Page Six Thursday, October 30, 1919 EASTERN CLACKAMAS NEWS We can handle any Í PRUNES H That you have not contracted Don’t forget us when you are ready to market yonr POTATOES A company of the American Legion will be formed at this place soon. ESTA C A D A FE E D CO. GROCERIES • LUMBER FEED Branch Store at Viola. LEE S. BRONSON « * We Believe “A Satisfied Customer is the Best Advertisement.” HARRY C. REID Dry Goods and Notions ’s a F rien d ly T ip ” says the Good Judge t i X A T JL Groceries, Some Hardware, X I Men who know tobacco, chew the best without its costing them .any more. They take a little chew and it’s amazing how the good taste stays in a rich, high grade chewing tobacco. For lasting tobacco satis­ faction, there’s nothing like a small chew of that rich-tasting tobacco. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW MILTON D. EVANS ! ! ? v ? V V Dishes, Knives Forks and Spoons, Lamps, Lanterns, Clobes and Chimneys, BLANKETS. FLOUR and POTATOES. RIGHT "PRICES GUARANTEED. I. M . P A R K GENERAL MERCHANDISE x Y ? Y ? ? ? Y Y Y Y Y »> V put up in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco àny.Ì107‘ B roadw a y. New York City The principal noticeable diff­ erence from the change of time, is that it is lighter on getting up and darker when wc go home for supper. William Dale was in Portland, Tuesday. Banker 1L C. and Mrs. Steph­ ens were in the metropolis Tues­ day. Farmers and others living out in the country can have all mod­ ern conveniences in their homes now at not too great an expense. Look up the ads, in this issue of .). Shafford and S. Pesznecker. President Wilson in vetoing the dry bill had the courage of his convictions. REMEMBER N. C. ADLON The JEW ELER------- WHEN IN NEED OF FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY! Solid Gold Rings from $1.50 up. H»gh Class Chains at lowest prices. Fine Watch. Clock and Jewelry re­ pairing at moderate prices. N. C. ADLON ESTACADA. OREGON JEWEI.ER -J)