Thursday, November 6, 1919 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS Hours of Sunrise anil Sunset Mrs. Henry Cromer and chil­ dren returned Tuesday afternoon from a visit to Oregon City. NOVEMBER Date Sun rise Sunset 6 6;52 4:51 6:53 7 4:50 8 6:55 4:48 9 6;56 4:47 10 6:57 4:46 11 4:45 6:59 12 7:00 4:44 Shooting begins one-half hour before sunrise and stops at sun­ set. It is good news that Reed & Shibley are still in the ring. Look up their ad in this issue. Supt. F. E. Burns was a Port­ land visitor Saturday. Ivirs, D. B. Bass and children went to Portland Saturday for the week-end. Mrs. 0. H. Schock had for a week-end guest, her cousin, Mrs. J. N. Dawson of Portland. C. E. Sparks was here from Portland Saturday night to at­ tend the masquerade dance. Mrs. Myrtle Belfils and son Al­ bert returned here last Monday and will remain instead of going away for ihe winter. Phil Adams o f Portland, visit­ ed his sister, Mrs. T. Ahlburg, last week end and attended the Artisan dance Saturday night. The Misses Rosallie Allen and Carol Holee of Portland, spent the week-end as house guests at the home o f Mrs. Julius Krieger. Charlie Bard, a resident of the Springwater neighborhood for a number of years, but now of Idaho, was visiting in this vi­ cinity a few days last week. Henry Cossman, the h i g h school, boy who underwent an operation a couple o f weeks ago at the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland, returned home last Friday evening. He seems to be getting along fine. The Family Theatre T H U R S D A Y NIGH T, N O V . 6th WILLIAM DESMOND in “ Dangerous Waters" Trte stroy of a rich girl who stepped off the straight path, S A T U R D A Y N IG H T N O V . 8th “The-Sleeping Lion” BY MONROE SALISBURY “The Other H alf” What is it? Give a guess. Watch for it at the Family Theatre Nov. 20iw ADMISSION: Adults, 22c. War tax 3c Children 10c War tax lc, W. E. Linn, Manager? Mrs. J. C. Valentine is visit­ ing with her folks at Myrtle Creek and Miss Gladys Ely is taking her place at the library until her return. Miss Sadie Ingram, who has been here for the past week vis­ iting at the home o f her sister Mrs. Lee Bronson, left for her home in Portland today. A Portland gas company is ad­ vocating the advantages o f a gas furnace over those o f other kinds and is running a pathetic series o f pictorial ads. entitled “ The Little W idow.” These show her coming home to a cold house and having to go to bed at 9 p. m. because the coal heater had gone out while she was at work. We would suggest the easiest way to remedy matters, would be for her to strike another match. Mr. and Mrs. E. I). Allen lett for their home at Marmot yes­ terday, after a two weeks visit here with relatives and friends. Mr. Allen was taking his vaca­ tion. Dr. L. A. Wells after finish­ ing his hunting trip, went to Portland to bring his wife and son home with him, who had been visiting at Roseburg. They arrived Monday noon. There will be services both morning and evening next Sunday at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m., Young People’s Meeting at 0:30 p. m. Everyone cordially invited to attend these services. J. F. Dunlop, Pastor. Mr. and Mrs, B. F. Bullard re­ cently received a letter from their son Clarence, who is in the navy, saying that he sailed on Oct. 27th on the West Chatala from Baltimore, for a cruise o f nine months. He will go to Europe and Asia and perhaps around the world. J. 1). Stevens o f Portland, called at the News office Monday afternoon. He had been to Cur- rinsvillo looking at a piece o f property there and came on to Estacada. He is enthusiastic on good roads and did some boost­ ing for them in Union Co., where at the recent election the bond­ ing proposition was carried 4 to 1. He is thinking o f attending a meeting o f the Live Wires at Oregon City and telling them o f the methods adopted by the Un­ ion County boosters, which may serve as a pattern for Clacka­ mas county to follow. Mr. Stevens is a veteran of the Civil War and a member of the G. A. U. ¡Oregon Poultry Farm Phil. Marquam, Proprietor i have no pull O'» ..r sale. A few pedigreed eix us and cockerels, five and ten dot ars each. Also a few trap-nes ted hens, record of 200 eggs in pullet year, for sale, price ten dollars each. Oregon Poultry Farm (Located one mile out of Kstacada, Oregon, on Garfield road.) ^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Shop on Broadway adjoining office of E. VV. Bartlett. G . R E IN Shoe Maker & Repairing ALL WORK DONE IN A FIRST CLASS MANNER Can tit any shoe to any foot. M. E. Church A card from 0. O. Bland states that they like California very well, and that they have moved to Santa Cruz, where they have rented a place for a year. Their address is at that city, Rt. 2, Bx. 730. The many friends of Col. J. G. Kilgore will regret to learn that he had a stroke of paralysis last Friday morning, while standing on the street down town at Gresham. Men standing by pre­ vented him from falling to the sidewalk and took him imme­ diately to his home. Medical aid was summoned and it is said the stroke was a slight one and that he is doing well. Page Five i R. R. CARLSON Undertaker and Einbalmer Gresham - Oregon Warren McWillis Local Agent, for Estacada