Eastern Clackamas news. (Estacada, Or.) 1916-1928, November 06, 1919, Page Page Two, Image 2

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Page Two
Thursday, November 6. 1919
Early Snow in Eastern Oregon
We may think the recent rains
rather monotonous, but we are
fortunate not to he in the plight
of Eastern Oregon. A letter
from La Grande, dated October
31, states that a blizzard was
raging and that they had a deep
snow. The farmers were feeling
blue about their root crops and
apples. A letter from Mrs. F.
M. Gil) of I)ufur, written to her
father Wm. Dale, says:
“ We are holding a funeral this
morning, (October 27) shaking
down apples and burying them
in the snow. It is their oniy sal­
vation. The temperature drop­
ped to 11 above last night, and
froze them thru and thru. We
have 500 boxes picked, all Die
Bananas, Spitz, about half the
Jonathans and some Wagoners.
Have Wolf R. Bailey, Sweets,
Boyce and most Gearings also in,
but there art1 about 1,000 bushels
out in the snow, all the Newtons,
Northern Spies, etc. - - Well
I must go and sweep the snow
under the trees to cover the ap­
ples. Have about five inches of
the beautiful.”
N otice For P u b lica tio n
U* S. Land Office at Portland,
Oregon, October 21st, 1019.
Notice is hereby given that
Henry W. Larson of Cherryville,
Oregon, who, on August 3, 1914,
made Original Homestead Entry
No. 04202, for the ti'/z NEbC
Section 30, and on Dec. 22. 1916,
made additional Hd. Entry, No.
04834, for the S' • S\V , SW' , ,
NW yx SW 1-4 SWD, Section 20,
and NWB NW'{ and N '4 SWJi
N W S e c t i o n 29, Township 2
South, Range 7 East, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of in­
tention to make Final three-year
Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the
Register and Receiver of the
United States Land Office, at
Portland. Oregon, on the 9th day
of December, 1919.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Glen McIntyre, of Cherryville,
Oregon, .1. T. McIntyre, of
Cherryville, Oregon: Roy Hen­
son. of Welches. Oregon, and
Charles Larson of Bull Run,
Proof made under the acts of
June 6, 1912 and June 11. 1906.
Alexander Sweek,
H o w ’s T h is?
W o offrr O ne H u n d re d 1 M i l a n H o w a r d
fo r a n y cnee of C a t a r r h th a t c a n n o t b«
c u re d hy H a ll'» C a t a r r h Medicine.
H a ll's C a t a r r h Medicine h a s been t a k e n
by c a t a r r h suffe re ra for th e p u st t h i r t y -
five y e a rs, a n d h a a become k n o w n a s t h e
m oat reliable re m e d y for C a t a r r h . H a ll’s
C a t a r r h Medicine a c ts t h r u th e Klood on
th e Mucous s u r f a c e s , e xpelling th e P o i­
so n from th e n io o d a n d h e a lin g t h e d is ­
e a se d portions.
A fte r you h a v e t a k e n H a ll's C a t a r r h
M edicine for a s h o r t tim e you will ace a
im p r o v e m e n t
In y o u r g e n e rn l
h e a lth S ta r t ta k in g H a ll's C a t a r r h Medl-
rh S e n d
for 1« d l m o n l i ' x free
F .1 i ’H I'V K V ft CO.. T oledo, Ohio.
Sold bv all D r u g g is ts , 75c.
Compare the CHandler
With. Any Car
HANDLER, checks with the finest high-priced
cars in essential features of design and construc­
tion. And other cars selling at hundreds of dollars
more than the Chandler do not check with Chandler.
These are not claims. They are facts, which we can
help you to prove quickly.
Chandler is the most fairly priced fine car in the
American market. And the faithful pursuance of the
Chandler Company’s policy to make it that and keep it
that, have won for the Chandler Six a place of dis­
tinctive leadership.
Sixty thousand Chandler owners testify to the
marvels of its motor, to the sturdy strength of its en­
tire chassis, to its comfort, and to the economy of its
Six b e a u tifu l b o d ie s are m ou n ted on
th e on e s ta n d a r d C h a n d le r c h a ssis
S e v e n - Passenger Touring Car, $1795
Four-P assenger Roadster, $1795
hour-P assenger Dispatch Car, $1875
Seven-P assenger Sedan, $2795
Pour-Passenger Coupe, $2695
L im ousine, $3295
A ll Prices / . *. k. ClevelouA
Mrs. Bateson and daughter
Marior, of Portland, were the
week-end guests of her sister
Mrs. Henry Johnson.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Harders visic-
ed their sister and brother-in-law
of Mulino last Sunday.
Mr, Rendleman and Chris
Klinker were transacting busi­
ness in Portland last Friday.
Ed Harders and Peter Ruhl
were also transacting business in
Portland on Saturday.
Mrs. Charles Pendleman visit­
ed Mrs. Theo Harders last Thurs­
The flooded condition of the
sewer, caused an overflow in the
Cascade Garage. At the au.o
livery of S. Pesznecker. the mess
was worse, because he h is not
put in yet, a eon'-rjf e flo-v.
The At” san masquerade dance
last Sature*a • m *ht was a great
success, thcie oeing a 'urge at­
tendance. A number of couples
from Portland were present, and
most of the dancers wore masks.
A Portland orchestra furnished I
music and at midnight the Arti­
san ladies served lunch. There
were quite a number of very
pretty costumes.
The lodge
cleared $59.00 for its building I-
P ovom bor 2 to l i , 1913
t ».me to R e-Join