : < ; ttractions. Of interest to the W e s'r'n investor, farm er and sightseer. P rinted on 1. j grad* ;« p rr with coptnr half-tone il!iistra..u.-,s. l i a r , t 'i ; copy. 20c. Sample. 10c. 3 hack i n- b. rs for 21-c. Send now. The New Wc*t Y a -J- 1211 W alker P ar« Tt. !/.. Salt 1 a';c C \ I ’tah : 1004 W hite Illdg . S 'a t tie. W a :h .: " >0 W oodward Ave.. D etroit, Mich. Address near­ est office, or place your subscription through th u n ew sp ap er.